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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. you can forget about socom 3 backup online wise unless theres an option for system link. it has the same protection as socom 2 in which it checks the file that normally gets patched by the dnas patcher like windip and claims that your cheating and bans you but not permenantly and this happens even when passing dnas. still surprises me that sony doesn't add the same protection to other games as of yet, go figure
  2. well you knock 5.1 sound all you want, after owning a dts cd and hearing how well it sounds; you'll think twice about it
  3. again, you're going by MegaBytes when it goes by Bytes; you can see it for yourself easily when you right-click on a blank dvd5 properities and you'll see the 4,706,074,624 Bytes while in MegaBytes its 4483MB as you already said.
  4. umm no, the release nfo didn't metion anything being ripped so don't know where either of you get the dvd9 version from as my iso is only 3.10GB and this is the allstar release which the nfo is below: fyi, the 4.7gb is actually true, just goes by Bytes not MB
  5. you're proly the second person i know that said that their copy of dynasty warriors 5 didn't fit a dvd5, i grabed the usa release and it fits fine on a dvd5.
  6. there is more and its not the same as with gc version even when unlocked so if you had a choice to get a version, get ps2's
  7. neomaster thats the other way around, ps2 likes -R's best while few like +R's. problem could be caused by cheap media as well so avoid buying princo, khypermedia type crap discs and use good media like ritek/ridata, verbatim, anf fuji film (made in japan ones)
  8. i recently got the game for ps2 and its not as bad as i thought it would be but the thing that really kills me is the super long loading times that it got stuck with. i read that the arcade had loading times as well but damn, with games like soul calibur 2/3 and tekken 5 barely having any loading time you would figure snk/playmore would do the same but no P.S. HD loader doesn't help either since the game doesn't work on it or the other versions (toxic/hda)
  9. not bad but still like the super mario bros one better
  10. yes theres a original mameox done by team mameox which haven't done anything lately, project then went to xport who added the virtual memory and updating it to v84 but that was it for official releases. i can't agree with bendermike "stolen source" since i can recall he was giving it freely with the xbe in torrents.
  11. bendermike does bendermike versions of mameox HK$ does mameox128 BritneysPAIRS does mamedox if i recall, i believe mamedox was also with bendermike but can't remember so i'll let BritneysPAIRS or him answer that
  12. this worked for a friend of mine so long you can live without one or got a spare till it is dry; throw it in the dishwasher and then let it dry it realy does work and works lovely
  13. in gfx yes it is but in features/extras, ps2 version bests it by far
  14. trade the gc one in then
  15. i personaly proly end up getting a new tv before getting either 360 or ps3 but my money is on ps3 when preorders are allowed since 360 right now doesn't offer much to my likes. psp on the other hand, if you need something portable i'd say grab it
  16. its been asked to death and all signs point to no i'm sorry to say
  17. well i know any of the xport emus haven't been updated for a year now. xsnes9x is done by lantus and hes busy with his wife and baby last i read
  18. just flash the mod with a bios and it will load them like normal games latest bios for qoob is 1.3c as far as i checked
  19. fight night round 2 is a boxing game and last i checked boxing is a sport so why in the hell did it get in the fighting game list goes beyond me. my choice for that would've been tekken 5. most of the winners are definitely fixed especially king kong
  20. that was ssx on tour and nba street v3 that had mario and co. added
  21. only real purpose of getting one is for swap magic use so be sure to have that
  22. thanks for mentioning the unlocker app weirdy, worked like a charm on a folder that wouldn't delete for the life of me
  23. but why not go for mpeg4
  24. yeah, its just the xbox360 showing the result of whats being done on your pc
  25. well i can careless for 360 as is tho i was offered one for $250 but with whats been happening to ppl, i rather wait till the next revision of it and then think about getting one. only thing that sparked an interest to me was getting season 3 dvd set of the family guy for 15.99, thats about it heh
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