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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. cool, now i just need to find a patch to get them heh thought i'd mention that when i get the romsets completed, i'll will be making a post on newsgroup so if anyone can help me on those please feel free to pm or hit me up on aim
  2. just to make sure: Samsho5 m1d 49C9901A & Mslug5 m1 4A5A6E0E are still unavalible? also anyone have a patch for fr2ch c roms? patch site i went to didn't list the game.
  3. really comes to a point: most of these drives have pc version's and they can be flashed to work on xbox, so what would make it any different to release this then whats out now. i mean for god sakes we got ppl out there changing dvd burner firmwares to make them into other models yet you don't see them being stutdown.
  4. got it, thx
  5. + T + have any ideas why i can't patch the xbe?
  6. for him to go to jail would be the same fate for others that do it to dvd burners today, the man is just scared and i can respect that if he doesn't want to release it but like flowrent said the info is out and maybe someone will be smart about it and release it i a safe place heh
  7. i thought i'd try packing the xbe using what came with 26/8 fba-xxx but for some odd reason it won't work, says "xbelib-error: 0002 - Unable to open XBE file". any ideas?
  8. Read the Rules before posting, no Rom Requests topic closed
  9. haha, thats something; and i thought the jackie chan one was bad enough
  10. the originator for baed was shastaorange who said the last time around that he was busy with "life" and that as we all know puts hobbies on hold.
  11. i would try it but it finds my key invalid heh, i'll be changing it soon tho
  12. closed as requested by + T +
  13. wow, great work guys and nice that Iriez is allowing you to post fba-xxx pro in xbins
  14. just tried it and works pretty well with the 2 games i tested it with (dodonpachi, colledge slam) except with one game which stutters badly during gameplay (donpachi) tho it didn't stutter badly during its demo mode.
  15. grab it from www.shemes.com is good for freeware but i find newsleecher www.newsleecher.com the best to use but you'll have to pay unless you find it by other means
  16. ahh never knew that
  17. they may say arcade perfect yet alpha 2 gold (the one that had cammy as a hidden character) wasn't in arcades but was on ps2/saturn sf2 collections so i think we can hope they do port the best versions.
  18. get a newsgroup account, plenty of "stuff" there and it will last for days checkout www.newshosting.com, they offer $15 a month unlimited and 8 connections
  19. at the most capcom will port the dc version or upper arcade of sfa3 tho think it would've been nice to add the new characters thats gonna be in psp's sfa3 unless they already planned that and you'll need to connect your psp to the ps2 to unlocked them but who knows heh. too bad they're not releasing the darkstalkers collection to usa, import came out pretty damn good but the ingame text is in japanese only btw, for those who don't know; onimusha 4 import is out and has english
  20. you do know that set and emu is out of date right? you're better off getting fba-xxx/pro as it offers more games and options along with it using the latest romsets
  21. but then again, killzone was bad to begin with heh
  22. ps2 hardware can run any neogeo game just fine if done right, its ps1 that was very limited. i mean seriously, its a system that can run guilty gear and sf3 perfectly and you gonna tell me it can't run a neogeo game perfectly? been noticing posts blaming the ps2 but thats just wrong cuz other neogeo games have came out well other then some minor loading time probs with a few of them (samsho5 and neogeo battle stick out the most on that). fba-xxx is definitley better since you get the true arcade/home versions based on neogeo but ports tend to have extra characters that make it worth to get.
  23. another option is using avalaunch's dvd player which is the same
  24. well for metal slug 3 sake they did port that and the reason why it plays faster is due to it not having the slowdown the arcade/home neogeo versions have, tho they did screw up the continue thing. but this isn't something new as many 3rd parties are doing the same like take for example capcom with their mega man anniversary (1-8 one) where the nes versions were known for the slowdowns and they are gone in the anniversary pack. metal slug 4/5 along with the others (kof's,svc) came out great tho and this month we got a few more with samurai shodown v (story finally in english ) along with kof94 rebout and neowave which should come out well. i got the last blade 1+2 for ps2 and i can tell that it runs perfectly as far as i played it.
  25. hmm sticky fingaz (rapper of the group Onyx) as blade, dunno about that
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