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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. it should so long theres nothing bridging or any solder in the wrong places
  2. what you are talking about and doing is counted as warez which is against the rules and the forum will have no part in what you are tryin to do, topic closed
  3. iq_132 is right, no rom requests next time plz read the rules before posting, topic closed
  4. well if you really wanna play ps1 backups without a mod then your only choice is getting a ps1 gameshark disc and then use the swap method of your choice. i highly suggest getting a mod but again thats up to you
  5. if you're wil to break the warranty, might wanna gives this a shot: http://www.g4techtv.com/xplay/features/457...or_Fix_pg1.html
  6. sorry, this is only meant for info on encrypting/decrypting closing topic
  7. look at gameboy, its been free region for a long time but of course with each region has its language EG: pokemon blue jap will play on usa gb's but it will only be in japanese. M$ gave companies the chioce to do region lockouts and capcom did it but unlike a japanese pokemon game its in english and japanese so ppl who got the free region version are loving it and get to play online.
  8. highly doubt a boot disc of sorts but it was nice that it was playable in any xbox including live. tho i also read that capcom said there was a slight sound problem and that the new version would take up a month before retailers get the new version. this also counts for anyone that was willing to send their free-region copy for the so called fixed one.
  9. you won't see a pc version of halo 2 for a year just like halo 1; M$ is depending on this game to sell xbox's like hot cakes. as for dead or alive; it bored me within 10mins since its nothing more then doa 1 and 2 which i own for ps1/ps2/dc. both which are short games and only doa 2 got the nice touches but other then that a pro at doa will finish game in 2mins or less (2min is my record)
  10. i get nothing from that link random guy
  11. i'm looking at the new version of fba-xxx's the nfo and theres nothing about disabling a 128mb ini but doing some looking on the older version that normaly gets patched, its in misc section of fbaxxx.ini; just change 1 to 0 and that should do it
  12. i believe this only applies to mame-ox as fba-xx and kawa-x were made to use vmm
  13. yeah i seen one of these things in a mall, it was playing super mario bros. and just by that i knew that thing wasn't gonna last too long heh a friend of mine bought one the other day and told me its suppose to have like 7600 games and then told me as he goes by page by page its almost the same stuff
  14. rj45 is the jack the cable uses, crossover cable is a like a y cable with rj45's on them
  15. i think your best bet is at radio shack to buy one as is but i read they are easy to make so you might wanna google around and see
  16. you didn't follow the rules so topic closed
  17. if you are hoping to use kawa-x i hope you got old sets of roms as the emu hasn't been updated in over a year since mr.k aka mhz gave up on the emu and passed it on to razzola which has no intensions to port it to xbox.
  18. i suggest avoiding the coldheat as it isn't that great for mod installs and i read it normally sparks off when soldering which isn't a good thing for motherboards.
  19. Ok, found this out late notice but the offer ends today (30th); EB Games has a trade-in offer for those who have the old ps2 and want the new pstwo: trade-in a working old ps2 and 5 non-sports games and you'll get $150 in store credit which is about enough for the new pstwo! now if you don't exactly have 5 games but have the $$, no need to worry as each game will be worth $10 (5 is the limit for the deal)
  20. yeah, a simple radioshack 15watt pencil iron should do it but some ppl complain about the tip being a bit flat at the end but you can grind it down to a a very nice point
  21. pin header's holder should cover the lpc as is last i checked but i decided to do wire install in mine since it was a lot easier then hassling with pin header. xbox soldering reminds me of ps1/psx soldering but much easier except for D0 but even that point has an easier way to do it (from the back).
  22. kof:mi is nice for its first itme in 3d. i also liked the first 2 sf ex games but in their plus editions that were port to ps1 but ex3 forget about it; capcom screwed that one up even by the simplest of things (one main thing you can notice you can't punch down in midair; it just puts you standing next to your opponent doing straight punch)
  23. so long your pc can handle it fine it shouldn't be a problem at high speeds. i suggest using dvd decrypter for burning since its great at it and its freeware and as for media i suggest Riteks or Verbatim; perfer riteks more since they are cheaper and are just about the same quality as verbatim's.
  24. lol i careless about the poprock crap but that was funny.
  25. sammaz, consider yourself on ban warning. you need to respect the author's wishes for keeping it closed and this forum will have no part on what you're doing. your post will be altered as well and topic closed
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