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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. google bioshouse also make sure you extract the bios for this emu. btw, i just got my new phillips dvd-rom and it plays cdrs just fine now i just need a new hdd for my pc and i can finally close up my xbox (i'm currently using 120gb hdd in my pc which i hope to pass to my xbox)
  2. i had bought the shelf masters which are shelves that can hang in corners. now these shelves basically have razor blades that stab into the walls and i can tell you they won't hold for long unless its something super light (in my case i have them holding my small speakers for my 5.1 home theater). so i got nails to help support them another thing i bought on tv a while ago was the skewdriver. this i still use to this day and i love it as it does come in handy for tight spots.
  3. http://members.home.nl/gis/ man, thats crazy but hot
  4. well for mameox we're not sure if it is still being worked on hehe
  5. i get connection was refused when trying to connect to emu.joyie.com
  6. hmm link doesn't seem to work, i'll try later and see what happens
  7. ki2 isn't gonna get any better unless you get the friendtech cpu upgrade
  8. wow, well you could go on ebay and search for a new ps2 case but make sure you get one made for the model you got.
  9. as far as emulators go, ps2 isn't best for it since it lacks memory but you never know. the genesis emu for ps2 support hdd use and i think the next version of the snes emu will too
  10. ahh i can see the gimmick; dinner and a movie
  11. ps1 ps2 dc xbox master system atari 2600 atari 7800 sega saturn
  12. the code has been out ever since the emu was made but as far as i know lantus still hasn't finsihed it yet
  13. hey could you plz give me a link to where you got the other v1 and v2 for the encrypted set?
  14. well you must understand that neogeo for fba is still new so the fba team themselves are trying to make it better compared to kawaks. as for which is better, fba-x is since its work is still being improved and with gogo's doing what he did on a src most of us hate cuz of the bugs is simply amazing by adding a bunch of features/fixes. kawa-x does play neogeo better then fba-x but in order for you to add games you must go through the hassle of hexing and killing off a game to replace another. the main problem with kawa-x now is that its old and the original author has since passed his work to razzola who doesn't own an xbox nor has plans to make a new kawa-x so its dead in the water right now. new version of fba should be out soon and should support the newer versions of 30 neogeo roms out now
  15. it has: nes snes genesis master system neopocket lynx msx msx2 atari 2600 atari 5200 turbo graphix 16 colecovision intellivision wonderswan it has romsets damn near complete but he did mention he removed most hacks, non working, and some games in japanese. also he kept any that was usa (if there wasn't a usa version, he kept the euro version)
  16. well the game was average and the sequels to the the matrix were poop to me but hell, the game made damn well enough money so warner bros. is just being greedy
  17. its coming out around the end of july for japan
  18. yeah i grabed this, its great tho the lynx and wonderswan emus don't work so great and atari 5200 emu is confusing
  19. you got the encrypted set complete? well i got the nd set completed but haven't test it yet
  20. snk had this planned for a year during the time xbox sales sucked so they stick with the money maker. right now xbox is getting a few games from snk so if you're one that has an xbox only and want this game, get a ps2
  21. the super gameboy adapter for snes had color options that you could give a b/w gb game some what of a color look. you could also add/make a border for the game and some games came with premade borders. it was pretty cool thing back then when snes was rocking
  22. thought i'd mention Rock; Chae Lim; and Iori was added to the official site
  23. this would've been better if they included maybe 1-x as well but i'll add this game as in one of my multi-game discs (5x50mb hehe)
  24. if your dvd-rom can read cdr/rw's then your ok, hopefully gogo can do some wonders to it
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