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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. well he means the some of the roms alone make that certain one like for example svcnd is complete with the c roms i shown alone. svcplus is now complete since they mention how to get the p roms and someone posted a patch for the s1.
  2. i believe you got the sources instead of the binary which has the default.xbe i highly suggest you get on irc and connect to an efnet server and the join xbins to get access to their ftp's. the other option is if you got newsgroup access, they normally make a version everyday and its posted in alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox (just grabbed 6-22 version and love it so far)
  3. ps1 never got the night warriors as saturn never got the first darkstalkers yet both got darkstalkers 3 (japanese version for saturn)
  4. This one was better to me
  5. yeah we did but i guess with patches out to changes this and that, some ppl might not have originals any more. one thing i do remeber when i first grab svc was it had an 8 mb p but then 6mb one was out i replaced it with that and now seeing dev uses the 8mb one i wished i never got rid of it
  6. sure, just pm me when it might be a good time when you're on aim also i found out that the p and v's aren't out yet but i'm gonna try to get the m1d.
  7. i heard from a bunch of ppl on irc that solderless mods have killed their ps2 and also those mods only work on certain mods. the fliptops are a hassle since you swap with swap magic discs and if he game doesn't work with swap magic you need a loader disc for that game that didn't work with swap magic and then double swap. now mods are tough to install while there are some that cut down the wires to 17 or so still is difficult to install. there is a bunch out there but all do the same which is to allow backups and imports. some mods like dms3 have other options like force ntsc/pal and allow other hdds for emulator use (pgen). and yes dms3 now does allow the sony hdd and other mods have yet to get over but you can always pull out the hdd as someone mentioned. i personally got a v7 ps2 premodded with messiah 2 pro when it first came out and is still rocking today i personaly see no use of the hdd untill more game companys starts supporting it unless i plan to op for hd loader later on when a better version comes out
  8. bah its a man *clicks to see women*
  9. i think it might be best to leave out the latest snes emu since i'm hearing it has minor sound probs with certain games
  10. something mr. k aka mhz never fixed along with other things that will never get fixed since its a dead project. just follow the pinned topic about encrypted/decrypted to help you with kawa-x
  11. that is one huge key lol but doesn't surprise me anyone know when the japanese version is due out for ps2?
  12. yes they are from kawaks dev dat. i have the c roms complete just missing the ones i mentioned
  13. does anyone know where i can find these: 269-m1d.bin 128KB CRC: FD4F0FF9 269-p1.bin 8MB CRC: 432CFDFC 269-v1d.bin 8MB CRC: A81DA99A 269-v2d.bin 8MB CRC: A8DD6446 if you can make patches for them that would be great too (asked for them in romshare and the post was deleted so much for a neogeo patch thread )
  14. with all due respect, i didn't mind you making the topic but it is in bad taste to talk about a thing and now with someone posting a link to pics i just thought its best to leave it closed.
  15. its a sad thing to happen and to link pics of it is wrong enough topic closed
  16. mslug5 encrypted is not working in fba yet so just use the nd set
  17. tru, i liked the first movie but hated the fact they killed off joker.
  18. just to note: Guilty Gear XX#Reload is on PS2 but only in japan and its all japanese the xbox japan version does have story mode and is english but not sure about the music as i never really bothered to check hehe
  19. well its the most weird looking batmobile but i still need to see it in action to judge it. i hope one day they do use that story line when bruce broke his back and azrael was batman and then went nuts
  20. ShastaOrange first let me say welcome to the forum and thank you for your disc's which are great. just a thought but is it possible for you to repost the first disc with the newly updated emus that are out now (snes, msx, and lynx)?
  21. chances are you don't got the special version which allows those 2 and a few others. you have to register to gogo's forum in order to get it
  22. well if anything the xbox version should be better or close to dc's if ps2's ends up ugly.
  23. no virus, just corrupted
  24. i'm still wondering if usa is gonna get both versions. since japan had hyper sf2 as a single game i can understand the extras for sf3 but usa sf aniversary will have both games on 1 disc. if its gonna be on dvd chances are it will but still not 100% sure
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