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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. i feel you but as you know some games aren't done being 100% so it really depends if you can live with whats out.
  2. i didn't mind nero 6 much but normally i wouldn't trust it for ps2/xbox games tho it burnt dvd movie files just fine
  3. well 2 main things caused this: 1. the fact that you can backup a game that you don't own on to the hard drive. 2. and the fact that the tools being used to make hd loader were from sony's dev kits that you must have permission by sony to use (kinda like M$ with sdk/xdk thing for xbox) to me software like this should've been homebrew and never to be sold (you can put games on xbox's hdd, do you see ppl selling how to do that?). btw, this story was actually from ps2newz.net, ps2ownz always loves to steal their stories and make it as their own
  4. ebonics died a while ago kid having i'll prob with the newserver, they say it should be fixed by tomorrow EDIT: just tested it and its working now will be posting in a few
  5. infinite symbol fixed s1 works just fine in fbax (i've had it in since ghozt's version) but if you need help on it, feel free to pm me with an email
  6. sorry for the delay on those files, i'll up them tonight or early in the morning (was busy just about all day) i'll up mslug4b as well
  7. actually theres ways to boot backups/imports that you don't need a modchip at all. if you go to x-s site, it has tutorials on how to do certain hacks to the xbox (i've done TSOP hacks for 3 of my friends that didn't care for live and they love it)
  8. how can you not like it, its up there with a christmas story in my eye
  9. k, i'll post it in newsgroups in the moring then btw about mslug4, if yours is what gogo had as mslug4nd just rename it to mslug4b as it is the bootleg release. mslug4 encrypted works fine now. this also applies to matrimnd
  10. if you got aim/msn, pm me when is a good time and your name
  11. man i can't wait til the last 2 weeks of july
  12. yes i'm sorry to say so; maybe you can bring it up on gogo's forum and see if he might change it or add an option to get rid of it.
  13. don't see how another dvd burner is gonna help him as he is selling warez i personaly find it wrong that you wanna encrypt a game that you got for free to sell to others. what if the person wanted to copy it to his new hdd?
  14. well the new ar max doen't use a dongle any more (the memory card thingy) and not only does it have the genesis emu but you can also make video cds to watch your favorite divx/xvid flicks and even mp3 discs. after you make the discs (genesis, movies, or mp3), you don't even need to load the ar disc
  15. if you compile your own version you can get rid of it also i remember someone in x-s forums made a patch to get rid of it but dunno if that will work for the current versions. even in my compile i have their site (out of respect to gogo and his work) but i also mention 1emu since this is where you'll find me most
  16. yeah i agree, phone is the last thing to have around me especially now with all the annoying ringtones or ppl having song hooks as a ring tone (i know about 3 family/friends of of mine that have lil flip's gameover hook as a ringtone, so damn annoying )
  17. dunno if this is a good thing to keep posted as i seen another forum remove links to it but i leave that up to the boss of this site funny how it mentions dnas patched games work when they don't since you posted this at a current topic in the ps2 section, this one is closed
  18. theres no burnable boot disc for ps2, only dc had a useable boot disc for backups. so your options now is to either get a modchip or get magic swap discs. swap discs aren't 100% and depending on the method of swapping could kill your ps2's eject. modchips are more reliable (no swapping needed) but are hard to install unless you are good at soldering small points.
  19. sly cooper smuggler's run 2 tekken tag devil may cry gran turismo 3
  20. xbox isn't getting raw 3 since raw is now part of ps2's game. xbox is getting some other game but won't come out fro a while and yukes aren't working on it so i guess it will be crap just like the other 2 raw games for xbox. AKI did no mercy and wrestlemania 2000 for n64 but since then they did the defjam vendetta which was damn good and the next one looks to be even better. also for ps2 they did an ultimate muscle game thats coming out soon. personaly, the yukes have done a nice job to wwf/wwe games since acclaim's wwf games which were ok to annoying. the n64 wrestling games done by AKI tho are fun to this day (i just love wcw revenge).
  21. lol that clip was funny in fact i found the clip alone much better then universal's street fighter movie loved drunken master and the police story movies
  22. just rename it and you'll be playing it
  23. well i got complete, weird thing tho is the dat sees one of them as 3mb and romcenter see the same p rom 4mb (which it is) and its fine
  24. anyone know a good tv stream that has anime?
  25. the last one i need to complete right now is svcsplus. can't seem to get the proper p1 to use with the patch i got
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