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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. works fine here too and their software works great too
  2. well i can vouch for EVGA 6800GT PCI-E card, works lovely even with the greedy doom 3 right now i'm waiting for evga to restock 6800U PCI-E card as i have the option to step-up and i'm gonna use it hehe
  3. i liked the sfa ova tho it did have weird moments but i think it came out a lot better then the sf2 anime movie. i never seen a kof ova tho i remember watching a fatal fury one and i know there was one on samurai shodown but never got to watch that one.
  4. well the cheats folder does come with team-xxx's release tho its empty in the latest version but basically if you can get any of the cheat ini's that work in pc fba, it will work on fba-xxx/pro. just remember to enbale cheats in the emu options
  5. fba-xxx pro supports cheats so why not just use that? btw, i shorten your post since all the codes weren't needed to point out what you meant i also tried it and it works fine for mshjr1 tho i had to make an ini file for it but none the less it works bt anita doesn't even have a ending in the game so its pointless to even use the region code.
  6. ebgames has a no refund policy on their refurbished goods and i know this for a fact cuz i was stuck with an xbox after i got what was needed lucky enough i was able to trade the xbox for a gc and games since i didn't own one yet heh.
  7. i personally find it easier doing the LPC fix using 30awg wires instead of the pcb fix thats included, most times to me it was a pain in the ass to get all the points correctly using the pcb fix. with the latest mods, they make the d0 point really easy since its done on the bottom of the mobo in which the point is very easy to get to unlike the top of the mobo where you gotta solder to a via which to most ppl with less soldering skills is a pain in the ass and might destroy the point if he/she isn't carefull.
  8. yea i too hate 1.6's but at least now that shouldn't be a prob as m$ went back to using 1.4 boards. when i first modded my xbox, i tried out linux that was on a slayers disc; not bad but slow without the extra memory.
  9. go to mameox/dox options
  10. for those games, you'll need to use the virtual memory in the latest mameox/dox
  11. its in mame but its doesn't run well at all so you're better off playing it on dc or on your pc if its fast. btw, many games are JAMMA but thats dealing with controls if i remember right, you need to look at the system it ran on to really think if its possible on xbox or on your pc. EDIT: this explains JAMMA best:
  12. there is also covert2 that can decrypt the roms using command line and the rom's encryption key but it too makes 128kb s1's but at least this one can be used for the latest roms.
  13. i normally like to go out once in a while with a friend or 2 to drink, dance and meet with some women but the unfortunatly just about all my main friends have kids now to deal with so free time is rare for them. also i personaly have been on a diet for a few months now and drinking is a no no since what i drink mostly is made from sugar but none the less i got someone in my life to talk to and hopefully things will go well hehe
  14. nice, i'll definitely try it out
  15. i don't use rw's as much so i won't answer that but i can answer 2 and 3: 2: i personally just use dvd decrypter for all my burns and its freeware which can be found at www.dvdecrypter.com 3: the slayers disc i mostly use to setup new hdd's unless i got a x3 mod but don't rely on it for up to date apps as they rarely update the disc and its still using an old dash most n00bie would use (evox) which is well past due a upgrade. i suggest using the disc for ftp access and add in any of the latest dashes and/or apps you like. and also note it doesn't come with emulators as the folder in the disc is empty at your option to add whatever you want.
  16. make sure you got the "working" version
  17. my speakers do but i set it pretty hgh as it is
  18. well i normally use musicmatch as my default mp3 player but when not in use theres a annoying problem: if the volume left on musicmatch is set low, it will stay that way in windows and any app for sound untill you reopen musicmatch and adjust the volume back to where you want it. i hate to get rid of musicmatch as i like it for its features so i'm wondering if anyone knows a way to fix it so it does take total controll of the volume for my speakers in windows?
  19. congrats man, you'll definitely gonna get some sleepless nights but in the end its all worth it. i don't have a kid yet (maybe for next year) but had enough experience with my niece
  20. just tested the latest patch, cthd2k3a still has screwed up gfx but other then that, its nice EDIT: just tried to load kof2k2pls, still freezes the xbox during loading
  21. congrats man nice to see a new staff member
  22. nice update + T + and i also like to thank gogo and manto for their support btw, did you fix cthd2k3a?
  23. i recently grabbed it as well and it was funny, can't wait to see more new episodes Seth
  24. well i never seen him post here as of yet but your best bet is at x-s forums
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