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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. well i'm sold, i bought the pro version with the gamebit driver and a 5pk of mini dvd-rs for a total of $83. this was foundmy.com's bundle #1 which seemed worth it for the mini dvd-rs. odd enough, there site has a reseller for usa but yet they only sell viper mods lucky enogh i bought from foundmy.com before and got my stuff quick even tho they are in canada
  2. i'm thinking of getting one myself since right now i feel duped with the ar max evo i got recently which didn't come with a max drive pro disc
  3. yes ms did go back to 1.4/5 boards but i'm still getting a few 1.6's still and most of them come with the hitachi-lg dvd-rom. thats from my last 5 xbox's i did at least
  4. just to note, the current Xapt3r can be used for 1.6 but you'll have to do the 1.6 lpc fix in order for it to work which really isn't hard to do if you're ok with a soldering iron. also note that if you do go for the 1.6 board, you can't do a ram upgrade if you ever decided to go for it.
  5. Yoda got a lot of love in the theater i was at too hehe. that place was a mad house with 3 sets of lines on each side of the theater, thank god for fandango as i didn't need to wait in that line i'm still deciding to see batman begins at the theater but i think i'll go anyway hehe
  6. just came from the midnight showing, definitely one of the best in my eyes, can't wait to have this on dvd as the sound on it was so great
  7. it would be nice to see a nes version of this gameboy since it looks close to the old nes pad
  8. well i'm definitely not crazy about the controller even tho they were using ps2 controllers during the conference hehe i see they decided to make ps3 look like a bose dvd/receiver then the car stereo amp looking old ps2. its better none the less in my eyes the demos shown in the conference are damn nice and i can't wait to get my hands on it but the nerve of square-enix to tease ppl with the ff7 tech demo knowing they have no intensions releasing a redone version of the game but it looked great.
  9. well i still haven't seen the probs with ssf2t but it did lockup on me if i select cheats but i think its due to the cheats ini's i have being out of date as some roms have been renamed and such but i'm not 100% sure on that. also there a minor prob with changing the buttons as when i press white, it chooses black and the same for left/right trigger. not related to this but i also tested a ps2 to xbox/gc adpater that i bought for $3.99 at a pc show they have this weekend in nj ( www.pcshow.com ) with this and it works great but i gotta wait till my ps2 saturn pad comes to truely test it out if you got $8 for the entrance fee, i suggest you drop by the pc show and pick one up as its a bargin and theres a few other things for older consoles there as well
  10. i personally hate torrents, newsgroups is a hell of a lot better when you have a good server
  11. hmm i can't seem to remember you posting about it seeing how this article was done as of the 5th of this month <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What I'm trying to say is, I posted it before you because I'm like that when I'm not in too deep with a game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well i might've missed that topic but that link in that topic doesn't show the controller as of now so take this as an update to those who didn't know about it truth of the matter dealing with the controller is that it was out before darkstalkers collection was even announced since it came out for the sega ages games but the purple one is exclusive to capcom and they can keep it as i'm getting the black one
  12. hmm i can't seem to remember you posting about it seeing how this article was done as of the 5th of this month
  13. i'm not crazy for purple but flock it, i'm gonna get it Update: turns out play-asia.com has it in black http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-80-1-70-imb.html
  14. hehe for a moment there i thought the topic was refering to xbox versions, but none the less great news for ppl who use linux.
  15. believe me man, it dead easy with the app i told you to use
  16. you don't need a programmer, just follow what i said using the FlashX_v1.2-XECUTER app. also i just wanna add that if you do follow the way i said in the post earlier, you wouldn't have to worry about flashing a bios again since you'll have flashbios on bank 2 and it will always flash to bank 1
  17. HDD = Hard Drive Disk and yes if you run evox you can access the the hdd by ftp. you can edit the bios ini yourself but i highly suggest getting x2ool to make/edit the ini since you're new to this. now as for flashing the modchip, i suggest getting FlashX_v1.2-XECUTER app as it can flash the bios in whatever bank you choose. so with using that app i suggest the following: get flashbios and make it 512k and if you haven't gotten it yet, get the latest x2 bios which is currently at 5032 and its already 512k. now using the FlashX_v1.2-XECUTER app, flash flashbios 512k to bank 2 and flash x2 5032 to bank 1(the app will show you banks 1 2 3 4 but in your case 1+2 = bank 1 and 3+4 = bank 2).
  18. i have the latest bios already flashed and thats when i had done the dual channel mode. also i didn't touch any of the overclock options as of yet and don't think i will for the time being. i'm gonna leave as is right now and just wait till i get another set of memory sticks which should be soon if the deal ends well heh
  19. E:\ or F:\ is on your hdd and the ini comes with the latest bios
  20. try chipdealer.com, they are in canada and if thats not good try foundmy.com as they too are in canada. another choice if you're interested, in the #ps2 channel in efnet theres an op that goes by the name Nicotine' and he does great jobs in mods and hes in canada in the niagra i believe.
  21. first off, theres no need for you to keep making new posts for lil changes, just update the last one you did unless someone replied. now as for dvd-rom's, most ppl believe samsung ones are best but to me i rather have phillips as it can read more and if you use +r media, you'll want to stay away from samsung dvd-rom's. as for the latest x2 bios, all its extra options are in a ini that you place in either E:\ or F:\ when you flash the bios. theres also tool apps that can make a ini to what you want, look at x-s for those. also, i just wanna say that you don't have to make the bios 1mb as 512k is perfect for 1 bank and that allows you to use a different bios. i highly suggest using the latest x2 bios in bank 1 and have the latest flashbios in bank 2 since it flashes to bank one only and it comes in handy incase anything goes wrong so you won't need a programmer.
  22. well i just got back and its still running so i guess the problem was dealing with the memory being on dual channel mode but strange how this started now since its been running dual channel mode for over a month with no probs. the only other odd ball thing that sometimes happens is when i need to reboot, it won't load up P.O.S.T and i had to press the reset button for it to run post. edit: i grabbed the speedfan app and everything seems good and right now cpu is at 43 C
  23. ok, i'm back on the upgraded pc. seems to be running fine after putting my memory back into single channel mode. i gotta run to compusa for a thing or 2 so i'm gonna let it run and see what happens when i get back
  24. ok, my recent upgraded pc just suddenly shutdown and only the power light blinks at first i thought it might be the cpu overheating so i cleaned off the thermal grease it had and put on a fresh coat of artic silver thermal grease that came with the heatsink. i turned on the pc and everything seemed ok as it loaded xp no prob but after 2 mins xp was on, it suddenly cut off again right now i have no idea what could it be and the last thing i'm willing to try before giving it up to a repair shop is switching around my memory stick back to single channel mode and see what happens. for those of you who don't know about my upgrade, heres what i have: Atholon64 3800 MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum (not the SLI version) EVGA 6800GT 256MB DDR Video Card 1GB OCZ PC3200 DDR RAM 2 300GB Maxtor HDD's in RAID0 Lite On DVD Burner TDK 48x CD Burner DVD-ROM 2 Western Digital HDD's: 120GB and 160GB
  25. well i let the game play a demo in fei long's stage and i didn't see a prob but if you can, try taking a snapshot in fba-xxx and post it here.
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