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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. i miss the old batman toon (gotta get the dvd set heh) but jl:u seems ok
  2. thx for the update, sounds great
  3. i recently bought a lg 12x -/+ dual-layer burner for less then a $100 for my cousins pc and it works great and this model also works with all formats and even writes dvd-ram (most others only read dvd-ram) i highly suggest going to a local pc show as most vendors there give you flea market prices on name brand burners and such. 2 sites i know of are marketpro.com and pcshow.com
  4. yeah they did but you can find the scene via google the movie sucked to me but i guess its as decent as it will ever get (compared to the live action one heh). i'm still wondering if xbox version is still coming out within this year or will it stick to the 1/05/2005 date i saw at ebgames
  5. i did a review of it a while back, it came out nice on ps2 and fixed a few things from dc version. seeing that sf aniversary only costs $29 i'd say its worth it. tho its in question for xbox as i'm seeing a date of 1/5/2005 now
  6. those have been out for a few days now but theres no way of using them as those are encrypted.
  7. yeah, it sucks usa version is censored but i hope the pal versions will have 60hz option
  8. lil news for you PAL kof fans, they have announced that the PAL ps2 versions of kof 00/01 will be the same as the japanese versions meaning nothing is censored
  9. gradius 4 was added in mame 86 so no
  10. i rather see bruce willis play as sarge but thats me heh
  11. welcome guys, you 2 do help a lot when possible so you both deserve it
  12. james i guess you missed my post but i already said i have it in neogeo.zip and its still giving me an error and its also on other games Nevermind, made an error on rom dirrectory; works great now
  13. I used to always get this problem too I figured out that I had to have the uni-bios inside neogeo.zip try it funny thing is i have unibios.20 in the neogeo.zip heh
  14. this is actually the third time he did this as his first post with samsh5sp was posted in xbox section as well which i already altered james thx for the fba driver as it works great but theres one thing that bugs me now; after i load the game and go into dipswitches to use unibios, when i reset the game to use the bios it gives me an error that says: Error Loading uni-bio.20, requested by samsh5sp; The Emulation Will Likely Suffer Problems.
  15. hey james could you plz post the fba drivers you using for the encrypted/decrypted as i tried using one that was posted i iq_132's forum or romshare's and both give me a parse error
  16. i had been fixed the prob with mslug4 encrypted by replacing the old iq_132 code with the latest one which is on that link i gave to T a page or 2 back and also replaced the drivers that were used with the ones on that site as well in my old compile. the only error that will show was the warning screen looking garbled but the game plays fine. rotd i never had a prob with deal with either version of the code. i'm posting my old neogeo source from my last compile if you wanna look and see whats changed
  17. djohng yes i know it takes long to load the encrypted (god knows i waited long enough doing compiles back and forth hehe) but using T's latest patch just causes a lockup and the bar doesn't even go all the way (waited 5 mins after i saw it stop) axledentaldj as much as you may perfer the old xbe, its time for a change as most of us have already updated along with mame sets as its a normal process for things to get updated so i suggest you start upgrading so you don't get so far behind.
  18. this is the dat info i got that came with 1.46 and the rom and works fine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% System: NEO RomName: samsh5sp Game: Samurai Shodown V Special [Program] 272d-p1.rom,0,800000,3E3961F5,0 [Text] 272d-s1.rom,0,20000,C297F973,0 [Z80] 272d-m1.bin,0,20000,18114FB1,0 [Samples] 272d-v1.bin,0,400000,6849136C,0 272d-v2.bin,400000,400000,222E1774,0 272d-v3.bin,800000,400000,CD9E7ADC,0 272d-v4.bin,C00000,400000,8B305CAC,0 [Graphics] 272d-c1.rom,0,800000,8548097E,0 272d-c2.rom,1,800000,8C1B48D0,0 272d-c3.rom,1000000,800000,96DDB28C,0 272d-c4.rom,1000001,800000,99EF7A0A,0 272d-c5.rom,2000000,800000,772E8B1E,0 272d-c6.rom,2000001,800000,5FFF21FC,0 272d-c7.rom,3000000,800000,9AC56A0E,0 272d-c8.rom,3000001,800000,CFDE7AFF,0 [System] CartridgeID: 272 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  19. use Lunar IPS, that should work better then ipswin
  20. can you post a patch instead
  21. djohng nice to hear and yes the garbled warning screen for mslug4 encrypted is normal for fba-xxx at least (pc version doesn't do it) as in my old compile it did the same but doesn't effect gameplay.
  22. just tested before i went to bed and it still locks up when loading
  23. lets get the facts right cuz this is just sammaz claiming that it works in xbox but has no such proof that it even does. theres already a thread about this in x-s which was closed since he was doing nothing to prove himself and a mod there is still awaiting proof by him as again sammaz is well known for pranks and hopeless thoughts
  24. just tested mslug4 encrypted with the lastest patch and it still locks up when loading the romset
  25. mame uses 128k version, fba-x/xxx is funny with s1 data so 512k s1 works
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