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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. Laurdes is a known spanish name for girls (not shocking since her father is spanish) so its not retarted as the others plus the fact i got a aunt in pr by that name
  2. the retarted names gotta stop, its worst enough a kid was named apple for god sake
  3. so yours is likely a v9-v11, be sure to get the laser fix done so it can last long
  4. some gamestop stores got 360 as well
  5. just wondering, you got the new slim pstwo or a new older model ps2? kinda confusing me since the topic says "new" ps2
  6. all i know is their bacon sucks
  7. usb hd loader isn't worth your time since its slow (ps2 usb is 1.1 not 2.0) to give to a example, games with videos would be out of sync and some games load longer then using a dvd-r. with swap magic you still need a way to trick the eject/opening the top (once you eject/pop the top, it will recheck the disc) so be sure to get either a fliptop or the slimfix tool.
  8. well gameshark v2 isn't a product supported or endorsed by sony so when they get a chance to make a new version of ps2/two, it will block the loading of the old cheat disc\s. i personally suggest getting a pro to install a modchip as your best option but if you perfer to still swap, the latest swap magic (3.6 i think it's at) but in order to use that you'll need something to trick the eject by using slim fix or a fliptop. best to search for sites with combos of swap magic and fliptop and such but make sure its meant for your ps2/two.
  9. yup what gryph saod is true as i currently use a athlon 64 3800 and my can support x2 cpu's unlike intel most reviews i've seen for pentium d have been so-so as well with some of x2's but i would perfer getting amd by far since it is cheaper on the user and still can match/beat pentium d in most things.
  10. you seem to bad a bad romset so keep looking for the correct one also be sure you're using the latest mameox which i suggest grabbing HK$'s mameox128
  11. one of them had to closed and you're right to pick the one with posts my guess that could help him is if he compiles his own mameox 84 adding the drivers he wants. its a shame that things had to change after 84 so we could keep up on the latest mame
  12. not connected thru usb, i recently reflashed it with the latest and disabled the wrieless, seems to work better with the windows media streams now.
  13. well he already made a topic about it i'll just close this one
  14. sorry gogo but can't allow xbe's being posted for legal reasons unless you got the ok to do so by gamecop since hes the owner
  15. well it is running the latest firmware tho i haven't reflashed it. i'm not using anythng wireless right now so i might try disabling it and see what happens.
  16. lately i've been noticing a problem dealing with my linksys router that keeps disconneting me whenever i try to watch a windows media video from say gamespot and anything like that. i have to unplug/replug the router for everything to connect again and this has been happening more often which is getting to be annoying linksys model: BEFW11S4 V4 wireless B anyone know a way to fix this?
  17. hmm what happened to xbox's samurai shodown v?
  18. i had a 9600 pro in my old system and works nicely but don't expect max detail for doom 3 sake
  19. my mistake, i thought he said gg isuka 2 but he meant he got gg isuka "2 weeks early" slow morning for me i guess heh
  20. they actually bothered to make a sequel to gg isuka
  21. i know you were talking about mameox/dox, i was referring to mr x's reply
  22. some ps2's don't like +r media unless you're able to set the bitsetting to DVD-ROM but even then its 50/50 chance of it working good. best to use -r's for ps2
  23. ki1 isn't slow on u64x but ki2 is but thats due to xbox's limits
  24. there are still other issues as well like dealing with xbe's which are illegal due to the sogtware being used (XDK/SDK) so maybe gamecop can shed some light on what going on.
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