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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. man, i gotta say the latest fba out is pretty damn nice tho i wish it would match pro's romset. needs work on the dat tho, romcenter tells me all my neogeo roms need the neogeo bios
  2. only way we'll see strikers 1945 or tengai working on pro would be if bdiamond/manto is willing to share what was needed to be fixed for those 2 games to run. plus this part was made clear:
  3. cthd2k3a loads to screwed up gfx and also as like bilippe said the kof2k2pls and alternate freeze the xbox. also found this a bit weird but the decrypted sengoku 3 doesn't seem have sengoku 3 encrypted as a parent as i got the preview pic for the parent rom but wont display for the decrypted version.
  4. just a lil update if it matters by now hehe, i'm using AntiVir as it doesn't confict with my shares and works nicely too.
  5. damn thing reminds me of the old mini gateways that was being sold 3 years ago heh
  6. seeing how i missed out on the fun, i'll just close it
  7. ahh hahaha, nice to see intel owned in their own event even if they didn't have the balls to hand over the award
  8. nice update i wish BDiamond would share how he/she got strikers 1945 and tengai working.
  9. i can also confirm probs with kof2k3up, seems like a bad s1
  10. well i can uderstand that the man was the closest with john paul but they should've chossen someone a lot more younger cuz this guy is 78 and paul died at 85 john paul was chossen on october of 1978 so at least he got to be pope for 27 years beginning at the age of 58. funny enough, i was born on october in 1978 heh
  11. gotta hand it to barnes and noble for this deal (they own gamestop, funcoland, software etc., and babages) but i just hope for once they'll just stick to one name as i find it stupid they kept the others when they just wanted everything to be gamestop yet their receipts in funcoland and such says gamestop on it and the bags to go along with it.
  12. actually agozer dbz budokai 3 was a pretty darn good fighter for ps2, its worth to get if you are a fan or want a good fighter to play.
  13. well i was doing some reading at maxconsole and i read that it was possible to use ar maxdrive to be able to load backups using gcos, has anyone tried this?
  14. well i hope for bandai sake they do a better job then their last one which was dbgt for ps1, looked good but played terrible.
  15. just so you know, the only difference you'll see if no disc is in the xbox and you see the blob to the big X, you'll notice it says "xecuter" on the bottom of the big X instead of "microsoft" and yes you can play backups without needing a dash as the bios you flashed allows it
  16. hmm i'm not sure if + T + added what was needed to make it work. in case he didn't, it can be found on iq_132's site http://www.freepgs.com/iq_132/
  17. understand that flashbios will only flash bank 1 unless you use a 1mb bios which isn't needed. just get the latest x2 bios if you got a 1.0-1.5 or evo m8plus16 for 1.6 and make them from 256kb to 512kb (very importtant) and then flash it. if its a 1.6 xbox, i highly suggest making the evo m8plus16 to 1mb as it has known probs from being on bank 1 and using a 1mb bios covers both banks for no problems. also if you're able to get it, theres a hacked x3 bios that works fine for 1.0-1.6.
  18. jockey gp still has probs working properly even on pc fba but at laest it playable unlike v-liner
  19. from what i'm reading, you haven't even flashed the modchip yet as what you posted whats on banks are flashbios versions (3.0.1 and 3.0.3). you need to flash it with the latest x2 bios if your xbox is a v1.0-1.5; for 1.6, you'll need either evo m8plus16 or the hacked x3 bios. need help on flashing the mod, got to www.teamxecuter.com and on the right side of their webpage theres a hotlink to flashbios tutorial.
  20. ok, this topic is getting off topic; the question has been answered so topic closed i'm sure when they wanna release a new one, they will announce it
  21. they still arent perfectly working on current mame but who knows by then tho i still doubt it hehe well i hope its possible to hack into xbox 2 to do the lovely things we do on xbox but i guess we'll find out on may 12th on mtv
  22. ahh thx for clearing that up heh
  23. nice news, can't wait for it to be out
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