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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. i know the feeling, i grabbed kingdom heart final mix without knowing that it didn't have any english text (but the voices were english) as far as i know, usa is just getting sf aniversary (hyper sf2 + sf3:ts) and the anime isn't included (thats what i read from gamespot) of course xbox gets online version while ps2 doesn't (i read that same will happen for fighting jam) i would just mention that the korean sf aniversary is 3gb so i don't see how they'll squeze in the anime.
  2. I take it that this is simillar to Guilty Gear X2's Anti Aliasing. yeah, its about the same as that i'd say k'dash, its in the screen options where it has filter option. i'm not using rgb (component for usa), just s-video connection which is second to rgb for dc, xbox, ps2, and my apex well to you it may not be worth it but for me and others that can't understand a word of japanese writen in the comments/endings its worth it (sf3 was a dvd but a group ripped out the dummy files to fit perfectly on a cd which i had so it didn't matter to me)
  3. 2 new posts by xport worth to post:
  4. not sure what could be the prob but you can always try other multi-game menus. i personaly use menu-x but have changed the xbe to mxm's xbe since its better.
  5. ok theres actually 2 other things you forgot to mention: 1. theres an option to use the analog stick if you perfer to use that 2. the ps2 version has a filter option that smooths out the gfx (turn it off and it looks just like dc's version) i loaded both dc's and ps2's and both using s-video connections and started a training session in both: off bat i can see the filter option in ps2's works wonders to smooth out the pixeled look that dc's has. other then that it looks to be a match between the 2. also ps2's controls did respond better then dc's so thats a good thing so overall: i perfer ps2 version but if you already got sf3 for dc, i suggest you wait for sf aniversary dvd as that seems more worth it btw, there seems to be a korean version of sf aniversary dvd (the one with sf3 like usa is getting) released and i played it and can say that its great and has english and japanese text options (tho for hyper sf2 the characters names will still be in japan's way even in english) EG: M.Bison = Balrog, Vega = M.Bison, Vega = Balrog just to note: the anime movie that was in the japanese sf aniversary isn't included
  6. i'm using firefox and i like it better then ie but some sites i go to give me errors or weird text font like for example one of the site i normally go to with ie is console-news.org to see game release nfo's but when i view an nfo the text is screwed that i have to boost the text size 2-3 times big just to read it another site i go to to get the latest cracked code breaker/gameshark discs cryptbreaker.tk the page is damn near blank
  7. new post by xport that site is basic listing all games for mame 79 and needs our help in telling it what is working and what isn't (out of memory error).
  8. dumped is one thing but the question is when is it gonna be released if anything, i'll keep watch on newsgroups
  9. well the way it sounds like is that hes adding vm to the games that need it so that might be a prob for banned games (not 100% sure if thats what hes doing) also he mentioned this:
  10. i suggest you go to the site's forum to view some pics he has posted to see what he has working. Xport is the same guy that gave us the lovely xboy advance, neogenesis emus and many more. this is some great news (don't need to bother with the memory upgrade now ) sorry zero, i didn't see yours so i merged it with mine hehe
  11. depending on which version of fba-xxx you use; yes and no yes if you use the old sets version no if you wanna use the 30 updated roms of neogeo
  12. need to bring back espantoso, they got vatos in this game
  13. gogo's version has funny names for some games and garoun is one of them. name it garoud and it should see it and if not check with his dat
  14. its on the pinned topic as i said all about encrypted/decrypted as for c7 freezing, thats likely due to a wrong size
  15. november 22nd? last i checked its coming out in october
  16. this has nothing to deal with emus or xbox so it will be moved to pc help section
  17. go to the emus folder and there should be an ini folder and from there you can edit the paths
  18. i still perfer fba-xxx more since it can have the transparencies (it will be added in the next fba-xxx release but they are also removing the old driver) also to be able to play some of the classic shooters is definitely nice
  19. well 2002 wasn't supported in the original (just up 2001 games) so the dat will stay the same unless someone is willing to alter it btw, even if kawa-x's dat said that c7 was the wrong crc that deosn't mean it won't work as is (just be sure the size is correct) also, kawa-x uses decrypted roms so be sure to check out the pinned topic about it
  20. is it possible to use it in kawaks 1.46? i tried googling about it but lead me no where
  21. ok theres a new version of the p1 for kof2003 since the last one had errors with winning comments
  22. man, this sound worse then the plans for the superman movie
  23. sounds like you got bad roms, best thing i can suggest is go to rom request and ask for the roms fba-xxx uses (check the dat)
  24. james fba-xxx uses virtual memory so not sure about a memory error as all other games loaded up fine
  25. to james or anyone else willing to help: i was wodering if you can please checkout the neogeo source for fba-xxx as i'm trying to add kof2003b to it but i run into a prob where the game will get to the green screen (the funky green screen that starts with neogeo games) and then lockup the emu.
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