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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. not possible without the source and this is a closed source emu.
  2. to those that don't know, this game got leaked as of yesterday being a week early before its official date which is the 26th. now, i was able to grab it and try it out (tho i do intend on buying the game) and personaly it has a few probs and the nastiest one is slowdown and it effects the game badly then any other version i've played as of yet. camera angle seem to be annoying factor in this one but then again i haven't played with the view options as of yet so others might be better then default. controls are the same as vc feels about the same as vc tho driving feels a lil more loose now. an added effect when driving fast that the screen will start blurring, nice touch. also like the xbox versions of gta3/vc cars have details like seeing rims and engine. as for the character hes not bad and i definitely like the additions of improving his stats by going by the gym daliy to even riding the bmx to gain stamina and bike skills heh. btw, hes a great swimmer i'm still playing around this as we speak but as of yet the only bother some thing mainly is just the slowdown in the game, over look that and you'll find a very fun game if you're into gta
  3. well other then a few friends telling me to works with them, gamespot did a nice review of the new ps2 and heres the link to it: http://www.gamespot.com/features/6110798/i...tml?tag=nl.e576
  4. i thought i'd bring the rumor to a close to tell you that old memory cards do fit in the new ps2 so theres no need to worry execpt that i'm still wondering which games supposely don't work on the new ps2 (other then the hdd one)
  5. yes but thats only in the the director's cut version that was out in japan and europe; the ps2 usa version doesn't have the noise turn off since that option was added the later released director's cut for xbox.
  6. november 17th is the usa date and once again usa gets it first
  7. wrong, xbox version has slowdown and cannot do the realtime effects that ps2 version does (eg; rain looks blocky; water has choppy look/effect), just read gamespot or even ign's review as they point it out clear (also gamefaqs,com as gamers make their reviews) also ps2's has the exclusive skateboarding snake extra which is ok for the first few times of playing it heh. the same thing also goes for even silent hill 2 even tho xbox's had the extra level and option to turn off noise effect but you can't ignore the slowdown in some levels that isn't in ps2's version (as a side note, konami rerelease the game on ps2 in europe and japan which is the same as xbox's but no slowdown).
  8. dunno about neorage version but theres djohng's patch for the latest fba-xxx that you can play the version thats currently around for mame/kawaks
  9. djohng great to hear sammaz is a person that wants what he wants and he damn well doesn't speak for me (take that as a note sammaz not to use my name in your greed) as i can wait for your update like everyone else is. as for a secobd screenshot folder, i don't really see the point of this and if memory serves me right its just a snap.zip thats needed for screen shots (at least thats how it is with mame32)
  10. sammaz keep it in your pants man, he'll release it when he can as he said.
  11. well i bumped into this one adware app from noadware.net which seems to have found my problem but the catch to it is you'll need to register to delete what it finds but lucky enough it lists the location of the bad file/s so you can delete it yourself
  12. sorry but i did have to edit the link there as rom links aren't allowed here. nice to know nes scene is still alive and kickin
  13. well the problem with fba is by their rule you must share source if you release the xbe but fba team doesn't allow banned games and this has been a big deal as of late in fba-xxx's life that the project has been stopped. patches tho are fine as it doesn't go by any rules of fba team since it nothing more then hex changes to the current xbe which an option to those who want to do it or not.
  14. well spec wise, xbox can't do much for 3d games on mame and they play poorly. i have played some of the 3d games using the ps1 versions and its so-so for most like tekken 3 plays with slowdown but rival schools 1 plays like a champ but then sf ex's play too slow.
  15. adding a turn button was the worst thing to do to a fighting game since midway added a 3D button to the god awful wargods. i've played the jpn version and its definitly the worst of the series.
  16. my first time of playing mk was actually on genesis hehe. i then got a chance to play the arcade version and felt ripped-off of the genesis version
  17. yes i have the firewall setup good but still happens
  18. thx for the update, i hope it comes out well for you about mame ox
  19. i did update to sp2 and it still happens
  20. well i perfer firefox a lot more but some sites i still need to used ie but the main reason why i left ie in the first place was cuz of this annoying page: what would happen is if i try to go to say ign.com, it will go to the site and then quickly go to that site you see on the pic and it does this a lot and gets very very annoying now if i go to errorplace.com it gives me a link to uninstall it but the damn thing still keeps going on even have running it did anyone else go through this hell and find a cure?
  21. its a shame and it happened on my b-day too oh well life goes on and i have my superman boxset to remember him
  22. adding the extra 64mb of memory might help for sf the movie but god knows why you wanna play that
  23. avalaunch here
  24. um no, lantus does plenty of ports and if he himself says its too slow then its not gonna happen. you can say all bs you want but its just the fact its not gonna happen and i and many others ( that includes other porters like xport) trust lantus's words when he says it plays poorly so unless you got the skills to do the port yourself, its dead in the water.
  25. Bluestinger X is right, lantus did say that a while ago which clearly means its not gonna happen.
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