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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. if you searched, you would've found this http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14392
  2. it works fine for me off my hdd. 1.4 xbox x3 modchip with latest bios 160GB wd hdd
  3. just got back from ny and gotta say i was disappointed by M$'s demo of xbox360. they started off by showing off the dash going section by section starting with xbox live which they made clear that you'll no longer need a credit card and such to sign up and that you can use the same id for both systems. also mentioned that all current xbox live users will be gold for 360 and they said those without xbox live will have silver. all games will be online and even if you aren't playing online (single player game for example), anyone can see your current status in the game your are currently playing (like playing madden, he\she can see you're in the 3rd down and etc.) which i found cool but being a bit nosey at the sametime. also dealing with live they showed off the live arcade which incudes a few classic games like joust and even some popular msn ones like bejeweled but you'll have to pay for these games to fully enjoy them but you can grab the demos of them. then it moved on to the media section which to my surprise (i didn't know it can do that) that you can connect any media device via usb to show off your pictures and play music. the 2 devices they used to show off was a ipod nano and a psp (yes they used a psp ) and worked lovely to even being able to use the ipod's playlist on top of that, you can use the device for adding music to a game which i found very cool and in case you were wondering; it was also charging the ipod as well continuing the media section they went and showed off the media center and claimed that anyone with xp will be able to display pics. vids. music and such and they showed how well it works which worked lovely as it should. then finally came to showing off the games which was the most disappointing part of the show as they only display 2 games which were project gotham racing 3 and kameo. pgr3 looked great and the guy pointed out that it will have 80 cars and that none of the cars in the game are cheap beginner cars like a vw beetle and such but all sport cars and then played 2 tracks which were new york at night and tokyo in the day and they are nicely done to the m$ guy pausing the game and pointing out what buildings are what and such. another nice feature dealing with the cars is that you'll be able to full the full interior of the car and also theres a photo mode in which you can take and edit a photo to say of a lucky win or such. kameo was something no one liked and pissed off a lot of ppl as the m$ kept ranting about that they bought rare and named all their good games (which happen to be goldeneye and such type of game) which we were led to believe he was gonna play perfect dark but alas it was kameo and there isn't much to talk about it as it wasn't interesting to me and many others as we walked away and that was it for their demo. one thing i want to point out which i found a bit funny was that when the m$ guy was talking about the difference between the 2 packages coming out on november 22nd (official date) that he said the hdd was gonna be 20gb but the one used in their 360 was a 40gb hdd (showed 38gb to be exact). other then M$, sega was there showing off a few games including shadow the hedgehog which was playable and seems nice. id was there with quake 4 which looks damn good and even namco was there to show off their mobile gaming line which they even went out to have a lil guy in a pacman suit standing there just about all day (kids loved him). also noticed that a few demo units were missing games due to ppl stealing them heh, really smart how they expect not to be able to access the systems tied down by 2 zip ties oh and nintedo was also there but nothing worth noting except mario kart ds which was nice but thats about it. few other companies were there dealing with cellphone stuff and networking supplies to even bestbuy showing off their geek squad crap and mobile audio. tomorrow is your last chance if you're in the ny/nj area and you can still buy your ticket online for cheap and highly suggest you do so if you're going.
  4. none of the versions are online but you can use xlink to play in a way online
  5. yea sub version is best
  6. so long your ps2 likes them, it should be fine
  7. yes you can order online or buy them at the center
  8. well i guess i'll leave gogo to answer if this can help it but i highly doubt it as hes been trying for a while now to get ki2 running better.
  9. http://digitallife.com its a 3 day event starting tomorrow at noon at the Jacob Javits Center, New York City, NY. many companines are going to be there including M$ with their xbox360 to be playable and others like lucasarts to demo their star wars battlefront 2 and more. i'm going tomorrow, hope any of you can too (btw, one ticket is good for all 3 days!)
  10. that is nasty but at least you got your money back. i remember that happend to me with a double cheeseburger from them but wasn't as bad as yours
  11. again, the emulator uses the CPU, so no. only way you gonna get ki2 running perfectly on xbox is by getting the 1.4ghz celeron upgrade friendtech does or at least used to do.
  12. yea except that the emus go more by the cpu then gpu itself, this is especially with mame which you can tell by running an 3d game. in other hand, maybe the homebrew ports will benefit from this since those do use the gpu more.
