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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. doa is far from being a technical fighter in my eyes, its nothing but eye candy with lacking real gameplay. virtua fighter is definitely a technical fighter especially with vf4:evo. very good but no eye candy like doa which doesn't matter to me, hell i'll play it even with vf1 gfx hehe tekken is good and gets better with its sequels in gfx and in characters moves and is far more technical then doa but not at vf4:evo's level. while t4 was lacking, t5 definitely made up for it. i'd say the man had his points, i mean if namco took more time on it, online could've been a possiblity but the game itself i find a lot better then any doa out.
  2. doa is always eye-candy but the game is a bit half-assed and team ninja knows it. tekken 5 by far is the prettiest 3d fighter i can enjoy for hours where doa would end in minutes unless you got a friend to play a few rounds.
  3. if its not on newsgroup, i'm willing to up it there just gotta get it first heh UPDATE: i got my hands on it and its being posted to alt.binaries.emulators.mame meant to add the xbox groups but slipped my mind hehe but i'll post it to xbox groups after its done going to the mame group forgot to mention i made par2's for it as well UPDATE 2: its going to the xbox groups (alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox & alt.binaries.games.xbox) now, enjoy
  4. good to hear just wish there was a way to use encrypted v roms tho
  5. nice tho i have haven't read anything about mugen much so i may read more into it now
  6. FBAxxx build 27/02/2005 >> A new version of FBAxxx(info) has been released. What's new/fixed: * removed superscale filter, it was crashing the xbox * fixed memory leak when changing menu or when no preview picture was in * fixed screenshot function * fixed fast forward message,... * changed cpu adjust speed menu to a menu where you can choose : * cpu speed * asm68K or Musashi 68K * use old vmm or new vmm * page buffer size * Page buffer size default is 256K, you don t need to change it, the emu might crash when changed * Old VMM is the one from lantus (with fread, fseek and fopen) and new VMM from manto (createfile, setfilepointer and readfile), I optimized both of them but there are still some sound glitches, I let you choose which one you want. Official Site: http://fbaxxx.fr.st/
  7. mameox already had samba support, read the readme from the original release. i'll close this topic since 1.0 has been announced
  8. this wasn't the first time hehe but that didn't stop him from changing the topic name/description
  9. http://www.mame.net/downmain.html
  10. just wondering, was the lightgun fix added to this as well? i only ask cuz i just got my gun and i wanna test it out on some mame games
  11. i just got my copy of tekken 5 and i just gotta say wow, its just amazing how great the game looks on ps2 and i don't even have a progressive tv (old 27" trinitron w/s-video) which it does support and widescreen. the tekken 5 plays smooth and has a tekken 3 feel to it which is a good thing since 4 was lacking. also the arcade history is open off bat so you can play the arcade versions of tekken 1-3 i tried all 3 and they play lovely with no loading between rounds and all charaters that were hidden are already open but i decided only just to beat tekken 3 to the end and i see that theres no endings, just shows a highlight of what you done and gameover; i never finished the game in the arcade so i guess thats normal. also when playing the arcade versions of 1-3 theres no pause button so be sure to play them when you don't get disturbed hehe overall , i'm very pleased on what namco has done and look at it as one of the best games ever done on ps2 hardware
  12. i believe Gunbird 2 and Fallen Angels aren't SH1 which is what fba team added.
  13. http://gear.ign.com/articles/582/582640p1.html ign review states its based on the arcade version so its not the genesis version they display on the page you posted sf2mj.
  14. theres some games that will tho like capcom vs snk 2 eo and marvel vs, capcom 2. also theres dvdrips of some games but in most cases they take out parts of a game which can be a good thing or a bad thing.
  15. well i read and saw the pics, makes me wanna wait in line now
  16. do it as pm but don't post the link to the forum as we don't support files made with illegal software (xbes being from xdk/sdk software). and just in case, don't even think about asking where to get the illegal software here either
  17. HK$ you know by now theres no links allowed to xbe's
  18. bios files aren't needed in the neogeo romsets, its just a winkawaks thing
  19. yeah i saw this the other day on the news and all i can say is WTF Is WB Smoking? Taz to Spaz,Bugs to Buzz they shouldn't even let this deal with looney tunes as those are classic toons that should have never been changed. Btw, I actually liked the batman beyond tho it isn't as good as fox batman series but was getting better in its last season and had a good movie (return of the joker).
  20. windows ce is still in the works, not fully working as linux. no need for a bios flash so long you got a hacked bios
  21. i remember reading something about intel stock heatsinks for p4 3.0+ are barely cooling the cpu, i suggest getting a better heatsink and if possible get arctic silver 5 thermal compound as it will knock off about 10 degrees.
  22. at least he didn't play postal hehe
  23. wow, i didn't expect tekken 1-3 and star blade. nice news update
  24. lucky enough when i bought my xbox used, gamestop gave me a brand new cord from nuby i ordered 2 since i got 2 serials but put one in my sisters name hehe
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