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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. the romset post is based on 1.06, you'll need to update a few roms which he already mentioned in his post on the 1.07 nfo. as for previews, i have to update them myself since its been a while that i cared to see them and since theres a few name changes so i'll hold out on that for now, i just wanna finish off updating so i can post the par2s to fix the romset posted to 1.07. hey + T +, found another oddball at least with the dat but for some reason kf2k3exa is listed under zupapa!
  2. + T + i think theres an error on the ms4boot v1 crc as the one i can find goes by 8CB5A9EF while the dat wants 8CB5AE9F tristanx i think its high time you updated to the latest, you could always grab my post on newsgroup of 1.06 romset and later today i'll post a 1.07 update that will have par2s to fix the 1.06 romset to 1.07
  3. i hope ps2 does get the dr version (hopefully in a form of a greatest hit like what capcom did for devil may cry 3 se) but seeing it on psp also is a plus
  4. kool, keep up the great work
  5. v0.2.95.23 is based on the pc version
  6. nothing off track, the man already said it will be done on the next build. at the most when + T + relases a new version, he'll start a new thread and i'll close this one and start fresh based on that one.
  7. what for since the cheats can get you those characters as well btw, the fba-xxx pro + romset are fully posted only thing left that going up now is par2's so enjoy. i also like to mention that i'll be doing update uploads to newsgroup so whenever theres a new version that changes the romset, i'll post the changed roms only (each to their own zip). this will be like mame u release updates if anyone follows that but for fba-xxx pro
  8. thought i'd give a heads up on whats going on with my newsgroup post, almost to the end of the romset which should be done by tomorrow since it is done with most of the bigger games (currently u/l svc) and the rest should go up easy til it gets to the par2s which might slowdown again when dealing with the bigger ones.
  9. 00000000 crc roms are ones currently missing/need a redump, romcenter has an option to make dummy roms (also under perferences but the fix teb) that will take care of those for now.
  10. theres a few tuts out that you can find by a google along with different ways on how to boot hd loader/advance. you'll mainly need a way to boot the install cd for the memory card method in which you can buy swap magic to do so or if you got a friend with a modded ps2 it will be even easier.
  11. lawnspic in romcenter after you have it loaded and it searched your roms, go to preferences and click on the romsets tab and you should 3 choices under rom structure. the split option basically keeps the main sets complete and leaves the clones alone with what they really need (this is how i have my romset setup in case anyone wondered) for some clones they will need to take c roms from others so that set can work properly on its own.
  12. there are some newsgroup servers that won't show everything in certain groups namely most isp servers to say which is why i'm sending it to 4 groups as some ppl might not get a.b.the-terminal but they'll get the xbox groups or the neogeo one me personally, since i got optimum online they offer newsgroups but their speed and incompletes are just disappointing most of the time in fact the best thing i get out of their newsgroup is uploading which what i'm using for this post. for newsgroup d/l, i use giganews unlimted. might be pricey but they are the best out and having files last up to 70 days is pretty sweet.
  13. due to the size of the post (656 files going up including the par2s) it will take sometime to see them all as right now its currently u/l kof10th so anything before that should be posted.
  14. encrypted is the romset with encrypted p and c roms and are most likely to be the parent roms for neogeo sake. non encrypted is the p rom thats decrtpted while c roms remain encrypted. decrypted is the romset's c roms decrypted while p roms are encrypted. fully decrypted is the p and c roms in a the romset being decrypted. i might be a lil off on what i said (feel free to correct me )but using decrypted/fully decrypted romsets give you the fastest load on fba-xxx pro but if using those alone be sure they have the other files that are needed from their parent rom.
  15. legolas11908 read my previous post as it has a link explaining newsgroup along with servers.
  16. its finally being posted topic is: FBA-XXX PRO V1.06 + ROMSET For XBOX its gonna be in the following groups: alt.binaries.the-terminal alt.binaries.games.xbox alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo now for a few quick notes: All the romsets are complete with the exception of mslug5's m1 and samsho5 m1d (the one currently in samsho5 is a fake) due to still being kept private/unreleased. par2s posted are to the romset only, i tossed in fba-xxx pro v1.06 in the post but doesn't have par2s for it tho i can post some later just in case anyone has problems with it. for some of you that have most of the romset, grabbing the par2s might just fix your set instead of grabbing the whole post but i can't 100% guarantee that as you may need to replace a few so it can fix them or so. enjoy the post and don't expect me to put this on a torrent as i personally hate them but if someone does wanna take my post to torrent, feel free to do so but no links to it here.
  17. its pointless to aviod now at days, i mean hell house the dead got a sequel as well and god the first one did suck.
  18. legolas11908 that post you did was a rom request and it was deleted as well as altering your last post. please follow the rules and it wouldn't hurt to try finding patches that can change the ones you have to the one you need like most of us have done and i hope you at least ran romcenter or clrmame to even try to fix them. ok, seeing how its updated to 1.06 i'm gonna update the rest of my romset and i'll post when its on newsgroup UPDATE: Currently making pars (need quickpar for these) for the roms and will be posted with roms so if someone got a corrupt zip or 2, the pars can fix them or even make a few that might be missing bare with me as it will take a while to be done (currently saying 5 hours to go) in the mean time for those of you that have no idea what newsgroups is and/or wanna know about it, go to http://slyck.com/ng.php and read up on how it works. few good servers to mention are www.giganews.com, www.newshosting.com, and www.astraweb.com and you can also ask your ISP if they offer newsgroups.
  19. actually he already did ki1/2 as a bonus on the last set since at the time it was only playable via hdd. n64 would've been next if surreal v2 was released but that never happend and thus put on hold along with a thing called "life".
  20. dpad addon is also in usa but only thru capcom.com
  21. yea i do have it modded but that doesn't stop me from supporting companies by buying the game and konami has made quite a few i liked over the years so they'll get the 17.95 from me
  22. this ropic got me in the mood for some metal gear so i thought of trying the pc one for once and to find out it won't work with my gfx card i think i'll just buy the gc version since my ps1 is in a out of order state
  23. theres also the redone version for gamecube which is Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
  24. has anyone been able to add a cd drive? i tried and it says its not a cd drive even with a game in it (the drive is a dvd-rom+cd-rw).
  25. lawnspic your topic has been edit by the the new super mod Robert (congrats on that btw ) you should know better by now, next time its a warning. as i said before, i plan on posting the current set that i have which has everything completed (big thx to thraxen with the help on a few) with the exception of the 2 m1/m1d roms not released (using the fake one for samsho5 tho) to newsgroup but i'll wait for + T + next release since hes gonna make some rom changes i guess to match mame minus the m1/m1d's. so for now just be a lil patient and i'll let you all know in here when and where it will be posted.
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