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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. i got the new xbe's from mr x, pm me your email or aim/msn me if you want them
  2. ok mr x sent me his new release of the xbe's, anyone that wants them pm me your email or hit me up at aim/msn
  3. re4 is bound by their contract but after that game, re can go to any
  4. you need the neogeo.zip (bios) which will have sfix.sfx sp-s.sp1 sm1.sm1 000-lo.lo the p1 rom you gotta search for
  5. i just had i idea that i hope can be used in future versions of either emus, for the svc's if its possible to keep svcplus's p1 and s1 as p1p/s1p i know this is done for mame32 that james releases but i thought i mention it since sometimes when hexing you see 2 of the same and in most cases you might not have the same crc it lists and you gotta just guess which is which also i happen to notice you didn't add cthd2k3 but at least with yours i can run the rotd with the 8mb p1
  6. i don't think its the rom you built but the rom he replaced it with eg: mslug4 works on kof99 but the music cuts off but put as rbff2 and it works perfect i still use kawa-x se and i just use the svcbl as mslug5 and it works perfect also someone reported about some sound probs with svcplus using his default.xbe
  7. umm i think you should've just pm him about this instead of a topic
  8. well either way, its not gonna happen
  9. fbax is still new to neogeo so wait till the next one to if its better (and to also fix the cps1/2 issue)
  10. that would be nice if the kawa-x was open source but its not so no one but the author can change that. as for 3 emus in 1 idea its not really needed since neogeo emulation is done well as is in mame, kawaks and fba though i'll love to see nebula go to the xbox next (nebula-x has a nice ring to it )
  11. gamecop already talked about this in a different topic that the site will take a few days to update
  12. can't wait
  13. you can hex edit the xbe to change the crc's to your roms crc's get a hex app and open the xbe and search for the crc but in reverse (eg: crc E5794ACC, you look for CC4A79E5) after you find it, type in your rom's crc in reverse order save and try the xbe out i've done this for my rom on that fbax you posted and they work great except for the rotd since it uses 2 p roms and not the one p1 i got in my current kawa-x se I'm still waiting on n30ghost's fbax plus which will use kawa-x se roms and even add the 2 games kawa-x never got (v-liner and jockey gp)
  14. go to xbox-scene.com for more info on that
  15. well while you're waiting for the new xbe or fbax, you can rename mslug5nd to svcbl and it plays perfect
  16. SE keeps the roms as they were the same for the pc emus
  17. yeah, i played svcplus on it lastnight and it seems better odd enough but great
  18. i've had the pleasure to test N3oGhost's fbax and so far its working great (only tested kof2k2 and mslug5 at the moment) expect it soon!!! and just to note, it will be using kawa-se roms so i'd get crackin at renaming and rom hunting if i were you also those of you that want the last version of kawa-x plus, leave me a pm with your email and i'll send it when i'm up
  19. um its already supported in kawa-x se and it doesn't hurt to read a few pages on the pinned topic cuz making a new topic of the samething just gets closed
  20. another topic already talked about this prob but you're better off waiting till the new xbe's are uploaded
  21. current affairs secton, gamecop or some other mod will prolly move this there for ya
  22. i'm not removing anything cuz it already has the driver for svcplus/bl, i'm only changing the crc's of p1 and s1 to match mine as for kawa-x, i never really played around with it to keep the names and what not but mr x should be able to answer that
  23. P1 Rom is CRC 2A2516DE S1 Rom is CRC BC670454
  24. ok but i already know the romset (btw my p1 and s1 are different, they're the latest fixes) but what i'm saying is how did you get around the emu detecting the right crc, cuz i changed the crcs for my p1 and s1 but when i try to load them it still asks for the crc it wants
  25. also i just want to say if your planning to switch from plus to se or fbax any time later, expect to do a lot of rom renaming and some hunting for certain roms theres lots of love to kawa-x plus
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