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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. ok so your teling me you didn't hex anything at all and just used a dat file? this is confusing me even more hehe
  2. damn that looks good but i'm a total n00b at hexing as is unless i'm told what to look for
  3. ahh nice work Gouki , i tried using kof2knd but got errors in the gfx but using kof2k1nd and duping the m1 as a m1d it worked perfect, only prob is that kof2k2 already uses kof2k1nd hehe i'll wait for N3oGhost to make an update on it
  4. N3oGhost lol i talked to him for 2 hours on what was wrong but nothing added up so i ended up sending him the patched default.xbe and the roms he had probs with
  5. zoro11111 check pm
  6. well since theres plenty of time till mslug 5 and samurai sho 5 come out, i thought i'd just ask about Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003, the one i got only has the c's, p's, m1 and s1 and i tried putting those into kof2k1nd set replacing the files i just said but all i get is a screwed up screen the cthd2003.zip works fine in winkawaks with kof2001 but still get no luck in running this in kawa-x. also winkawaks doesn't decrypt the cthd2003.zip so i'm lost in what to do next
  7. zoro11111 delete the tdata for kawa-x and then load kawa-x plus
  8. allencc3 the " Error:Cant load 000-lo.lo (e09e253c) is cuz you have the wrong neogeo bios or you didn't rename it to what is needed NG-LO.ROM should be named 000-LO.LO NG-SFIX.ROM should be named SFIX.SFX NEO-GEO.ROM should be named SP-S2.SP1 neogeo.zip should have the following: 000-lo.lo 64kb sfix.sfx 128kb sp-s2.sp1 128kb
  9. a few ppl around efnet are saying samurai shodown 5 and metal slug 5 roms are out, any truth to this?
  10. All credit of course goes to N3oGhost
  11. big time thx again to N3oGhost for helpng me out also for those of you having a hard time getting the emu and/or roms for it i'm making a newsgroup post as we speak with the emu and the five roms so look for it at either alt.binaries.emulators.misc, alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo, or alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox also just let you know this is updated with the metal slug 4 fix so you get the intro playing correct and no music pauses
  12. also i noticed that even using the m1 rom from the plus pack that rotd sound is still bad (bgm sounds choppy but sound sfx seem ok), any way i can fix this?
  13. dunno if i'm right or not but i heard the matrimelee ran best as kof2k1nd.zip then using kof98.zip cuz of a sound prob nice job N3oGhost and can't wait till i get the ppf for mslug as rbff2
  14. i agree, i helped out many ppl when wanting svc to work and all i ask for is just the kawa-x plus those willing to send it, aim is PRican2510 and i'm on efnet or hell post it on newsgroup i just added msn messenger and the name there is PRican25
  15. hmm never used emule but i'll just wait for kawa-x plus
  16. hitting the right stick to the left make it happen
  17. well the one Bahn Yuki sent you i sent to him and it works fine and in fact its the very same one Soyokaze used and changed to get svc working. at the most it sounds like you either got a bad p1 and or p2 or you didn't delete the tdata 0000fa7e besides that i think its best to wait till the kawa-x plus is released so you can enjoy it and many other roms
  18. ok i got rotd running using neoghost changes to the kawa-x v11 default.xbe but i get bad sound, any way to fix this untill i get my hands on the new version of kawa?
  19. neoghost awesome and i can't wait to try it so if anyone has it plz hit me up at aim :PRican2510 or if using mirc i'm in efnet and i'll post it at newsgroup asap
  20. as far as i read, you need striker for rotd at least untill kawa plus is out
  21. well all i gotta say is thanks to neoghost and all that helped make kawa-x one of the best emus for xbox and can't wait to get those files
  22. neoghost where did you send out thoses files you mentioned about earlier to? and if possible can plz send it to me and i'll post it right in newsgroup
  23. ok it turns out that ppl sent me the neorage version of rotd, is there any way i can use that rom? neoghost i did all the edits that you mentioned for rotd and i tried svc as the GAROUP (prototype) but it freezes on the text, could you plz help me on this
  24. Akuma X i was gonna do that too but i rather wait till i can get the rotd working but i still need the rom if anyone wants to help me on this, my aim is PRican2510
  25. neoghost could you plz explain how you got svc on garoup and what you had to change on default.xbe to enable it to work
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