roofus thx for mentioning that as that fixed my prob now as for kof2004 ex haven't gotten the rom yet but i'm still willing to add it edit: well finding out the hard way, mslug5/nd based on dev aren't working yet on mame but plus is playable, so i'm gonna add the mslug5 bootleg so at least i can play it update: i'm going to add svcplus with the 512k s1 thats out will post how well it plays when i can update2: well i played it and was surprised it played well unlike kof2003 which was a bit annoying with the video tears here and there. s1 did a nice job on the fake transparences (made it look simaler to ps2 version) tomorrow i'll toss in the rest of the neogeo stuff and see what happends and also will look into trying to add vasara 2 and gunbarich which were added back in mame 84u3