Thanks Kenshiro for the beta and here is what I experienced so far: CPS1: no problems with any of the games. CPS2: after playing a few games, it would give me a error loading the game and if one does go thru it will either play with a black screen or freeze the emu. loading either version of hyper sf2 comes up on black screen but can hear it working fine. last thing I had trouble with CPS2 was with certain games it would freeze the emu when you go to the in game menu the second time. (ex: loaded up mshvsf and before the title screen, I setup my buttons and resumed and then tried to go back to in game menu and froze the emu). NeoGeo: didn't get to try out this one much as of yet but did have a problem loading any version Garou except the bootleg, would just freeze the emu after it says romset was ok. Very nice so far, keep up the great work