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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. i too had the demo and i didn't like it, i was glad to own it for ps1
  2. hey + T +, i was wondering why hasn't kof2k1nd been added?
  3. well i just got my gc and i read that theres a n64 emu for it and i'm wondering if its any good?
  4. i watched it lastnight and all in all, it came out ok as only one match was great while the other 2 just ended quickly then expected and just sucked. for the second fight (the best fight of the night) i was glad the gave both guys contracts cuz it was damn good and i would love to see their rematch.
  5. dvd+r dl has nothing to deal with the probs of gt4, its the burning process that is the problem. the hk silver copies of gt4 work since those are pressed in PTP and current dvd burners can't do PTP (only OTP) but supposly pioneer's next model might be able to as rumor is they are coming out with the -r dl discs.
  6. i'm surprised they didn't mention anything of it going to xbox or if xbox is ever gonna get Samurai Shodown V or if they ever plan to release the special version for either system.
  7. after seeing the trailer to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, i must say it has a weird look to it and dep just looks starnge to me but then again this is tim burnton's work so weird things do flow with the man except for batman 1 sake which is great but he shouldn't have killed off the joker
  8. you can get kung fu hustle on dvd at your local import dvd store its a good movie
  9. it will work fine either way, the pins are sharp to stay in place unlike earlier solderless from xecuter. i recomend using a solder mod, as it isn't that hard to do (simple as a ps1 mod)
  10. definitely gonna see star wars episode III, thinking about the batman begins but not sure. the others i'll wait for reviews and see if its worth it tho i might wanna see war of the worlds, does look good and the director barely makes a bad movie (hook)
  11. one thing i suggest getting done is the laser fix for the pstwo as its known for lasers to die out without warning and thats modded or not, the fix needs to be soldered. i personally would avoid getting into the swap discs as its not 100% working with games and may get annoying if you endburning a game that works fine for modchips but for swap discs you need a patch which may or may not work. mods that work on pstwo are: dms4 pro/lite, matrix infinity, and crystal mod. these are the one i can recomend as there are others that work on pstwo but aren't well known in the scene.
  12. there is a contest to go to e3 that sony invited to those who signed up to their playstaion underground forum and i believe M$ is doing something similar. fat chance of winning that tho
  13. a lil off-topic on the neowave crap (like anyone really cares about this game ) http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/04/06/news_6121804.html
  14. while the rom/s may not exist, you can set romcenter to make a dummy file/s for those so you won't have see it in red anymore. this also applies a lot of mame roms
  15. CPS3 isn't crakced yet so the answer is no, sorry
  16. its in la again, i wish i had a way to go, i'll be there in a heart beat just to see the nextgen systems and play demos galore
  17. its a decent port for xbox's sake and i know plenty of ppl are happy to have this especially to those who have an older pc that can't handle the pc version of doom 3. only downside is dealing with the classic doom ports that it doesn't fill the screen and is at low res but at least for the classics they included co-op and multiplayer split-screen. for the classic's sake, i'd rather use the doom-x homebrew since it allows more to be done mod wise and such plus looks a lot better then the ports done by activision/id even tho it doesn't offer the co-op and split-screen multiplayer.
  18. this one is proper, check your crc's and compare them to mine
  19. well i decide to give panda a try and it seems better then mcafee but now dealing with my samba shares, i'm getting this error: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND. this effects all the shares, so if you have any ideas about this one, plz let me know cuz i'm new to panda. EDIT: i disabled the firewall and then reenabled it and its working but the same samba problem i had with mcafee is also a problem with panda now (C: shares are blank but others are fine) i'm wondering if having a raid0 setup is causing this cuz before i did my pc upgrade, i had no problem using mcafee and my samba shares from C: EDIT2: reboot the pc again and that NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND error is back again, its definitely something in the firewall but i have no idea what to look for.
  20. ok, i said to hell with mcafee but i also don't like norton so whats a good anti-virus to get?
  21. i tried to uncheck everything that was allowed and disable the sript scan, still no luck
  22. ok, i normally set smaba shares for me to use with my xbox for xbmc (media player) so i can stream my videos/music, etc. and everything was working fine untill after i installed mcafee virus scan where my shares from my c: drive does show up listed but when i go into it, its blank but all other shares on my other hdds list and show whats in them anyone have any ideas? i'm running mcafee virus scan enterprise v 8.00 i also might add that this happend to me with a newer mcafee but i unistalled it and the shares works fine again.
  23. thats not true as i burned iso's, img's and even bin's with dvd decrypter. great app and its free
  24. gta1 - any stage that has the monks i just gotta kill them all
  25. read the rules, no rom requests
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