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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. Jamaicanyouth its nice of you post a ftp but i gotta make sure its ok to have posted since gamecop is setting some new rules, i'll let you know if anything. UPDATE: its ok to have it posted
  2. well i grabed someones compile of mame 84u6 (i have no idea what to do with diff files ) and i wanted to make a dat out of it using romcenter but it gives me an error and i can't seem to make it
  3. i haven't got around to adding all the games yet but when i do i'll be sure to let ya know i also got the new fba-xxx source to play around with but i'm a bit busy around this week so i'll have lil time to work on it
  4. you must understand that my dats aren't compatible with the last 2 releases since manto has done a few changes.
  5. neopong i know for a fact doen't work in any version of fba-x/xxx. zintrkcd i added before in my older version and it works so dunno why it wouldn't in fba-xxx. not sure about the kof2003's yet as i haven't dumped it in my xbox
  6. well it seems the src was linked but its not there and the tread is locked so i can't post about the dead link another big thing to note; they aren't supporting banned games on their site so i highly suggest keep questions about banned games here since they won't help you on that any more
  7. well gotta wait til they post up the source cuz at the most they're holding it back due to the bugs (thats artik's excuse anyway) but still, fba-x b4 was buggy and it still was released
  8. the latest fba-xxx makes dats in the xbox hdd so use that
  9. roofus thx for mentioning that as that fixed my prob now as for kof2004 ex haven't gotten the rom yet but i'm still willing to add it edit: well finding out the hard way, mslug5/nd based on dev aren't working yet on mame but plus is playable, so i'm gonna add the mslug5 bootleg so at least i can play it update: i'm going to add svcplus with the 512k s1 thats out will post how well it plays when i can update2: well i played it and was surprised it played well unlike kof2003 which was a bit annoying with the video tears here and there. s1 did a nice job on the fake transparences (made it look simaler to ps2 version) tomorrow i'll toss in the rest of the neogeo stuff and see what happends and also will look into trying to add vasara 2 and gunbarich which were added back in mame 84u3
  10. ok, my latest error deals with adding mslug5, mslug5nd and mslug5p; it tells me: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _install_mem_read16_handler and error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _install_mem_write16_handler both of those are in machine/neogeo for mslug5 but i'm lost on what i can do plz post if you can help also i'm still having a hard time finding a proper driver for the kof 2004 ex hack so if you can post that driver i'll be glad to add it
  11. i'm laying off on mame for moment as i keep running into probs and i don't really wanna keep bugging james with my mame ox probs but i'll post my lastest prob there in a minute
  12. neogeo cheats worked fine in the last one so thats not new. i have yet to try kof2003 w/ the 512k s1 but will later today
  13. another thing that seems odd is that some sets don't match mame at all like 3 count bout. also noticed a lot of wrong names within roms that the dats list as is so i will definitly get the source when its posted (wondering why it wasn't posted with the emu as they normally do)
  14. something tells me i'm gonna have to make my own compile of fba-xxx again hehe btw, whats the point of having 3 svc's? i know plus and non-plus but the other dunno
  15. mame default is up to date with current mame rom changes like the 30 neogeo games that got updated a few months back. the other is for ppl using the old sets of neogeo that only work on say kawa-x and older fba-x emus
  16. did he add samsho5/samsh5nd based on dev? and if he did is it working?
  17. game wise, warrior just signed with acclaim to do the legends of wrestling games (hes in the latest game of the series) that also incudes randy savage. bret hart has been in the legends of wrestling games so i don't think he'll be in a wwe game for a while (unless acclaim goes bankrupt which might happen soon). i too do hope that a deal for a bret hart dvd goes well, he was a great wrestler and would love to see him vs. stone cold again (nice bloody match )
  18. Happy Birthday
  19. yeah a lot of ppl are reporting a black screen so wait for a update
  20. ok, once again got help by James (thx man) and have added samsho5/samsh5nd (based on dev) and so far in tests, the encrypted version didn't load at all for me with vmm but the decrypted one loaded up just fine with vmm at 1024. i also added sengoku 3 using the driver info roofus gladly shared (thx for that) and tried it but it too didn't load. also with the help of James (thx once again ) i added mslug5 plus and as we speak its compiling so i'll post later how well that plays.
  21. i think bam bam is still being used in acclaim's games like macho man and warrior
  22. someone mention that ass man aka billy gun wasn't in wwe but in fact he is in smackdown but don't know if he'll make the game (he and 7 others have a match for the usa title)
  23. well manhunt is pretty violent but the game did poorly (notice how quick xbox and pc versions came out) so i don't see the big deal but game bans aren't new and that game was already banned from a few places (hell even some country banned the matrix reloaded for being too violent lol)
  24. ok got a new prob and this time its for samsho5's extra info fo machine's neogeo.c: once again its a syntax error with 'if'
  25. has anyone been able to change bios for neogeo games in mame ox?
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