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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. http://www.scei.co.jp/corporate/release/pdf/040921a_e.pdf heres a link to the press release in english and again no mention of what will happen to hdd use (gotta wait till sony actually says something about; no disrespect k'dash) another thing to note is that this will need a new multi-tap (press release noted that the current one doesn't work with it) and of course a new stand
  2. i know what you said but theres nothing mentioning the hdd use for the new ps2 in gamespot or ign except that ign is trying to find out how thats gonna be used and also what options would there be for those who already have the hdd which is for internal only
  3. i'm only wondering where would the hdd connect to cuz as i'm looking at the specs it makes no mention about it other then the usb ports but i think using usb would slow things down (ign even mentioned about whether it will use the hdd or not)
  4. an update to the original article also at gamespot and i gotta say its disappointing to hear that it won't support gb/gbc but i guess i'll just have to keep the gba sp for those.
  5. Its been called U64-XXX since wip's of it were around and even gogo called it that in his forums when he announced it. either way its the same thing i personally could careless about it as the wip's of it was better as i read so i suggest stick to the original as it doesn't slowdown the game untill he fixes the prob if its possible (lantus has said thats the reason why he never added filters) even more of a reason to say U64-XXX, load up the emu read what it says on top
  6. i highly doubt zinc will be that much playable since most of those games need more memory and a better cpu. ki2 needs a better cpu so unless you're willing to go for the 1.4 cpu upgrade from friendtech, thats the fastest it will go.
  7. its actually called u64-xxx and already seeing a problem that the filters cause the game to go slower
  8. best thng to do is use romcenter with the dat thats included with the patch to check your rom set. i believe he added both encrypted/decrypted sets to fba-xxx so that might be why you got the c roms error depending on the set its looking for.
  9. yeah, i have to make her happy so i know her loves looking at herself so there was the pic heh
  10. there you go, its me and my niece
  11. i too hear the sound breaking up a bit here and there with mslug4 encrypted and this problem was gonna get fixed by manto but as you all know he has left the project. so unless any of you really know how to mess with the code, we're stuck with what we got. also i like to say that djohng's patch works nicely but i wonder why cthd2003 encrypted has that gfx glitch, oh well
  12. well if you didn't know, this forum doesn't support warez anymore and for you to make a topic of this sort is wrong so i'm going to close this thread. pm gamecop and ask first before doing this again
  13. well just tested it with 2 encrypted games (cthd2003 and mslug4) and both ended up with a black screen and freezing the xbox. oddly enough, even the decrypted cthd2003 gave me the black screen freeze so something is wrong. i'll try deleting ini and the save info and see what happens No Change, still get a black screen for neogeo
  14. well what did you expect? its an old game that isn't that good and i personaly don't care for it. gamefaqs.com should have all the info you need as is so go there as this is a waste of time
  15. nice to hear, can't wait
  16. well theres gonna be another pack coming soon so better off waiting on that. also i read some where the tecmo might release it on a disc for thoses without live so lets hope that happens
  17. well it looks as bad as the batman/superman they have a trailer for as well
  18. i use that too but only for simple hexing heh
  19. i recomend HJ Split as its easy and freeware you can get it here: http://www.freebyte.com/hjsplit/
  20. well the curent ps2 is a pain to mod due to the small points. so making the ps2 smaller could be more of a problem or might make things easier; just gotta wait and see. kinda makes me think now that i need to get a mod for my new PSone, anyone know a good place heh
  21. djohng ignore sammaz as at times he can be an ass about things (hes already on ban warning for the posting of links) i for one can't wait to get your patch to test it out (plz email heh) and let say thx for helping out.
  22. No Rom requests NeoRAGERx
  23. i guess you missed the jl movie about the hawkgirl and her ppl trying to taking over earth and at the end their base crashed into earth thus ending the current jl and hawkgirl quiting. at the end they say they were gonna rebuild and jl:u is the result. i personaly like the idea of seeing others in the league but the as of now some episodes have been kinda so-so with a lot of comedy added and less action (just watch 1x05 where they actually made batman sing )
  24. well 8/02 isn't perfect as that sound probs is in that one too and he said 9/01 not 9/02 djohng if you can send it to PRican1010@optonline.net i'll post it on newsgroup
  25. the sf2 movie was edited even on the japanese version so xbox will most likely get the same one. also even the unrated version dvd/vhs thats out in usa still doesn't have that scene. as for sf aniversary pal not having sf3, the reason is simple; the idea of adding sf3 came late when capcom annouced it for usa so pal users got the same as japan but japan does have sf3 now on its own so i don't know if capcom plans to port that one to pal users.
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