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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. well thats a problem i was never able to figure out and i have mentioned it many times in fba-xxx forum but nothing was done. funny thing is tho that the driver is the same one used even in the pc version and pc version never gave me static probs and also as far as i remember older fba-x it didn't have a sound prob either (neogh0st builds and such before fba-xxx) well just tested the latest patch and mslug4 encrypted locks up during loading my guess is you added what was on the site but didn't remove the old version of that same code that was already there
  2. well as i read, samsho5s is missing the m and v roms and using samsho5's works but sounds terrible
  3. i'm not sure about mslug3nd or matrimnd probs but as for fixing mslug4 its a lil tricky but can be done, just do what it says here: http://www.freepgs.com/iq_132/pages/games/neopcm2.htm and the game should run with out gfx probs during the game. again this only effects the encrypted version.
  4. well i tested the patch with the mame xbe and it works fine tho i noticed cthd2003 encrypted rom still has gfx probs and i would guess mslug4 encrypted would still have gfx probs too since manto never bother to fix it (i did in my last compile which shastaorange used for his disc).
  5. its meant to be used with the latest version out
  6. damn, the trailer was a great tease. maybe it might come out on the downlow by someone else
  7. very nice news tho i too don't think i'll grab the console (for $20 i get more games then buying the console which only has 20 games for $45). i wish they would remake the 2600 joystick and paddle controllers for xbox/ps2 as playing a game like warlords won't be the same without one
  8. i'm glad i ditched aol a long time ago and got cable (optimum online). only problem i had with cable was that they didn't like ppl uploading like 24/7 in which they think you are a server so i got capped 3 times within 3 months when they were cracking and one more would've gotten me the boot but thankful that hasn't happened only thing of aol i use is aim since its free and most of my friends and family use it. msn i have as well but rarely use it.
  9. well i do this for fun so i'm glad you had a good laugh
  10. well if you want, email it to me and i'll post it on newsgroups email is PRican1010@optonline.net a lil update to those who wonder about posting the source, talked to gamecop and its ok to post the source since it doesn't break fba license and isn't illegal i'll say it again, no xbe or link to xbes or else --->
  11. is it bigger then 300k? if it isn't then you can post it here as for posting the source, well its not against the fba licence but i'm not sure if its ok to be posted here but i'll ask gamecop to make sure
  12. it is the same but the retail version added more options/extras only game i hope comes out is virtua cop 3 which hasn't been ported as of yet i tested a demo of outrun 2, plays nice
  13. pretty much thats the idea hehe i suggest getting Lunar IPS patcher as that seems to be the best one i used
  14. sounds intresting my last compile of mame ox (old source stuff and incomplete so don't bother asking for it ) i added the svcplus using the 512k s1 which added transparency effects and to my surprise it played well tho there was one time i saw a gfx prob when vega did his special but not sure if that was just due to the mameox or the s1
  15. i just read about this well i only used it once but oh well, on to better things
  16. just to let all of you know, i talked with gamecop and patches to fba-x/xxx are allowed as they aren't part of the fba license and is also up to the user to choose to use it or not so feel free to post patches if you want but no xbe or links to xbes.
  17. theres a catch tho, games for Chihiro could need a lot more ram then what xbox uses/upgradable to. for example outrun 2 uses 512mb of ram where xbox's limit is 128mb ram
  18. well it deals with xbox so it should stay in the xbox section
  19. just to avoid anyone else to pull a stupid stunt as rekcah2000a did in a post i deleted, i'm gonna close this thread. you all now know what is needed so theres no need to keep this thread going
  20. that is funny hehe
  21. don't get me wrong as i like vf4 but with sega making version after version they should've waited till fine tuned was done and then release it instead of evo
  22. i think 2 versions of the game is enough
  23. using toothpaste method worked hehe
  24. theres 2 in the source which i already mentioned (the ones with _old = old set use) as for adding s1 roms, its easy to add a line to the driver for it but the wait isn't that long tho
  25. i got the old source as well, i'll post it in newsgroup in the morning
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