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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. alcohol worked fine for me in many things with lens (hell its even in windex that some sites suggest) moving topic to xbox section
  2. you got the answer in x-s forums
  3. as for magical drop 3 i'll check that out but the screeen you get with mslug5 is that you're using the encrypted version thats not working in fba as of yet. you'll need the decrypted version if you wanna play it. check around rom request section as there should be a link or 2 for it (or just use the search) EDIT: just tried magdrop3 and it works fine using the new set
  4. it will be in the following: alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo alt.binaries.emulators.misc alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox
  5. kawa-x se is no more, get either kawa-hex or fba-xxx highly recomend fba-xxx since it has everything kawa-x has and a lot more
  6. ok i'm sorry to say but i'm having problems trying to make a dat for fba-xxx so i'll post it without a dat. what i did to try to make one was take the d_neogeo.cpp from fba-xxx and put it in my pc fba emu to make a dat but it hangs for some unknown reason making incomplete dats
  7. ok guys and gals, i finally got the time to work on it and its done heres the rundown: pulstar is now working properly (new set) mslug4 encrypted set gfx fixed (gogo doesn't care for encrypted stuff so i fixed it) kof2002 encrypted uses a proper driver jockeygp is working and is playable (2 player mode) mslug4nd is now mslug4b since it is the bootleg matrimnd is now matrimb since it is a bootleg added the samsho5 kawaks dev drivers and the bootleg drivers (dev drivers still give bank error) rotdd is rotdn kept svcbl and svcplus but boss got the axe (don't see the purpose since plus gives you bosses) added more neo no panepon added all neogeo cheats that i could find changed the bgm for skins to a hiphop feel (leave the option off if you don't like hiphop) and thats all i can remeber right now hehe this should hit newsgroups tonight and for those of you that just want the default.xbe pm me your email and i'll send it oh also i'm gonna include a dat for those you using romcenter/clrmame
  8. well i burnt the disc as is before the fix but i'm gonna give the disc to a friend and now seeing that xport has replaced 2 emus for new ones (lynx and msx/2) i'm gonna edit the disc
  9. well i meant that you can try switching from either directory so like you already have in f: try it in e:
  10. nice i see the post and definitely will get it
  11. well history says the orginal puerto ricans were black so its in her as it is in me
  12. i too got the gangster box
  13. hey for those of you that own an xbox, theres a homebrew port of rott and plays damn good. few other homebrew ports for xbox to mention: dukex (i heard its buggy but plays ok so far that i tried) quake1 quake2 doom's (same one can play 1,2 and final along with the packs and mods) quake1/2 also plays packs and mods (simpsons quake ) one mod i got that works fine in the pc quake but not in xbox port is the xmen mod tho i heard it does work on there
  14. well the only other option i can think of that worked for a guy that had the same prob but different rom was he moved kawa-x to a different directory (from E: to F:) and the rom worked fine. also make sure the roms sizes are correct. i highly suggest you grab the rom shots i have on the kawa-hex site. if both of those ideas fail, try fba-xxx
  15. well she did say she wanted children during the time she was with ben so it doesn't surprise me. man, thank god i didn't by this guys new album hell they even had it playing in the morning news during the weather report and they said "i hope we didn't bore you with this music"
  16. if you're using gogo's dat before the latest, you need to get the new one thats in his forums. i'll try to work on my compile tonight as i am a lil busy today and the dat will be both romcenter and clrmame
  17. might i add marc's new album is boring and funny enough includes a track with the mrs.
  18. yeah i was glad i didn't buy that game but a friend did and man did it ever suck to not be able to do the things square said it would do.
  19. umm you missed the part that said: Pre-Order, ships when stock arrives (ETA: 29. Jul, 2004)
  20. sh*t, where can i get that job?!?!
  21. kof:mi is made for the ps2 as snk officially said but if it is coming to xbox, i can see it just as a port in which most ps2 to xbox ports come out bad. as for the vf game, i could careless since i own both consoles but i do know theres a vf rpg coming out only for ps2 and gc (something that was thought to be on xbox) not sure what is to come since now sega-sammy are changing a few things here and there.
  22. well they both are sluts if you really think about it. marc anthony had a previous fling with j-lo after that he started seeing his wife but then broke up cuz he cheated on her but then he got her back and got married as she wanted and then found out he was cheating again and they broke up and he went to j-lo who broke up with ben. sounds like story for maury
  23. try deleting the save for kawa-x and also make sure your clock is set
  24. i don't remember where i saw the list but i think its in romshare if you search around. well looking at the source i see it uses new drivers but i'll make one for new and one for old. gonna be busy with this one hehe
  25. yeah, they disable seach at off-peak hours sounds like a cellphone contract
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