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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. make sure your neogeo.zip (bios) has everything needed for fba-xxx and it should work fine. the main advantage with fba is that you get more options and games
  2. if you're talking about the halo 2 map pack and update, it can all be installed in your halo 2 save and in fact a group made a installer of all the maps/updates for those of us without live heh
  3. sigh, another old topic revived for no good reason other then the new guy posting. the original ninja gaiden you needed a gamertag in order for packs to work along with locking the save to your hdd, this isn't need now that ninja gaiden black already has both packs+ without the need of a gamertag (same game in case you wondered).
  4. Yes, that's his real name. Btw, Heart Failure = Steriod use. Excercising doesn't make your heart bigger. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i find that hard to believe and they would've found that but the drug does take its told within time but not this soon as he was only 38.
  5. edited your post/topic to make it more friendly for the forum sake as they way you left it made me think you were requesting a rom which as you know is a no no
  6. i too was damn shocked to read about this, have they found out on whats the cause yet? EDIT: turns out he had a heart disease
  7. nice to see a new memeber but please stop resurrecting old dead threads
  8. programmer isn't hard to use and i think they got the usb one out now which makes things easier tho the printer port one works fine too just gotta remember to enable legacy plug and play for the lpt port via properites for xp
  9. try checking out crutchfield.com, they list what fits cars and sell nice stuff but at a high price but thats why we got ebay
  10. sounds like you followed an old tut from x-s as you didn't need to make it 1mb. i agree with garageinK but put flashbios in bank 2 and the latest x2 bios (5035) in bank 1 since flashbios flashes bank 1 by default and this means that both bioses should be 512K each (latest x2 already is 512K but flasbios comes as 256K).
  11. well i grabbed the latest mame plus which is 0.101u5 and when i tried making a dat using romcenter 2.70, it gave me an error it had no problem from the last time using it with 0.101 but this does, any ideas? Edit: after a lil searching, i found that i had to update the datutil and its working fine now
  12. damn, i guess you'll need one then, what bios and size did you use?
  13. did you try switching banks?
  14. well i don't know how or why it happend but i need fixed and i'm a little lost on how to fix this says: internet explorer script error line: 1344 char: 1 error: unspecified error code: 0 url: res://E:\WINDOWS\system32\shdoclc.dll/preview.dlg any ideas?
  15. psp gets my vote but if it was ds vs gbasp, get gbasp
  16. ps3 like 360 will have a removable hdd
  17. your chip will have flashbios so you got a number of ways to flash your mod, more info can be found here: http://teamxecuter.com/flashbios/?CMSSESSI...730eb4940e84d84 i like using the network flash since you can use your pc to send the bios and flash but so long you got the xbox connected via router or such. best bios to use is the latest x2 bios which i believe is still at X2 5235. from there, you'll need to add a dash its really up to you which to pick but the 2 i suggest is either avalaunch or unleashx. others may say to use xbmc as a dash but i personally find it best just as an app since it gets updated just about daily but again its up to you.
  18. i got mine yesterday as well at walmart which added a bonus dvd called the story of star wars but i have yet to watch it
  19. well i can't really recomend softmods but i do give them credit for what they can do but i still think he's better off with a modchip. iq_132 i think x2.6 is your best bet, its a great mod but you won't get the lil extras you can do with a x3 like changing the faceplate to theirs and such which is pointless unless you really wanna show off your xbox. not bad for its price
  20. avoid spider chips, heard from many ppl having probs with those chips. xecuter 3 ce is the best but i'd say its only worth it if you plan to really use its features cuz if not then just get xecuter 2.6 but in either case for the xecuter's you'll also need to get the xapter to make either mod solderless. soldering the xbox mods are very basic especially in older models but the way i look at is this: if you ever done a ps1 or gc mod, you can easily do an xbox.
  21. gradius 4 still a no go in current mame
  22. you said you got a magic pro so most likely you'll need to hold either reset or eject to play ps1 games.
  23. vcdquality.com should list it
  24. theres also the dvdr tc which thoses are based on and that will give you the best result till the retail dvd is out. Doom.TC.DVDR-ROYAL me personally would stick with the xvid since i'll just watch it via xbox but i'll grab the svcd one for my father sake since he's still using a apex dvd player heh
  25. actually that may apply to clone mods as they are unlrelieable but in most cases it wasn't only the mod, its sony's fault as well. to give you an example when v9/10 ps2's were found to be dying out quickly, most ppl were blaming the mod but it was sony's own fault as it happens regardless with or without a mod and this was the same case with v12 slim pstwo which in the end a modchip could fix the problem sony caused. theres also separate fixes for the models that need them (v9 and up) in case the modchip itself can't solve the problem. i personally use messiah 2 pro in my v7 ps2 and its still running lovely to this day, just avoid using crappy media like princo and avoid getting dvdrips (dvd to cd) that aren't complete as those types of games alone are known to kill lasers since the ps2 still will search for what is ripped if not done properly. using hd loader/advance (same thing, just one hexed different for $$), is good for the games that can work on it and helps to test out games you have second thoughts of burning but its not 100% with all games so having a mod fills that gap
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