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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. ok, for cthd2k3, you need to get the neoragex version which you can grab as for kof2k2, you need to use decrypted roms for it to work on kawa-x best thing to do for that is get winkawaks with a loader with a dat that has kof2k2 in it. before you go to load a game, go to tools and check off to keep decrypted c's/s1 then load and start that game. when the game is loaded the saved files will be with winkawaks.exe from there, you extract the kof2002.zip and delete the c roms that it has and use the ones that winkawaks saved and then make a zip called kof2k2nd.zip and enjoy theres also a neogeo tool for encrypting/decrypting c roms but i had no luck with it (maybe you can hehe) another easier way is if you can find the decrypted set (kof2k2n i believe) and just follow what i said after you got the saved c roms
  2. well for the most part, kawa-hex is open to different p1's, m1's and some s1's eg: many of us have different svc versions and ssv has a few p1's out
  3. get xboyadvance_v9, its the best one out
  4. make sure you got the right _ and not -. only the v roms and the m1 rom should be like svc-, the rest is svc_
  5. also note that most big and even some small roms won't load unless you got the extra 64MB memory installed, i suggest to wait till they make a proper update (mk games run like sh*t with 76 but not on 72)
  6. i have both running fine as is (for fbax i shared out to kawa-x's roms folder due to kawa-x's rompath.ini bug) i also use the fba version of the neogeo bios zip
  7. blood works on usa as well when you use the soft dips in kawa-x (hit the right stick to the left)
  8. thats not needed when its already installed, what we mean is when you gotta install a live dash for xbox live use, it will delete the softmod stuff but after that you're fine except if you use softmods if you're using softmods, you gotta use a v1 live dash
  9. well the truth of the matter is that you can't play backups using xbox live but if you got retail games and have a mod, you can switch it off and then play on xbox live no prob. with TSOP you can't in either case unless you own an older xbox and do the muti-bios switch trick by the way, if you use softmods and update to live 2.0, thats what is going to cause the deleting of files.
  10. hmm that to me makes no sence to give them the same dash twice, i would rather give avalaunch dash to ppl who aren't very tech savy cuz it doesn't include a flashing option and its easier for them to use the main point of the 2 banks is one as a backup just in case of the worst, so my advise would be to put a stable bios in the second bin
  11. someone else told me they had the very same prob with mslug5 from a dvdr but i have no idea what could be wrong. he thinks it might be the fact that the burner didn't burn it properly but i'm not sure of this
  12. well 2 is enough lol; one as your main, the other as a backup some ppl put cromwell in the second bank but personaly i hated that one heh
  13. TSOP is only good if you Don't want to use Xbox Live cuz if you do it and try live, you'll be banned i myself have an X2 lite 2.1 which was easy as it can get (easy as one of thoses radio shack projects if you ever did one) the latest bios (4980) from x2 has a minor prob for some ppl but theres a easy fix thats in xbox-scene's forum and after that is done you're set. another note, one other good thing with mods is that you get banks for the bios (TSOP is overwriting the xbox's main bios) like my x2 lite has 2 banks of 512kb, that means i can have 2 different bios in 2 banks and with the lite mods coming with a switch adapter that attaches right under the first controller port, you pick which bank to load from
  14. well for mslug4, you need the original rom zip (its 74mb or so) for the 64k m1 as for decrypting you can use winkawaks to decrypt the c roms and give you an s rom in most cases (go to tools option before loading the rom and choose to keep decrypted files) rotd is in the same manner (it too has a 64kb m1) except that the v roms have to be cut for it to be decrypted as there is 2 v roms in the original rom zip to make things easier for you, just find the decrypted sets (rotdn and mslug4n) and use the roms you wanted but again for the m1's you need the big ones
  15. nothing is a big deal, its the same i answered this in another topic as is, might help to read about it there
  16. well i'm not using yours but mr x's works perfect one minor thing, it would help if the games were in order but i think he couldn't change that
  17. you should try reading the other treads about the rotd prob but i'll send you the new xbes's
  18. hmm too bad you can't direct it to the left stick button
  19. renaming some of the roms, like my mslug5 was all 268_xx.rom also had to change cthd2k3's 5003-m1.bin to 262-m1d and the last one was for kof99nd which all the c roms were kof99n_c and your readme says kof99_c also name changes on p1/p2 and s1
  20. very nice job mr X runs sweet although i kinda hated that i had to do some renaming (#1 complaint from most ppl is sent the xbes to as well) but its all great
  21. i made i post of the new xbes in the following newsgroups: alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo alt.binaries.emulators.misc alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox also you can pm me your email or aim/msn me to get it all credit to Mr. X
  22. i too had wondered about the c5 and c6 roms being 4mb instead of 8mb but they come from either mslug4n or mslug4nd but as you said, the 8mb ones do work just fine, this also applys to some of you that had bigger m1d's for mslug4 and rotd
  23. just get mr x's xbe's, it works great
  24. rename the rom set to svcbl meaning all roms should match svcbl's naming eg: 268_p1.rom to svc_p1.rom btw the new xbes are out now
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