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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. by any chance, did you get the collecters edition? just wondering how good of a port they did for mk1.
  2. i doubt they would do that especially if the current controllers fit as the memory card is suppose to fit along with them.
  3. Well a unsigned gold PAL version has been released and i gotten my hands on it to see how well it plays both games and i gotta say i haven't seen sf3 look so damn good since i played it on the arcade first game i tested was sf3 and the one thing i wanted to see was how it looked without the filter on and i was surprised to see that it wasn't badly pixelated as it was on ps2's with the filter off but was damn near perfect but then putting on the the filter made the game look even smoother this version of sfac has all the same options as ps2's did with the added bonus of live for online play but of course you need to buy the game to enjoy online play + live fees unless you already pay for it control works great as it did on ps2's and the default settings are setup nicely for those of us that have the big original xbox controller (duke). one thing i did notice like ps2's was the music that normally changes per round still changes when you either hit or get hit when beginning a new round. as for hyper sf2, its basically super sf2 turbo with the option to have other version of characters from older sf2's. game plays great as playing super sf2 turbo on your favorite emulator or arcade for that matter last thing to mention, the sf2 anime movie (censored) is included in hyper sf2's gallery but the quality reminds me of the bootleg vhs of the movie a friend of mine bought a few years back from a flea market (yeah that bad). so i basically say this, if you want the best console version of these 2 games, xbox by far has it along with the live option which adds replay value since there isn't many fighting games online for xbox.
  4. with the decrypted p's for mslug5 plus, does this mean its now playable in fba?
  5. madcatz did release Gameshark Media Player which basically streams vids from your pc to ps2 (online adapter need). this is really an update to qcast that was released a while back before madcatz's. product info: http://madcatz.com/MadCatz/product_details...product_id=8234 latest version seems to be with gameshark now, product info: http://madcatz.com/MadCatz/product_details...product_id=8250
  6. always did bother me if this game was counted as a banned rom or not but i guess it is since i saw screens of it being played in an arcade (also the game says Aiky 2003 on the title screen). Class316 the old roms work just fine but they aren't the correct set if you wanna be perfect
  7. nice to hear when can we expect the new patch if you don't mind saying?
  8. gogo/manto used the old set before the correct crc's for p, c's, m, and v were found. so either compile a new fba-xxx for the correct set or wait till someone makes a patch for the current fba-xxx to add the correct driver. Class316 if you're able to get the decrypted set, you can just use convert2 with XOR key 2E to make it the correct encrypted set
  9. some good but minor news to those who compile; pochi and nyaa is now complete and is working fine on the pc emus of mame and fba heres the driver IQ_132 posted on R-S for the encrypted set: // Pochi and Nyaa static struct BurnRomInfo pnyaaRomDesc[] = { {"267-p1.bin", 0x100000, 0x112FE2C0, 0x10}, // 0 68K code {"267-c1.bin", 0x800000, 0x2E20617A, 1}, // 1 Sprite data {"267-c2.bin", 0x800000, 0x4EDFA720, 1}, // 2 {"267-m1d.bin",0x080000, 0xd58eaa8e, 0x10}, // 3 Decrypted // {"267-m1.bin", 0x080000, 0xc7853ccd, 0x10}, // 3 Encrypted {"267-v1.bin", 0x400000, 0xE2E8E917, 2}, // 4 Encrypted // {"267-v1d.bin",0x400000, 0x1ac7db71, 2}, // 4 Decrypted }; STDROMPICKEXT(pnyaa, pnyaa, neogeo); STD_ROM_FN(pnyaa); static int pnyaaInit() { nNeoProtectionXor = 0x2e; nPCM2Value=4; return NeoInit(); } struct BurnDriver BurnDrvpnyaa = { {"pnyaa", "Pochi and Nyaa", NULL, "Aiky", "Neo Geo", "2003", NULL, "neogeo"}, BDF_GAME_WORKING, 2, HARDWARE_SNK_NEOGEO | HARDWARE_SNK_ENCRYPTED_B, NULL, pnyaaRomInfo, pnyaaRomName, neogeoInputInfo, neogeoDIPInfo, pnyaaInit, NeoExit, NeoFrame, NeoRender, NeoScan, &NeoRecalcPalette, nNeoScreenWidth, 224, 4, 3 }; also he posted that if you're using the neo-pcm2 code in the neo_run.cpp, you need to update it to make it work with pnyaa's V1 rom (not v1d). go here to see what is needed to update: http://www.freepgs.com/iq_132/forum...p?p=798#post798 Big Thx to IQ_321 for his help
  10. i got my A+ cert 2 years ago, 10-15min tests overall (they give you 45mins to complete) and yea very simple stuff even tho now they updated it to include info on current hardware and add questions for xp use but still should be easy to pass. i hate the price of these tests and others like M$'s but its what takes you forward if you are into networking and such.
  11. i guessingthe xbe's of both discs are conflicting. if you were gonna only use the hdd for games, you should've gotten the dvd9 version or just rent and rip it
  12. sounds great, can't wait to see
  13. pretty funny tho it gets a lil strange a lil past halfway heh
  14. as odd as it is thats the topic is here, easy answer is you should've read the nfo as it says its a CD game not a DVD game
  15. i did the code a few times on my copy of sf aniversary, works well
  16. since the topic being tgs updates, theres one thats sad news to those who were waiting for online Gran Turismo 4 action:
  17. djohng, i was wondering you could possiblly add a few others that aren't in 8-02 source like decrypted jockey gp, mslug 4 plus, fatal fury special alternate and some others i can't remeber at the moment heh. another thing, theres a way to make jockey gp playable (2 player only) and can be found here: http://www.freepgs.com/iq_132/pages/games.html (big thx to IQ_132) also i for one haven't tried the kof 2003 hack (2004 one) and when i was searching for the rom its seems the ones i found only have one p rom thats 7mb and not the 3 thats listed in the dat. at the most its just the 3 roms joined but just wondering if the driver can be updated to use just the 1 p rom instead.
  18. well with newsgroups depending on the retention rate can last long and its for everyone to grab. torrents need ppl to seed inorder to even get what you want and most ppl seed untill they get what they want and then quit which is a problem for others that want it. guys/gals, please don't post links to torrent sites as most torrent sites like suprnova have warez and posting a link to it is agaist the rules.
  19. i agree, but i gotta say psp went passed what i expected in specs and watching that vid when they were playing the car game has me sold. ds i'm gonna wait till i get it on my hands on it and see if i'll get it or not
  20. i believe they said it should hit usa/europe in nov 1 and nov 3 for japan
  21. indeed heh
  22. since the problem is solved, thread closed and yeah a pm would've done it
  23. sammaz not all kof2003's are working even on fba for pc so keep waiting on that along with other stuff like mslug5 original. btw, the dcs hack was before mame 72 as 71 was the last to have it.
  24. woah, didn't expect the mame ox news buts thats damn good to hear goodluck with that (i read it isn't easy from the mame ox forum a few months back) and thx for the update on fba-xxx as i will try it out in a few before i head to bed
  25. such a tease
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