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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. i personally would hold out on doing a dvd-9 as roms aren't complete and i believe by new year or so the rest should be done. plus using a dvd-9 disc isn't really needed unless you really wanna keep all the clones
  2. well i read it and i think hes taking the "warrior" bit too far to the point i read he even changed his name to warrior he thinks too much of himself which is prolly why he failed in the end even tho he did win against wwe for the ultimate warrior use but gets me thinking if he really did win, why would wwe be able to release a dvd using his likeness/trademark and such? wwe can do stupid things here and there but that has to come out with reason.
  3. theres been a few ways tho i'm not 100% sure if it will work with burnt games. i would suggest reading mod that cube done by brakken but at the moment the site is down. maxconsole.net forums might help as well
  4. can't be worse then the house of the dead, god that one sucked
  5. yes but you need a modchip or a way to boot them
  6. some media is made to go to a certain speed like in my case with using ritek G04's the max is 4x.
  7. i personally use ritek/ridata G04 for all 3 systems (ps2, gc and xbox) and hasn't given me a prob tho G04 i believe is now discontinued so it might be harder to find but its one of the best media 4x media to use on consoles. verbatim is also good but pricey at times. my exprience so for with +R DL discs (ritek and verbatim) is that is best to set the booktype to DVD-ROM so older dvd players and console drives can like it more as some drives/ dvd players won't see it as a +R type and i know this includes older samsung drives for xbox.
  8. you may find it to be a crock but damn sure happened to me as i used to use my ps2 as a dvd player when it was first out and that one died as did my friend's which we both did the same (never been modded either). the current one i'm using (v7 and modded with messiah 2 pro) has lasted me 3 years now and going and i haven't used it for playing dvd movies since i have bought a dvd player which was worth it since ps2's dvd player is half-assed with certain dvds but none the less its still running to this day. xbox i never really saw a problem for dvd movies and mind you i bought my xbox just for xbmp/xbmc and emus sake (had a good deal on a modchip too but still hehe) tho my thomson drive that came in my xbox did crap out but i since used a phillips drive and it plays everything perfectly with the exception of +R DL's and -R G05's which it didn't like much. my 2 cents, its worth getting a cheap dvd player to play whatever dvd movie you want and don't have to worry about abusing your consoles for their crappy dvd player.
  9. damn, i hope it comes out well for k' dash. i right now have my father in the hospital due some infection in his intestin which it gets his feces gets clogged not able to do a #2 to say or eat correctly. hes been there for almost 2 months with doctors trying to figure out whats wrong but i hope for the best. i hope for the best for his mother.
  10. the way you describe it reminds me when i had a v1 ps2 making noises before it basically gave up, so i'd say its on its way of dying out. lucky enough you have options to get a better drive now or you can opt to use a normal dvd-rom on your xbox but doing that means it won't load retail games, just backups.
  11. that depends on your tv if it can handle 50hz since ps2 won't auto covert it to 60hz like some dvd players can (highly suggest using a real dvd player instead as using the ps2's adds more wear and tear). btw, dvd decrypter automatic makes a disc free region so you won't need to set a region while dvd shrink is simple to use and freeware, i personaly like the quality instant dvd v7 or better can do as it beats dvd shrink but its not freeware so look for other means but well worth it plus pinnacle make some other nice software for making your known dvds with mpeg's, avi's and such.
  12. i personally find it to be a waste especially now when nintendo changed gba sp screens to be brighter and sp has a bigger screen. my main choice for portable will no doubt be a psp but i'm still not willing to dump $200+ for it (i only add the + since you'll want a big memory card if you get one heh).
  13. dual shock 2 wins it for me, snes second to that as well
  14. thanks + T +, d/l works perfectly now and big thanks for getting rid of the never able to find s1 of zintrick lawnspic i too have trouble getting in to gogo's forum, hopefully it will be fixed soon. XtraTrstrL i was able to find the patches for rotd and samsho5's m1d at romshare forums
  15. are you still uploading it right now? i only ask since i've tried a few times to it d/l and comes out incomplete/unexpected end of rar.
  16. free movie tickets if a person i know works there heh
  17. well i can save you from mentioning the samsho5 m1 as its not released yet and the same applies mslug5's m1 and kof2003a's m1. i also can't seem to find a patch to get the v2 for kof2k4se but for the d/nd (decrypted) roms you need, you can get them by using certain pc emu's like winkawaks that has options to keep decrypted roms when loading the encrypted roms and it should give you a s1 rom. read the sticky on encrypting/decrypting roms for kawa-x for more info. oh and for decrypting v roms, i suggest searching for IQ_132's neoconv
  18. that was damn funny
  19. make sure you are using a xbox iso tool to extract it. i use qwix and it gives me no probs extracting iso or even making them (recently made my own dvd5 of ninja gaiden black ).
  20. not sure if it was working on mame 84 but it was one of those games you had to hold F2 while it was loading so it can bypass the eeprom error and then the game will load fine. i doubt this game would run well on xbox but even in current mame its still far fro perfect.
  21. use the fba-xxx pro dat to fix roms it looks for, the cps dats romcenter comes with i believe is outdated.
  22. use romcenter+dat to see the clones and such. as for neogeo.zip, best to use the one needed by fba-xxx/pro which romcenter should tell you
  23. my pioneer 105 that i had a while back came with just a cable and in a baggy. i use a 16x liteon now and its been good with both types of dvdr but a lil picky on mini dvd-r's which i use for gc shibathedog don't knock ridata/ritek's, they are one of the best media you can get and are normally cheap to find online. its riteks or verbatims for me, i heard taiyo yuden being the best but my xbox, ps2 and dvd don't seem to like them much as verb's or ritek's. avoid princo, cheapest crap you can buy and doesn't last long no matter how clean the disc is kept; consider yourself warned.
  24. truth be told why, they didn't want kerry to get stuck with bush's mess
  25. yup, it was definitely on my side; i have romcenter installed in E: while it was grabing dats from my old C: which had an older version its fixed now heh Edit: i did find one thing a bit weird and it been happening on a few dats: under Marvel Vs. Capcom, it for some odd reason doesn't see a good mvsca and mvscb roms yet i check the roms and they're the correct ones
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