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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. where the hell did you see that mentioned
  2. if its bin/cue, its meant for a cd and even tho the image might be 800mb, its meant to be on a 80min cd crazy but true
  3. sucks we have to wait but oh well thought i'd mention this article also from gamespot.com sinces its funny to me hehe and these aren't even jordan's
  4. only way your gonna get sf1 running perfectly is by getting the memory upgrade as far as i know, you can add screenshots to mameox but due to xbox's limits, you can't have all pics (4000 or so file limit per a folder). i'm not sure if you're able to just use title.zip and/or snap.zip just for pics as i haven't had the time to try it out. as for kawa-x, theres no way as of yet and i think this is something someone would've done when kawa-x hacking was such a big thing. not sure about the mk thing you're talking about but there might be a guy in x-s forums working on a mame-x mk only version but seems to be busy lately.
  5. ok, i finally got my hands on the ps2 version and i gotta say its not good at all to me. i very much rather play any of the capcom vs. games then this as this was just disappointing and it only took one try to beat the whole damn thing capcom really needs to make a whole new game and stop rehashing old sprites as its ugly to me and made some bad choices (they picked ryu from cvs2 over sf3's ) ialso happen to notice the took snk's idea of adding effects to special moves which was a nice touch but why the boring/bland backgrounds
  6. xbmc is normally updated daliy and the latest is on newsgroup
  7. Happy Birthday mame master indeed
  8. i don't think the review was bias, capcom just didn't do good job of rehashing the old stuff like they did in other games. they should've stuck with the 3D game then putting it on 2D (not knocking 2D) since most game companies are moving on with 3D, SNK for example has done a decent job for their first 3D kof. i'll still grab this none less as i do like capcom's fighting games but hey at least now theres a good dbz fighting game hehe
  9. i still stick with fba-xxx since it offers more but still nice work mr.x
  10. well i'm not a fan of torrent and to prove it more, it won't allow me to get anything that was just posted unless i wait a day or so or get my share ratio up
  11. truthfully, i think at this point you're better off waiting for 1.0 since mame updates lately have been coming out fast. i especially like to see a playable turbo outrun since they finally are cracking
  12. i use qwix, seems best
  13. nice to hear sammaz as some still perfer kawa-x hehe btw, there is a way to fix it so you don't have to keep refreshing to each one but you need to use a hex edit app and find the name of the save folder in reverse and change a number EX:say if the folder was dc2694m4; you search for m49426dc in the hex edit app of your choice
  14. i'm glad you are willing to send the disc to him shastaorange but just to let ppl know this forum will not support the sell of warez or any money to getting warez so plz next time use pm to ask the person doing that, thx
  15. you need to flash the bios in order to do such things. i found a n00b gudie on that mod that should help you out: http://www.midsouthmods.com/files/iceguide.pdf
  16. well in all the versions i played kof2001 in they all played with sound so the problem may actually be either your m1d and/or your v roms. cthd2003 doesn't work properly and hasn't been fixed since then so i suggest you try to find the cthd2003 neorage version which is supported in fba-xxx.
  17. the roll i bought from there says kynar 30awg
  18. x-s has sellers that sell eeproms for about $8, beats paying $150
  19. use the patches that are here. and yes Widowmaker your reply is against the rules but you may request patches.
  20. well the only ones i know that can play samshosp is the fba-xxx patch from djohng and gogo's latest fba-xxx release based on the old sets. both tho don't use the latest m1 and since its a different size it might cause a problem. as for kawa-x, unless someone bothers to hex out another game for it; its not gonna happen but you can try to replace with the samsho5 and see but the 512k size m1 will be a prob unless you hex it. last option which is a good option so long you got xbox sdk/xdk and.net visual studio (don't ask for them) is you can complile fba-xxx to the way you want it
  21. as i'm reading, it seems the problem is dealing with the eeprom not matching the hdd if you changed it. one way of fixing this is to flash a new eeprom so it uses the new hdd's key and from there on shouldn't be a problem for xbl. heres a tut for flashing a eeprom: http://www.xbox-scene.com/articles/eeprom-change.php UPDATE: just read the 20 page topic at x-s and i can't say if what i mentioned above will work 100%
  22. i think he meant ps1 since dc never had a samurai shodown game
  23. radio shack does
  24. patches are fine to ask for but don't ask for games/roms or links to them. theres a fba-xxx topic not too long ago that had patches so i suggest you start there.
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