  13. this is dealing with pc so i'll move it to pc tech section
  14. i agree with thraxen as i'm pretty much in the same boat (bought it so i could play re4 and the other 2 re only games for gc) but now you can see things are not going thier way like when capcom annouced re4 would be coming to ps2 the month it was coming out for gc and you know that they are gonna do some extras for that version (which i hear from a friend of mine that got the re4 demo for ps2 looks and plays really well and has true widescreen and you can play in 480P!) but nintendo too has their versions of games like k'dash pointed out with mkd having 2 characters not in ps2 or xbox versions and with some ea games adding a mario touch to so to nba streets v3 and even in the next ssx (not to forget super punchout being in fight night 2).
  15. i look at it as mario being sellout lately for nintendo but who can blame them not to do so.
  16. damn this sounds tempting but i'm still holding out on psp plus if i get this and a psp, i pretty much could've bought a deluxe xbox360 instead
  17. you can't load a backup of a game on your ps2 unless you have a modchip or have one of those swap thingys (i recomend using a modchip by far). but you can just use the latest winhiip to send the game to the hdd when connected to your pc. how you connect it to your pc is up to you but i suggest using a usb 2.0 hdd enclosure which makes things easier.
  18. well i don't think he wanted donations but helping hand to what he wants to do for the next mamedox.
  19. hehe, wasn't too long ago that i saw ads from ebgames and such almost giving away gamecubes with games for anyone that trades in a xbox or ps2. the main thing that still hurting it is ppl don't see the bargin with it any more since xbox and ps2 are only $50 bucks more and offer more. could careless for ds as it never caught my eyes to have one and seeing how gba gets more games then it, whats the point? i hope for revolution's sake that it doesn't end up as virtual boy heh.
  20. i had the namco ps1 stick but i now use pelican's real arcade stick since it works with ps1/2,xbox, and gc. also might add that you can swap the parts for it easily with any happs or any other type arcade button/joysticks (got mines setup with all competition parts) heres a link to it from jr.com: http://www.jr.com/JRProductPage.process?Product=3972704 can be found at gamestop stores for $39.99 which isn't bad.
  21. looking at capcom's collection leads be to believe they ported over the psx versions of most of the games (from the japan only capcom generations 1-5 that came out for psx/saturn) since in each game folder, you'll see a "psx-data" folder. this could also explain why the sf2 ports have loading screens and the same probs as the psx ones. i also checked out tecmo's collection but seems they ported the games as none of the files seems to match the mame roms. midway treasures 3 does have a roms folder but nothing i can reconize and also that they didn't exactly use arcade versions to certain games (rush 2049 and hydro thunder were dreamcast ports) and they also did some tweaks to rush: the rock which made it faster then the arcade version (running 60pfs now, arcade was almost have that) and edited super offroad for legal reasons (no ironman stewart stuff).
  22. well i saw taito legends pal released thought i'd try it out and found something interesting, it actually uses real arcade roms and you can see\compare them to mame's set! in some cases it matches some dead on includes others not even in the mame set! ex: bubble bobble mame set doesn't have A78-02.49 3KB CRC 39AAEB67 i'll take some pics of the roms zipped (they come in folders but i'll zip them so you can see/match the crcs) and i think mamedevs may wanna take this as an interest since i think some roms weren't 100%. Edit: theres a lot and don't know a real good free image site so i'll post a zip with all the pics. also noticed it uses the the same artwork that mame does for the games that have them. get the pics here: http://rapidshare.de/files/5772569/Taito_l...et_pics.7z.html
  23. after reading that post of his, i wnet searching for the dvd and grabed it and watched it, i must say that it does point out a lot things i never bothered to really notice back then when he was at his peak and then saw that he never changed even when he finally got away from wwf to wcw which made his character worse like his interviews and moments when he speaks about things that make no sence to this day hehe. the dvd definitely points out his flaws that no one can help him out on wrong things hes done (wcw warrior vs. hogan was a no no as bishoff and hogan point out) and they too like me thinks he takes the warrior character too far that it cost him his career in a way but in the end, there is only one ultimate warrrior and it was fun watching him as he was. by the way, the dvd also has some of his good matches as a bonus so its worth it if you're a fan but i gotta say the undertaker dvd set looks very tempting.
  24. well i got the collection and all the games got their own xbes but i see nothing extra other then the sf2 deluxe thing. btw, its not 100% perfect if you read the review
  25. if you gonna get xbox360, be sure to grab the $400 one as it comes with the hdd and such so you can use the backwards compatilbity.
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