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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. yea i don't really see it either (amd64), oh well i'll just stick to the normal ones.
  2. broken here too
  3. ok, i normally just get mame plus when a update comes out tho once in a while i bump into versions that claim optimized for athlon, p4 and such and i'm wondering if those certain versions really make a difference compared to the normal build?
  4. when you get into xbins, go to xbox, apps, emulators, arcade, fba-xxx, and theres a folder to get fba-xxx pro. i'm guessing you meant dvd2xbox 7.4 and thats in xbox, apps, file managers
  5. getting posted with par2s as we speak
  6. i don't recomend solderless either but if you must, i'd say x3+xapt3r is your best choice as it uses the best mod out. some ppl only care for the x3 if they plan to get the x3 control panel so i'm sure the other 2 would do just fine if you don't want x3 and the extras it offers.
  7. ok guys/gals, the post is going as i type (actually before i typed but i was busy ) to the same groups as before which are: alt.binaries.the-terminal alt.binaries.games.xbox alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo now the set should show up as compete as i even added the fake versions of the 2 unreleased roms and its noted in the readme. now since using giganews there shouldn't be any problems of it showing up on many servers but theres always the chance of some ppl seeing it bad/incomplete or missing in which i suggest paying for a server like giganews or astraweb that have decent plans to d/l whatever you want. also wanted to mention to those of you that didn't update from before, the par2s might fix the romsets you have thos par2s are the last to be posted. Enjoy
  8. i'm in the mood of giving back so i'll make a post on newsgroup of the complete v1.09 romset for FBA-XXX PRO i'll be using the giganews server and that should speed up things while posting along with ditching xnews for posting and trying out YencPowerPost. i'll reply when its going up since creating par2's takes a good 2 hours
  9. nice update + T + also seems no need for an update since it can easily be fixed using the dat with romcenter/clrmame
  10. nice update tho i think the main question that i know ppl will ask is if its coming with a dat? and i'm guessing this will be at the *sky* like the others?
  11. advanced system optimizer works well for me for registry sake, diskeeper for defragging.
  12. pm britneyspairs about that
  13. for most it will but some it won't since most of mameox/dox is still based on mame 84 and there has been a lot of changes since then especially to sega games.
  14. i believe its just the decrypted m1's being used (m1d) as they haven't found out hwo to use the encrypted m1's yet tho i'm not 100% on that.
  15. thats more due to the server you are using, i'm using giganews and it shows up all green/complete for me (mind you, i'm using my isp's server for uploading).
  16. i saw the trailer for this the other day and i was happy untill i found out it was for psp only which sucks since i don't own one
  17. thought i'd mention that i'll post the v1.08a update by tomorrow UPDATE: its going up now to the same groups as before and remember the par2s are for the whole romset and not just the few roms added to the post. also note that mslug5 m1 is missing as i can't find the fake but as you should know by now its not needed to play the game.
  18. xbox can't handle it well, remember its only a 733mhz celeron with 64mb shared memory
  19. yeah that would be nice
  20. i create those with quickpar
  21. lawnspic yes if yours is the 1.07 set at least, just disable the crc in fba-xxx pro. robert these are the crcs: 269-m1d.bin 2e7c5738 270-m1d.bin 52e782d5 272-m1d.bin 451b14be
  22. optimum online's news server is news,optonline.net, it isn't that great and you're better off paying for a server that can do more like giganews and such. well right now i'm looking for patches to finsh off the next update but it seems that i can't find any for the svc, samsho5, and samsh5sp m1d's
  23. thats a par2 file which can recover/make missing/bad files. you need quickpar to use them and also note that par2s in the post are for the complete romset and not just the roms in the post. after the post of the 1.07 update, i'll work on an 1.08 update.
  24. damn, just when i thought i was done heh well anyway, v1.07 update is being posted as we speak and its gonna be in the following groups: alt.binaries.the-terminal alt.binaries.games.xbox alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo great job + T +
  25. Foolius, the previews folder ok guys/gals, for those of you that recently grabbed my post of the v1.06 romset i'll be posting an v1.07 update which will contain a new set of par2s that works for the whole romset and i'll post the newly added romests just to make sure everything works out well. this will go up in the same groups as my previous post and you can expect it sometime tomorrow as right now its making the new par2s and its 2:00AM so i'm gonna hit the bed
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