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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. i think the problem is still the emu as gogo is still working on it to fix it to use the s1 data out of the c roms
  2. ok i added the driver and it compiled fine but when i try to load the rom it just gives me a test screen edit: nevermind, i changed the dipswitch and it works fine. funny thing i noticed; the cheath print is back when i played it using mvs japan region normal bios
  3. thx james and no won't be needing the pmame since i'm using this for fba pc (mr x already tried it for fba-xxx and gives him errors)
  4. duo2 is proly your best bet shibathedog; 17 wires for a v1-8 ps2 and 21 wires for a v9/10 ps2 you can get one at foundmy.com
  5. as of right now its not working properly form what mr. x told me and i doubt it will work properly since even kof2003b alone didn't work in fba-xxx
  6. from what mr. x told me he's getting errors when tryin it so i doubt it will work properly in fba-xxx (i couldn't get even kof2003b alone working on it). now for a prob i'm having: someone in romshare posted a driver for kof2003b and another one thats the same but adds the new s1 but when i added the drivers and try to compile it all i get is parse errors. so can someone plz post a fba driver for kof2003b and one adding the new s1? thx
  7. that is sad news, i hope at least ps2's version will have blood in it
  8. ahh didn't know that; topic closed then
  9. well i saw this avalible for d/l and thought i'd give it a run but when i tried to run it all i got was an error that Cassini had to close now the site said i needed to grab the bios which i did from http://www.bioshouse.fr.st/ (grabbed the us bios) and said it had to be named EURO.BIN which i did but got nothing but that error you can grab the emu from here: http://www.barnitos.net/cassini/downloads.htm
  10. well no ps2 game as of yet has blocked a mod except for older mods that couldn't play dvd9 games like xenosaga. newer mods now have options to disable them for online use since some ppl get DNAS errors with their originals (just to note: DNAS doesn't detect mods, just the disc). i have a v7 ps2 with messiah 2 pro and it hasn't given me a problem with any game since the day i got it. BoomBa_GoosE from the sounds of it your brother must have a magic 3 with the switch to turn it on/off and that was needed since the chip didn't turn off when it was suppose too (magic 3.1 mods fix that prob). the other bad thing about that mod is that its known to have problems with certain games like max payne 1/2 and splinter cell 1
  11. there is a way but you'll need to buy a new eeprom and then use an app called config magic to flash the eeprom and you're back in xbl you can get eeprom's from xbox-scene.com
  12. you mind mentioning where we can possibly get this disc
  13. tried that, doesn't make the proper ones
  14. well i'm damn near completing matrim encrypted set but i'm missing the m1, v1, and v2 roms and wonder if anyone knows where i coud possibly get it or could post a patch to make them
  15. for kof2000: Party Mode and Memory Mode are available only for PS2 version. In Party Mode, you can try to beat opponents with limited power. In Memory Mode, you can enjoy opening introductions of the past KOF series. Additionally, you may get unexpected characters as strikers! SECRET STRIKERS which are not so popular [HEAVY D!] [LUCKY GLAUBER] [bRIAN BATTLER] [OROCHI LEONA] [OROCHI IORI] [WOLFGANG KRAUSER] [Mr. BIG] [HIDERN] [OROCHI] [KRIZALID] for kof2001: "PARTY MODE" and "3-D POLYGON BACKGROUNDS" are available for PS2 only
  16. Samurai Spirits Zero - PS2 - 7/29 Japan The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact - PS2 - 7/29 Japan (9/14 USA) Metal Slug 4 & 5 - PS2 & XBOX - 1/03/05 USA SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom - XBOX - 9/28 USA (9/22 Japan) i was unable to find a usa date for samurai shodown v for either system since snk hasn't annouced when they'll release it in usa i should also noted that kof2002 is already out for ps2 in japan but don't know when kof2003 for ps2 will hit japan (lik-sang didn't list it). also svc chaos is already out for ps2 in japan but won't come to usa since now becoming xbox exclusive (same goes for mslug3). also heard a rumor sony turned down the games to come out in usa but oh well
  17. King of Fighters 02/03 is not an xbox exclusive (as the box cover says); its going to ps2 as well and ps2's version comes out 11/02; 11/15 for xbox dates from ebgames.com
  18. yeah i grabbed theses a while ago for ps2 and plays nice along with the extras they tossed in. now just gotta wait for the 2002/2003 set coming in the fall i believe also the mslug4/5 set are due around that time samsho5 for ps2 i believe the japanese version drops this month but could be wrong but i do know kof:mi is due by the end of this month
  19. kawaks dev gets my vote since it can run the proper kof2003; dunno if theres a mame driver for that rom but it gets second place and fba in third. as for fba-xxx, its nice but unfortunatly based on an older fba then the current one for pc (which i hope gets an update soon ) and theres still some picky roms that won't run in fba-xxx since it being an older version (neopong's, some homebrew roms, and samsho5/samsh5nd based on dev).
  20. no prob and to anyone else that needs it or the default.xbe feel free to pm me with an email (its less then 1mb rared or not) topic closed
  21. pm me with an email
  22. i missed out on the other power instincts so are they playable in mame or some other emu?
  23. well i suggest you kill the torrent since it will be endless and its likely someone will post the baed1 if they're willing to seed (which most torrent ppl don't)
  24. http://www.freebyte.com/hjsplit/ its simple and free
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