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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. hmm for some odd reason i can't d/l the skins rar you posted here
  2. nice job man , i'll grab it in a few
  3. it will come to ps2, just look at the gta that was psp only
  4. ok guys, got a friend of mine that has a x-arcade stick and he knows theres a configuration for it but he wants to know if theres a way to get back to the menu/rom list with it?
  5. i personally use nero's express option and make a simple data cd and it works fine on my ps2 without touching the settings
  6. i agree, really sucks not having 2 analog sticks; they use the buttons instead
  7. along with the fact that its posted with roms which makes it more warez
  8. if they did have tekken 5, i think dr is a free upgrade if i remember right.
  9. well i got a psp now tho its at 2.6 firmware i got gta and using eloader for emus and wondering about the psp mame as i can't find any info on it and the readme is in japanese which does me no good. i got to test out 97 version but when i load a rom, psp just blacks out and turns off
  10. well i personally found the joke funny but i think next time you should put a link to get into the forum as it should be but that is if that possible.
  11. ok, i got 3 xvid files that i need to convert to dvd and i heard dvd santa was good to use but the damn thing just crashes everytime i choose start and i grabbed tmpgexpress but it said it will take 17 hours! right now i'm grabbing cyberlink producer 3 and see how that is but if anyone suggests something better, please do reply
  12. to make it fit a dvd5 disc, i suggest you keep the neogeo d/nd sets and get rid of the main parents but make sure that the other rom got what is needed from the parent rom especially for d sets case.
  13. please read the rules, no request for warez or torrents leading to them. your post was edited as such if you can't find it on newsgroups, get a better server like giganews
  14. geez, i thought they would make 0.105 by now but none the less good stuff
  15. nor sure what games would be missing as romcenter listed all fine except those that are unreleased, i did inculde all versions on neogeo games (d, nd and such). romcenter for me states the following under report: You are missing 4 of 672 known FBA-XXX Pro ROMS jgokushi ms5pcb ssf2tb ssf2tbr1 2 by an error on the dat, 1 incomplete (ms5pcb) and 1 that isn't released (jgokushi)
  16. i grabbed earthwaorm jim 2 for psx a while back when i had my psx modded, it didn't play any music either during the game.
  17. nice joke
  18. best thing i can suggest is get a newsgroup account and you'll be able to get it easily.
  19. canceled for xbox but it came out for ps2 a while ago
  20. yea i was shocked when i learn about kof:mi2 being kof2006 as well as i first noticed the title change in gametrailers site odd enough and then a week later on ign calling it kof2006.
  21. ok, a day ago everything seemed fine until i came around and saw that my pc had rebooted some how and now for some odd reason ie won't work on some sites including this forum currently using firefox and yes i know its great and all but i'm used to ie and would perfer that so any ideas on what could cuase this?
  22. Burnout Revenge is also out for 360 now oh and you should try out the ghost recon for it, awesome game tho it sucks you can get healed like your teamates can but its definitely a good challenge.
  23. i believe theres an error with the dat dealing ssf2tb and ssf2tbr1 as on romcenter it didn't see ssfex.5t (3ae42ff3) and ssfex.7t (4d51f760) in either set yet its in there with the correct crc. ms5pcb roms with 00000000 crc are just dummy roms that can be made in romcenter but p1r and p2r are no where to be found nor confirmed to be the real deal but the v1 exists which is in the update i posted. jgokushi is still no where to be found. XtraTrstrL thanks but i already got it from thraxen and was included in my post
  24. i think it will be easier if you just grab the nd version of the roms as they have decryped roms which kawa-x begs for just keep in mind that it doesn't care for crc's of the roms but it needs the right size roms edited the post taking out the request
  25. well i'm not sure exactly how your missing that much but theres good news: i'm posting the v1.12 romset along with the par2's so that should fix your problem
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