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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. newsgroups is your best bet for rom updates and using romcenter with the dat that comes with fba-xxx pro to check your roms that need a update or fix
  2. there was a problem with 007 eoe that needed a fix which i can guess effected you at the time but i have the game burnt and it works fine from dvd-r. shiba, my guess is the +r discs you got were burnt with the bitsetting for dvd-rom as thats the only way i know it can read +r's
  3. the baed disc wasn't by me but the emu for it was modified by me but this was almost a year ago since shastaorange released it so theres been a lot of rom changes since then and i'm sorry to say that you'll need to upgrade to the latest fba-xxx or the pro version by + T + if you want more options and to be able to play samurai shodown V special.
  4. well theres 2 versions of samsung, the latest being a toshiba/samsung and the old samsungs found in 1.2's and up. older samsungs read cdr's just fine but the drive is known to hate +R dvd's
  5. well i fixed the watch battery problem and bought a new laptop battery and even flashed it to the latest bios release but still no luck on getting any of the win os's to install with exception to win2k which now goes to "Setup is starting windows 2000" but nothing more i think i'm just gonna give into a shop cuz i really have no idea what could it be and i'd like to get this sucker running since its mine now
  6. what games gave you probs with x3?
  7. only thing i hope to do is hack the atari flashback 2.0 to add the cartridge port so i can use my old carts
  8. cps1/2 use the latest sets based off mame 98 i too would love to see an dat
  9. i believe ude2 is currently the best softmod to use
  10. well i can tell you that if you gonna use dvd+r dl disc or +r in general for that matter, i highly suggest to set the bitsetting to dvd-rom so it can be more compatible with drives. i had an xbox with a samsung dvd-rom and it wouldn't see my dvd+r dl movies that weren't set to dvd-rom bitsetting but my copy of rallisport 2 which was set on dvd-rom bitsetting ran fine on the samsung dvd-rom.
  11. actually you don't, using a simple app as dvdx can play a dvd using your controller. even sweeter, using xbmc (xbox media center) you can watch dvd or svcd images from your pc and now for dvd images or vobs it uses menus and such thos its still not 100% working like when using dvdx or the remote kit (best example is like watching a kung fu flick which isn't english and even if you selected the english subtitle from the dvd menu, it won't work unless you do it from xbmc's menu). oh and svcd/vcds do work using xbmc with nothing done to them tho i will say that some dvd-roms do not see certain cdr's as svcd/vcds so you may wanna try a few different types of media if your dvd-rom can read cdrs. for those that have dvd-rom that can't read cdrs, best to use smb share from your pc to stream the bin/mpg file on xbmc. and on a last note, using dvdrws or cdrws really depends more on your dvd-rom excepting them as mines works fine with tdk dvd-rws and most xbox dvd-roms can read cdrws but some depend on the type of media, worth trying a few good quality media and highly advise avoiding cheap media like princo which doesn't last long for the life of it.
  12. might be worth to check if vmm was turned on when you tried sf1 but as for mk games and other midway games for that matter, stick to mameox 71.b for those.
  13. sf1 works on a 64mb xbox but play badly without the extra memory
  14. popeyes biscuits red lobsters biscuits cheesy bread pizza dunkin donuts donuts mcdonald fries wong tong soup
  15. that was funny but oddly enough theres a bunch of high school brats in my town doing the same with civics and these bastards are always looking hard at me when i'm driving my 94' impala. i'll feel sorry for the young punk with a civic that would dare temp to race me in my 94' impala ss
  16. i too hope for a new pro version, lets hope + T + can find time and interest in to doing it Sauron-Jin i added the rest to the quote
  17. you sure you don't got the dvdrip that has each game on 2 cds?
  18. says in the nfo for bendermike's latest that he didn't get it to work but he added it anyway
  19. From the readme/nfo about the future of FBAxxx:
  20. that is definitely badass
  21. i gotta say nice job, its so nice to see the games in thier right size and not see screen tears. now i think i'm gonna go for the extra memory to make it even sweeter heh
  22. yea i hate it when that happens especially in nj, god ppl get annoying when they get in the flocking way. i would've just slowdown and let the bastards pass
  23. side of the box doesn't tell me much as its covered by a shipping sticker but from what i saw on maxtor's website and on front of the box, its a Ultra16 300GB 7200RPM Ultra ATA/133 16MB CACHE EDIT: after doing some searches on maxtor's site, i believe the hdd's model number might be 6B300R0 which matches a diamond max plus 10 as it goes up to 300gb. not 100% sure but thats what i found as of yet. EDIT2: compusa is selling the same hard drive i got for $149.99 hehe, can't beat my price
  24. yes its 7200rpm, right now no one is claiming dibs on it as the guy that really wanted it backed out due to car problems that came up but i never opened as he wanted me to set it up for him just to add in to his xbox. in case anyone is wondering what he and i are talking about, read my signature or go here
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