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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. patches are fine, so long you are not offering or asking for the iso
  2. i'm not sure if you know this or not but u64x only works from hdd and not from a disc but i guess it still wouldn't be bad to have on a disc for archiving also i noticed you are using a fba-xxx dat from the one i compiled which is older to the latest fba-xxx which aug. 6th i believe. i would say that version would be best but even tho that one needs some tweaks done (mslug4 encrypted gfx is bad, some roms doesn't match mame set) so i really leave that up to you
  3. i'll admit that i did it and the reason is simple, it is what it is now so get over it as its not coming back any time soon i for one personaly perfer to say wwf when talking about classic wrestling and not the soap opera drama that it is wwe now
  4. just need the ring around his neck
  5. may i ask whats in baed3?
  6. is it me or does almost everyone in that pic got blue eyes
  7. that really depends if you are willing to wait for usa or not King of Fighters: Maximum Impact Pre-Order: Ships on 10/11/2004 i had a modded ps2 for 3 years now and love it for the fact i get to play games like kof, tekken, vf, sf and so on months before usa's version
  8. i finally got it the other day and i like it but i do agreed that it plays a bit fast but you can get used to it easily (tho the cpu loves to take a few quick hits from the moment fight is said hehe). i do also agree that the announcer with the big nose scenes are annoying but overall i like it and looks great for 3d kof on ps2. i definitely suggest this game over gg isuka which sucks to me (a flocking turn button in a fighting game is a no no)
  9. the save has to be signed to your xbox's hdd and you need a gamertag i've tried 2 versions that was posted and both end up the same way which is no where
  10. i played it using 1.46 long time ago so try looking for that one
  11. at this time i'm not planning to work on it since i'm currently cleaning out this hdd and with all thats going on with fba team vs. gogo/manto i thinks its best to wait
  12. i have a patch for cthd2k3n's m1d enjoy
  13. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?act=boardrules
  14. well if you use the ar max codes the game will be in 60hz and theres a code for a y-fix so the screen will be good
  15. well untill the movie is out i'll be watching suspiria and child's play 1 & 2
  16. i guess you didn't see the august release that fixed that and other problems
  17. plain and simple, the xbox can't play it good due to specs
  18. newsgroup here
  19. its out now if you know where to look
  20. well it depends really, like for example i got all the rainbow six 3 maps that was on live and added them to the game itself and they work fine (i suck at the game but they work hehe) i too grabed the pack and it said it was a bad save
  21. is it me or does the guy's face remind you of kane from wwe
  22. for you to post it up the referral in this forum means that anyone else doing this can as well and thats something we don't want as it will lead on to spamming which is against the rules. not everything is easy as it may seem so either deal with it or buy the product.
  23. nah, its just that the last fba-xxx i used (the last one i compiled hehe) cthd2003 was working fine, decrypted was never a prob except the m1 it was asking for but i got a patch to fix that. and btw, its the same for either xbe as i tested. its very funny as some of the gfx is fine while the background and such is screwed up
  24. yes i'm using the mame xbe, i might try the other and see what happens
  25. btw, has anyone have any luck playiing cthd2003 (encrypted)? it load for me but the gfx are screwed
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