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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. well i decided to try making a multigame disc and i did one using the latest viper multi boot iso creator (1.2) and made one with the following: ikaruga namco museum 4x4 evo 2 Ikaruga works fine but namco museum freezes at the title screen (where its suposse to say press start doesn't come up at all) and 4x4 evo 2 just stays at a black screen. at first i thought it was the bios as i was using 1.3 but i'm using 1.3a and still the same result tho with 1.3, namco museum gave me "an error has occured" any ideas?
  2. ok, i finally got around installing my qoob pro mod (bad week for me) so heres my results: well the first ting that bothered me was that when i got the chip, like cinder no pretty box (came in a oem white type of box) and the other thing that bother me was from the looks of the flexible cable that came with it was badly twisted in some parts but it still worked in the end lucky enough. one thing that kinda pissed me off was the lack of a sticker backing on the mod and the little eject cable piece, i was lucky enough to have plenty of the sticker backs from x3/x2.6 xbox mods since i mainly do pin header installs. after taking apart the gc, it was an easy solder job that reminded me of doing a ps1 install and i then grab the 1.3 bios and then connected the usb cable to my pc and it had no problem erasing/writing what i tossed in. then i tested it and got the qoob bios screen so everything was good to go to try a backup so i decided to try the discs that came with my qoob pro package from foundmy.com and as i expected, they gave me cheap dvd-rs from SKC co. and the first burn which was resident evil 2 for gc gave me a disc read error but i then tried using my office depot mini dvd-rs i bought which use Ritek G04 on paper mario 2 and it booted the disc no problem so thats it for now, i'll proly try the n64 emu thing after i make some other discs heh so i give qoob pro a
  3. happy birthday hope you have fun
  4. the baed fba disc is old so most of the 2002-2003 romsets were wrong and have been corrected to whats out now, heck the disc didn't even have samsh5sp. by the way, the pr edition did have the cpu adjust for neogeo games but still you're better off with the latest fba-xxx pro
  5. just came from the midnight showing of batman begins (making a habit of midnight debuts heh) and we finally get a batman movie thats right next to the first. i won't spoil anything as its 3 am right now and i just wanted to tell fans of batman that its definitely worth the ticket and theres a nice surprise in the end
  6. well basically you extract the image of the game and build a new image which will make the game smaller. i normally do this for hd loader sake using isobuster to extract and to get the list tree info for LBA relative path txt file and then rebuid using cdvdgen and loading the txt file done by isobuster so all the files are in order when the image is made.
  7. http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/n...mponent_faq.jsp
  8. actually, the latest gc games don't support progressive scan since the gc's in stores now don't have the digital output as older ones do. those wanting the progressive scan now will have no choice but to buy a refurbished gc as thats what nintendo will tell you. theres no doubt that nintendo will include hdtv as without it, they'll will be left behind the competition which they're trying to beat
  9. nba street v3 has a false LBA, no dummy files
  10. i'm getting it as well hehe
  11. he has been acquitted on all accounts http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8062350/?GT1=6657 and this ends the poll/topic
  12. well i think by the time ps3 is out, i'll have a hdtv as i'm planning to move out of the sh*t hole i'm living in by the end of this year and i'll be sure to buy a new tv for my new place. i look at it this way: when ps2 came out, dvd players were still at high price item but since it had a dvd player, prices for dvd players started dropping in price that now you can own one for $40 bucks or less. hdtv is still high in price but now with m$ and sony backing up hdtv, i'm sure the prices will go down as like what ps2 did with dvd players tho it will take some time since in this case, the tv isn't included hehe
  13. i think hes innocent, this kid's family just wants money
  14. i do plan on getting the pc version just to see how well that one is but right now i'm using a cheap pci gf 4400 card untill my 6800 ultra comes (step up program hehe)
  15. Rey Mysterio JR is now known as just Rey Mysterio as joey styles pointed out during his entrance that rey's uncle gave him the name now so JR part is dropped as it was shown last night.
  16. well i got my hands on it for xbox and i gotta say its a bit disappointing for xbox sake compared to what they did for gta 3+vc set. first thing i notice was jaggies and that surprises me to see it that bad for an xbox game but even with the jaggies, the game does look more clean on xbox then ps2 but just barely making a difference compared to what they did on the gta 3+vc set. the other sad thing is the loading time in the game isn't much different then ps2 which is surprising since xbox has a hdd to use and on top of that, you'll see it say loading in parts of the game that shouldn't like when you're changing clothes and such. the last disappointing thing is a minor one and it deals with the soundtrack option: in the gta 3+vc set, you're able to select discs/tracks but in this version it won't let you which is a shame. other then what i mentioned, it plays well and has less lag in some parts of the game compared to ps2's version but overall i would've expected it to be like the gta 3+vc set which was done nicely on xbox.
  17. i don't use swapping methods since i have a modchip in mine so can't help you with that, sorry
  18. nice to hear IJTF_Cinder, i should have mine done tomorrow and i will test using mini dvd-rs from office depot which should be Ritek G04's media which is good.
  19. yes its possible to make a backup of either one, the latest versions of either of those don't use a dongle. and they come as cds so you burn it on a cd
  20. not sure if this is a dat error or not but the following aren't in the dat or are missing: mslug5b kof2k1pla kof2k1pls
  21. i too just got mine the other day but haven't installed it yet since my iron needs a new bit.
  22. nice to hear tmual wanting you're help on a new fba-x, i'm sure it will be great. fba-xxx pro has been one of the best emus around as of lately and so i think just having the roms updated would be great enough till the new fba-x comes out
  23. well for the consoles sake, it has parts in the game where 2 players can play but thats about it. i'm gonna get for xbox and see how much it improved over ps2's version tho from reading gamespot's review, they claim not much was done but i gotta see it for myself to judge it.
  24. for kof2k2pls, be sure you have the decrypted c roms in the zip
  25. well i was able to complete: ct2k3sp cthd2k3a garoud kof2002b kof2003a kof2003d kof2003 kof2k3nd matrimnd mslug5nd rotdd rotdnd samsh5hd samsh5nd samsho5d samsho5h svcnd samsho5 won't be complete until someone releases the proper m1 (i would mention samsh5nd but it does have its m1d out) zintrckb for the life of me can't find the s1 fba pc/xxx/pro wants and don't know anyone that has it you can also add sf2ce13, sf2toryu and mslug5b's p1 which i haven't had any luck on either
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