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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. that would suck if that does happen, jan does have some hate for gogo and co. for releasing fba-xxx with banned games and it wasn't 100% resolved but ended up using a loophole with patches since it doesn't break fba's rule (its your choice to patch it or not).
  2. just so you know, both of those motherboards use PCI Express slot for video cards. i only mention it since you said you recently bought the 6600 card and you're current motherboard is using agp so if you do choose to get either of those boards, you'll need a new video card too which is more money depending on the card you choose. btw, i recently bought the msi board mentioned, nice board with a lot of features and i'm gonna install it and the rest of my new pc goods tonight
  3. i know it works on the latest pc kawaks but don't think its running on fba as of yet
  4. his post has been changed and let that be a forewarning to all who have joined that theres no rom requests allowed, plz read the rules before doing any such request/post you can request a patch for a rom\s but plz do that in the patches topic i made as i like to leave this topic for updates and troubleshooting for ppl that run into probs running certain game\s
  5. movie does look good and the trailer is up on apple.com if you want better quality without the ign insider crap
  6. not to invoke fraud (your choice not mine ), but you could do a "walmart swap" and get new ones for free. most of the time they wont give a crap about it and let it pass and if your controller cases are scratched up, you can open them and swap the parts. i personaly only have 2 and 1 brand new one i got from a swap but i'm keeping it in case one gives.
  7. nice work n3ogh0st
  8. any luck with svcchaos + T + and djohng?
  9. well it looks like i'll be using a IDE card then heh, i'll look for info on raid. i think i might just get a sata hdd just to replace the 20gb i've been using for my mame roms so i can fit chds and any more roms that may come out.
  10. hmm are they really that bad tho cuz i'm really trying to aviod using a ide card to add all thats needed i kinda figure that would be my best bet. now as for ide raid, that i have no problem doing so but is it really worth to do? try to get all the answers i need since the rest of my parts comes tomorrow and man i gotta say amd64 3800 has some nice weight to it compared to a damn near weightless p3 heh
  11. ok, i'm finally getting my parts this week and have some questions and seeing if this idea of mine is possible heh ok first, are ide 2 sata adapters any good? also is running raid a good idea? now for my idea: from what i read from the board's features, it has 2 sata controllers and its 4 devices per a controller. now i recently bought 2 300gb ide drives (they were on sale) and i'm think of using raid with those using the ide 2 sata adapters and also add my 120 and 160gb hdds using the adapters on one controller. for the other controller: my hdd mobile rack that has a 20gb hdd, dvd burner, cd burner and a dvd-rom again all using the ide 2 sata adapters. i do have a smaller hdd (12gb) hanging around the pc but that one i'm gonna leave out. so do you think my idea is possible? incase you missed the info on the mobo i'm getting, heres the link to again: http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_spec....atinum&class=mb
  12. nice update, definitely will try it out after i finish installing my x3 + x3cp in my new 1.4 xbox
  13. cool, i'll be waiting
  14. ss5spnd works fine, just the encrypted gives me the bank error btw, the dat shows the wrong v1d for samsh5nd
  15. svchaosa works fine just tried kof2k4ex and for some odd reason took a while to load up from the green screen but when it finally loaded, had static music and the romset is ok. kof2003b text/health bars are scrambled kof2k3up for some odd reason also takes a long time at the green screen but hasn't loaded up yet (waiting it out for 5min). ok it seems after a long while it tries to load it but then goes right back to the green screen samsh5sp gives me a bank error on any bios but decrypted loads fine
  16. just tested out ms4plus and the gfx is scrambled ms5plus also has scrambled gfx and slows down badly also svcchaos doesn't load but the other svc's work fine
  17. nice update + T + just wondering, is the s1 for zintrckb really suppose to be 1961b826? cuz i can't seem to find it or a patch for it any where
  18. i suggest to anyone looking for a patch, checkout this site: http://webs.unitedemailsystems.com/neo04_1...ches/non_hacks/
  19. this is going up on newsgroup as we speak, enjoy
  20. i'm currently updating my old fba-x roms to match fba-xxx pro and so far its going good except for one: for ct2k3sp.zip, i got the correct crc for 5k3-s1sp.bin but the size that comes up on romcenter is 128k where mines is 256k and if i split the rom it comes out a different crc
  21. i'm guessing lightgun fix got left out again?
  22. thx again i was able to find the s1 rom on rs forums as you said and i got lucky finding the matrn_s1 in an old disc that i used the classic kawa-hex ok i need another one: zintrckb s1 a7ab0e81 to 1961b826
  23. thx for making that clear gogo heh + T + i noticed you didn't add any of the other homebrew games or versions of them like neo no panepon 1-3, neopong1.1, beast, columns, and pokernight.
  24. this sounds more like it fits the pc tech section then xbox
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