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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. ok from what i'm reading you are going from kawa-x plus to kawa-x se, the roms need to be renamed. for samsho5 you need the fixed p1 crc 8A86C728 (i used the *bad* p1 and it worked for me tho) for svcbl/plus they both now use the same p1 from when you first got the rom (6mb p1) so the p1 + p2 for plus is now useless if you need the bl/plus p1+s1 aim/msn me and i'll gladly send them to you
  2. glad that you like kawa-x se but its Mr X who did it not Thraxen also Plus was made by N3OGH0ST. i do give credit to Thraxen for helping out others like i helped him out but he didn't make se or plus hehe
  3. the guys that make mame ox didn't enable vmm yet plus there hasn't been and update since mame 76
  4. damn, i really want this to work on kawaks at least, dos mame just isn't me heh
  5. go back a page and there should be a topic with the link to the neorage version
  6. did anyone get the other p1 rom crc 9F2DBA3D and try it?
  7. umm theres a topic already about it
  8. yup its offically working on mame now its up to the 2 great hackers to crack it for kawa-x se since mame ox is crap without virtual memory enabled (and hasn't been updated since 76)
  9. umm didn't you noticed the mslug5 on kawa-x topic Don't mean to act as a mean person but you should've made the post there instead of making a new one but do what you want
  10. well renaming is cake, just right click on the file and choose rename the weird thing tho is that you said you can play svc/samsho5/mslug which also needs the bios files but i'm guessing that your roms of those games has the bios files within
  11. try clicking on the link
  12. google for x-cut to cut them or if you want aim/msn me a i'll send them to you
  13. you forgot to mention the name of the game Edit: i just saw the description so you can get the rom
  14. ok first and foremost kawa-x se is not meant to replace your original kawa-x v11, its meant to be used as another emu that plays the newer games but in order for it to play newer games it will replace games already supported eg:rbff2 on kawa -x se is now mslug4 now all you need to do is read the rom listing that came with the default.rar (or read it from the site) and do the renaming thats needed. also if you just got the samsho5.zip you won't need to do any renaming for it cuz its set for it as is
  15. ok i tried it and its working fine, no probs with the gfx as you described. sounds like your rom set isn't decrypted or isn't fully decrypted, find the original set and use winkawaks to decrypt it if you need the rom pic of it to match the crc's aim/msn me
  16. mslug5 is being worked on as we speak by both n3o and mr x and theres a topic for it right HERE! i too am waiting for mr x to fix the rotd prob, n30gh0st tried but can't figure out what to do
  17. i say kill this topic cuz theres already one about mslug5 on kawa-x, don't need 2 topics asking the same stuff try reading before making a topic frenchy
  18. kawa-x plus is now discontinued, use kawa-x se which is in the kawa-x plus site
  19. samsho5 worked fine for me on neorage with all the files being ???-??.rom
  20. you should read the other topics cuz then you should know that kawa-x plus is no longer being used, kawa-x se is what to use for now on also m1 rom for svc is the same for both bl and plus
  21. TheButcherjb and to anyone else, if you want to see rom pics for the sets that work on kawa-x se, aim/msn me for them
  22. check around HERE
  23. the mame 78 link is dead , any others?
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