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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. great, i got it working so i'll work on a new compile tonight
  2. the green screen is the game loading with the bios you want so thats normal and goes away. as for mslug's slowdown, the only option you got is to use fba-xxx and and change the neogeo clock speed to 18hz. the slowdowns are normal tho (especially in 2)
  3. well gamecop already answered the question but oh well
  4. its actually a known problem thats been talked about a lot in x-s forums
  5. right now i'm having a prob with the source where it gives me a tool error so if i can some how get passed then there will be a new release by me
  6. funny, i thought that was johnny cage's excuse
  7. ki arcade would make a great mame cab
  8. ms5plus doesn't work in fba yet so just play the bootleg release
  9. hmm the link just takes me to dreamworks main page
  10. ok, trying to compile the src but i get a tool error and if i try to use an old FBA.vcproj (like i did with the last src) it gives me a few errors, anyone got any ideas?
  11. the mslug4nd set in the current version uses 4 vroms but this set is actually considered as a bootleg. i won't change it in my compile but might later on also i just noticed that samsho5 based from kawaks dev drivers are in there, did anyone try this out yet?
  12. sound crackles can also deal with the v roms if they aren't split unless iq_132's neopcm fix was added (which isn't) another note, i finally got the source so now i'll begin working on my new compile and will make a dat
  13. ki1 was great but ki2 (ki gold for those who played the n64 version) was blah and they didn't give it another chance since then which to me was good since during that time we had many versions of mk3 to play around with hehe.
  14. artik i did post my source on newsgroup along with the xbe and on top of that i did mention it in general of the devolopment section in the fba-xxx forum and heres a link to prove that: http://board023.hosting42.com/viewtopic.php?t=326 i also gave it to anyone that asked for it so i'm not a greedy person and i do follow rules set by fba team whether its buggy or not. my compiles are the same except the added drivers and proper names to some drivers (kof2002nd? come on now ). the only thing i did to the source was adding iq_321's neopcm fix which works lovely for encrypted versions of mslug4 and rotd. the only thing i was trying to get working on my own personal complile was the mame/kawaks set of cthd2003 but that doesn't work on fba-x this aslo applys to neopong and other homebrews. mr. x i tried samsho5 based on kawaks dev driver in the last fba-xxx and get a bank error. this happens for both encrypted and decrypted versions. i never got matrim for kawaks dev complete so i can't test that.
  15. i don't plan to put it on mame ox since it requires a memory upgrade for the xbox in order for big neogeo roms to work. i still use kawaks dev here and there and would still like to have it complete. hey james, would you mind posting the m1d file since its only 256k? i'm trying to find a patch for the v2 right now but haven't had any luck yet.
  16. well gogo says theres gonna be another release and when that one is out so shall the source
  17. the option didn't come up for me in neogeo except for capcom and others
  18. nfo didn't mention anything about improved speed tho loading seems better
  19. holy sh*t, he 's back well personaly it makes no sence why you can't post the source as you can post an updated the xbe but oh well.
  20. already answered your question in the pm you sent me but for anyone else that wants to know, i used dvd decrypter. never touched the settings
  21. well i'm still waiting on a source since the link is still down but now theres 2 versions of fba-xxx (one uses old neogeo set and the other for new neogeo sets) and if i ever get this source/s i'll release both versions with other roms he didn't add and proper naming (can't believe he still didn't fix kof2002nd or garoud and any other odd ball names)
  22. well i found the patch for the m1.bin but can't find one for m1d.bin. also it turned out i only had the v1.bin patch so i also need v2.bin patch but can't find that either
  23. you should learn how to use mirc and get on xbins as they have an ftp full of apps/emus. roms is on you tho
  24. well we gotta wait till the source is out to see but the link is still down
  25. his site says to use mame but even mame seems wrong for it
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