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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. I got mslug4 and rotd orginal roms from they are big files so it may take a while
  2. Just in case that no else knew about this or not cuz i had a guy driving me nutz about it, Don't Change The Rompath.ini Its a bug that wasn't fixed yet on kawa-x v11 so make sure you leave it alone and put your roms in the roms folder
  3. Just in case that no else knew about this or not cuz i had a guy driving me nutz about it, Don't Change The Rompath.ini Its a bug that wasn't fixed yet on kawa-x v11 so make sure you leave it alone and put your roms in the roms folder
  4. ok the reason that mslug4's and rotd's m1d o the kawa-x se read me lists 64kb is because the orginal roms has them as 64kb and not 128kb+ that most of us have i already tested it with a bigger m1d and it works fine but i suggest (just for the hell of like i did) you later on find the original roms and extract it from there
  5. if you need the p1 and s1 with all characters, just aim/msn me
  6. ok for the svc roms use the link Mr. X posted on this page and just to let you know both plus and bl use the same m1. as for the samsho5 p1 i'm using he same one thats being called bad on kawa-x se and works just like the other so you should be fine with that also there was a link for the so called good p1 on page 2. as for the others look for the original roms (rotd.zip, mslug4.zip, kof2002.zip) and you can get the files you seek
  7. just to let you ppl know about the jap svc for ps2, its ugly ass as hell Ryo looks like a bunch of blocks lol one thing it does have that the rom didn't tho was Mai's boobs bounce during a fight, its a minor thing but i would love to see it in my rom playing it on kawa-x
  8. For those of you who got a modded or jap PS2, SVC is out for it
  9. Well Mr. X is working on it as we speak so play the others for now
  10. make sure you put the right _ and -
  11. Ok many of you that got the kawa-x se by now and that play mslug4 or rotd might've gotten the "error cannot load xxx-v1d.bin" well that just a minor fix but for rotd the health bars are screwed, Mr. X could you plz help
  12. bah, the hell with it lol, i can play it on kawa-x and thats that
  13. Thraxen as far as i know, svc should be the only rom you need the original p rom as for the others they shouldn't be a prob renaming in fact with rotd i had to take out the m1 Edit: i had to rename rotd's m1 to m1d, it was kof2k2's m1 that had to go
  14. Thraxen lol i told you can find the rom around this topic but not ask about it running on kawa-x se, thats what the other topic is there for also james i still get an error trying to load the program code and all the roms are in svc_**.rom
  15. both links are working now so go and get kawa-x se
  16. any word on some fixes yet? sucks that japan region only gets the chracter intros
  17. hey Mr. X, what the difference in the p roms cuz right now i'm using the one thats different but plays fine
  18. i would just keep trying there man but for svcbl/plus its best if you look at the pinned svc topic in current affairs i think page 46 or 48 had links to the roms with all the latest fixes
  19. the default.xbe that N3OGH0ST made has all the games working as i said before on the first page of this topic I personaly like Mr. X's just for the fact no renaming of the rom is needed when its release
  20. yes this is Mr. X's kawa-x
  21. gouki thx again for the default.xbe another thing I noticed was that in japan region you get the character's intros but in usa or europe it goes straight to battle
  22. Gouki if you can send me that default.xbe thx as for ppl saying that my post on news was incomplete, i grabbed my own post without any probs and just remember its just the default.xbe and the rom already set for ppl who use kawa-x plus, nothing else cuz thats all you need and for those who just want the default.xbe for plus aim me
  23. yes it runs lovely so far on kawa-x plus that I've played big thx to N3oGhost on default.xbe goodluck to those of you tryin to get the rom cuz its a biatch but you can get it ok its christmas so for those of you using newsgroups, look for a post by me in: alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox alt.binaries.emulators.misc alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo its called: Merry X-MAS:New Kawa-X Plus Default.xbe thx to N3oGhost + samsho5 Rom enjoy and Merry X-MAS to all
  24. Thx for the name and keys, it didn't come with an nfo as far as i'm lookin but oh well ok now i keep getting a error about loading the program roms all the roms are.rom with some being with _ and others -
  25. that last link works but is really slow any others?
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