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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. personaly, i think they should wait til it hits a console and then let it go on mame and what not
  2. PSP gets my vote. ds reminds me of the old nintedo b/w handhelds (game & watch i think their called) while nice it doesn't really catch my eyes as psp does (gt4, nfs:u, metal gear, need i say more?) sony is also gonna be putting this out as the next discman of sorts so its gonna have some support (ea putting out at least 4 of their games for its release in usa, thats great support )
  3. SFA3 gets my vote. SF3 is good but i find SFA3 better (especially the DC version since it beats the arcade version). my favorite SF2 is definitely SF2CE. hyper fighting edition i liked but still pefered championship edition poor SF1 never gets a vote
  4. i need to get into compiling mame myself hehe, i've done fba compiles but never mame. other then the neogeo games, what else can be added? i know one game called gun barich worked on some mame32 i had a while ago but don't know any others.
  5. nice job iq although i haven't had my hand in compiling mame yet (might do it for xbox sake tho if theres more games to add other then the neogeo games)
  6. just about every friday the 13th that had some dumbass walking over/around the body of jason
  7. umm you should try the dc version and a vga hookup cuz that looks even better then xbox's or ps2's. i got the game for both xbox and ps2 but i like dc version best since it was based off almost the same hardware and seems to play best on dc (ign even recomends dc version over xbox's)
  8. ok it turns out the 2 places for them were // instead of being Nulled. just fixed it and it doesn't showup anymore
  9. yeah, i have the same prob and the funny thing is that those 2 aren't in the burn.cpp section for neogeo roms i might try to Null out the 2 places it shows up at in neogeo and see what happens
  10. wow, the psp looks nice and the support its getting is even better then i thought. due out the end of the year for japan, march 2005 for usa
  11. you sure you got the decryted version and not the encrypted version? the only difference in the p1's was to allow both modes (aes/mvs) where the old one didn't.
  12. i played a cloned rom and moves works fine, someone in gogo's forum mentioned it froze in garoun but dunno
  13. ok, i'm currently posting the new version with the added drivers i put in from the last version so everything should be the same except the new added features gogo did tomorrow i might do some minor driver fixes since now he cracked the s1 use from the c roms (kof2knd works lovely now) but this is what did for those of you that wanted a quick compile again, for those of you that want it you can pm me your email and i'll send you the default.xbe rared (note that you'll need the rest of the new versions files since this version has a lot of changes)
  14. hmm i see that link posted before is dead now hehe i'll make one of my special versions tonight and post it not sure about roms tho but you'll get the emu tonight at the most (noticed that he had only one rom changed in the source (pochi) so i can just add the older info in place of the new)
  15. grab it from the link posted a few pages back
  16. wow, hes done a lot with this update including no need for an s1 for decrypeted sets (gonna test this with kof2knd) i'll proly work on one of my releases tomorrow with the new source
  17. george carlin is my main favorite others i like is: dave chappelle chris rock conan o'brien jay leno
  18. metal gear solid 3 sf3 (already played hyper sf2 for ps2) silent hill 4 mortal kombat deceptions gran turismo 4 cowboy bebop tekken 5 time crisis: crisis zone altered beast outrun2
  19. looney tunes, simpsons, xmen (fox), spiderman (all), the hulk (upn), happy tree friends, dbz, akira, fist of the north star, ninja scroll, family guy, sealab 2020, aqua teen, cowboy bebop, dexter's lab, johnny bravo, jackie chan adventures, ren & stimpy, sponge bob, and mucha lucha
  20. ahh well, at least now i know when it sould be out in japan for ps2
  21. I believe i can fly - william hung god thats a tear jerker
  22. my first emu was mame32 v67 and the first rom i played was the simpsons and the xmen (konami).
  23. Konami code was first for me can never forget Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start(select and then start if 2 players).
  24. well i'm for sure gonna preorder time crisis: crisis zone i've been waiting for that gun game to be ported and finally it will but the my main reason to buy it is to get another gun since the game allows you to use 2 guns
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