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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. its a known bug that you can't change the rompath, it must be D:\Roms and your roms being in the roms folder within the emu's folder after you done that, press x to rescan for roms
  2. well as far as i tried it, it already has a driver for svcplus/bl but some crc don't match (p1 and s1) with mine so i tried changing them to mine (taking the crc from back to front) but i still get the emu telling me that i need blah blah crc
  3. well i thought i would fool around with the fbax default.xbe in hex by changing the crc's of the p1 and s1 roms they had to the ones i use (svc plus in this case) but there seems to be something else that makes it just say you must use the blah blah rom
  4. its saying unknown cuz you didn't update the dash in a while and you might be using a newer bios then to ones listed in that version of evox
  5. just to note, i tried helping him but can't figure what the heck was wrong! i gave him the same default.xbe and neogeo.zip i used for mslug5 and even the same rom i used for svcplus (with the v roms and the m1 changed so it could work on the default.xbe i did) but he still got the same prob after that, i told him to use the normal kawa-x se that mr x made just to test out the svcplus (renaming the v roms and the m1 rom back to what it was) and it still gave him that prob i also told him to try deleting the tdata for kawa-x but that didn't work either
  6. for some game, you might notice a star on them which is suppose to pick the best emu for the game and for doom64 it was ultrahle tho for one game i know they made a mistake (conkers was picked for pj64 but it doesn't work on it)
  7. well as of right now, theres going to be a new release of 2 xbe's (go to "Metal Slug 5 On Kawa-X" topic for more info on that) as for the renaming; if all your roms are the same for the pc emus then you have very little changes to do as is but if you're coming from kawa-x plus to se then you might need to get a few files for some roms if you have aim/msn i can send you a rar with the latest pic of roms (including mslug5nd)
  8. as far as i'm seeing in a lot of sites on tutorial on compiling, XDK is what to really use
  9. Doom 64 works nice with ultrahle as is but has random lockups
  10. sdk does programing, you need xdk to do compiling. as far as i know thats was the emu makers use
  11. you should just edit the first post but oh well
  12. ok not to be mean but, many of you are leaving me msgs for a link to surreal64 and now its not needed cuz its offically out! plz come here and read before leaving a pm thats useless cuz as i said before, THE LINK IS DEAD FOR THE LEAK! thx and enjoy the offical release
  13. well xbox only has 64mb which isn't enough for big roms so thats why kawa-x has vmm enabled but as for speed it seems the same to me tho there were a few times that i did notice a lil slowdown here and there but again it was minor
  14. why in the hell are you making a useless topic for a question thats already been answered in the main topic of "Metal Slug 5 on Kawa-X"?
  15. well like i said before, some ppl like to collect and play all (kawa-x doesn't support v-liner or jockey gp yet and who knows when it ever will) but i guess you're best hope to play them all is if someone can make a compile for fbax with all the games i would say kawa-x but as we all know, its not open source and fbax is
  16. yea that was my post of the default.xbe but if you've read a page or 2 back i explained what had to be done for svcplus to work cuz svcbl is replaced with mslug5n but to save you the trouble of looking and to anyone else that grabed it, all you gotta do is rename the one m1 and 4 v roms to 268_xx.rom of svcplus (xx= v1-4 and the m1) sorry about the mix up as i didn't know that there was only one set of v roms and one m1 that was to both svc's in the default.xbe (nice way the trick the meu Mr. X )
  17. yes it is true that is has a few glitches with cps1&2 (after playing a cps2 game and then a cps1, the speed won't be right) but also it has been reported some bad glitches with neogeo as well but you must understand, it just got its feet wet in neogeo so its a work in progress the best part of it all that its open source unlike kawa-x (sorry to say) but its nothing like making a simple driver using notepad (as badly i wish it was), xdk is needed and if you're handy with it be sure to give it a shot
  18. easiest way for you is to rename it as svcbl and it works perfect what i did before was replace svcbl as mslug5 but i found out that he only added one set of v roms and a m1 for the svc's (very smart to have the emu look for the same roms in different zips hehe)
  19. no point on getting that now cuz mr. x is working on 2 xbe's
  20. mines works fine using 1964 and surreal 1.0 at default settings F-Zero_X_(U)_[!]
  21. well it not that hard to notice the one that has the most pages
  22. hehe i just noticed another prob with my hexing, there was only 1 m1 as well but svcplus loads up fine if the v roms and m1 was renamed to 268_xx.rom Mr X, whenever you can get those xbe'x done can you plz email them thx
  23. funny you just mentioned those 2 cuz i was gonna ask if its possible to add them
  24. some ppl collect all the roms but i personaly don't care for the prototypes so bring out the new xbes also, what do you plan to do for kof2k3 when its out?
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