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Everything posted by Prican25
yeah theres always things to hate about a console (ps2 only having 2 controller ports, xbox for being so huge, gamecube for using mini dvds) but its about making the best out of it which nintendo still lacks to do. i also agree that when mario went to n64, he turned into something i hate which is being "cute" and it still continues in gc i also don't really care for the new zelda look either but lucky enough it isn't annoying as mario64 with all the damn "whoo" and such.
in the emu's folder, theres an ini folder with 5 ini's and you can change the first line of each one
yeah gogo didn't update the drivers to their proper sizes. all 3 of those games you mentioned really do use 64kb m1's also for anyone getting kof2k1 the m1 in that is 128kb and not 256kb that kawa-x has it set too.
ps2 loading times are bad due to the fact that it has no hdd but now there is a hdd out so future games will support it (the new resident evil does) ps2 gfx aren't that bad if they do it well enough as i can see in some half-ass port they'll do it badly (sonic heros for example was bad on all but gc) yet some of the latest games the quality is damn near xbox's.
well all next-gen systems aren't due till 2006 so you got plenty of time to wait for those. i own both systems and the way i look at is this: PS2 - definitely has plenty of games over xbox and a bunch more to come this year. its too bad you can't do so much with it as you can with a modded xbox but the quality of the games out for ps2 out does many xbox originals. XBOX - it does in most cases get the same games as ps2 but this is one of the most bad things for it as it to me looks like xbox gets sloppy seconds to what ps2 already had (gta's, tom and jerry and few others). in some cases tho the games are improved like in gta3/vc where it even beats the pc version. the best thing for xbox tho is to mod the xbox since there are many apps/games/emus you can add and also be able to put in a bigger hdd to load up games,vids,music and whatever else (very helpfull if you wanna put a system in your car ) xbox does have a slight lack of support in some genres (rpg being the biggest problem and i highly doubt fable would make a dent) and also some companies still stick to the ps2 for exclusives like konami making mgs3, capcom street fighter aniversary + sf3 (usa exclusive), rockstar gta:san andreas, and just annouced ea battlefield. also online gaming seems more on ps2's side then xbox since sony allows 3rd parties to use their own servers where m$ runs the live servers and some companies don't agree with that (ea for one). tough choice but to sum it up: PS2 for games XBOX for mods to allow apps/emus/games
hehe i also remember that sometimes when the nes was just flashing the grey/blue screen i would just wiggle the damn game til it worked and if i see the game getting screwed up (lines and screwy gfx) i would slighty tap the cart to try to fix it.
Problem With Combine Kawa-x V11 And Kawa-hex ?
Prican25 replied to lingkang's topic in XBOX Hacks [/xbox]
if you just want kof 94-2002 you should get ciccor's kawa-x hack or if you want all kofs get fbax -
<--- that was me when playing Unreal Championship 2003 against the all mighty Shibathedog
hehe lets also not forget what was to be the addon for n64 that was suppose to be close to cd, 64DD i think it was called. what a waste of money that had to been when they were even working on it
well thats for good reaon since it was nintendo's dumb decision to stick with carts when cds were the better choice in which it lost a lot of support and squaresoft being the biggest hit to them (can you imagine a 17 cart version of ff7 ) as for dc vs ps2, it actually lost to ps1 and not ps2
well the last thing you wanna get is anything used so get a new ps2. i would highly suggest you get a premodded ps2 as it will save you the trouble of having to worry about installing a mod and you won't have to swap
the only decent emu for ps2 is genesis. snes-station still needs work and mame, haha i wouldn't bother.
well you could try shiba's trick for dial-up untill you can get dsl
when the gold pin connectors start to wear (mines went to silver), you'll go through this hell hehe
blow the cart till you get the whistle and/or shove in another cart on top (keeps the pressure down on worn or non-locking springs ) q-tip and alcohol to clean the cart or a pencil eraser as well
did anyone try kof99nd got it working fine on his? i ask this cuz he said it was fixed in the last and in his latest version but i still get a red screen also, where in the latest src can i disable that damn fps counter
woot i got it working fine with my router using normal cat5, too bad i suck at halo
sorry but this topic is for getting the files only, read the readme as it clearly tells you what to do. topic closed
i still have yet to try xbconnect or xlink but i wonder if its possible to just use my router and cat5 cable?
well i for one didn't like n64 much at all in fact i never bought it since ps1 had plenty of quality games over n64 (tho goldeneye rocked in multiplayer ). someone commented saying the nintendo being kiddy was bullsh*t, well even nintendo themselves said the n64 was towards kids as other consoles featured more mature games like re 1-3, tomb raider 1-4 and so on. it was late in n64's life that games featured mature themes (blood and such). gc on the other hand has changed nintendo's image by allowing more mature games (re series for exmaple) and i for one was shocked they even allowed bmx-xxx (lame game but still the point that it has XXX). most ppl i know that own a gc barely play it since they bought it for certain games (re series) and if i were to get one it will be the same for me.
well if you grabbed the fbaxghozt v4.1, i included a txt file on how to do this and it was also said in this topic http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6147
Barbershop Director Takes On Fantastic 4!
Prican25 replied to BoomBa_GoosE's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
spiderman movie was great to me but of course some fanboys would go nutz over the lil things (no web shooters) but one thing i definitely hated was goblin's costume. the hulk, while it does follow the comic well, it was a boring movie and theres rumors of a possible sequel. blade 1 and 2 rocked to me and can't wait to see 3 batman 1 was the best but pissed me of they killed the joker, 2 was good as well but the others sucked (i thought jim carey was a great riddler but too bad the story sucked) superman 1 and 2 are great (especially 1 dvd), the others were trash daredevil was blah xmen 1 i didn't like but 2 was damn good -
nintendo still is sucessfull with gameboy but console wise these days its been here and there. it was clearly a bad choice when they decided to use carts on n64 (president quit after a few months n64 debuted in usa memory serves me right) and cuz of it they lost a lot of support that end up going to something that they help create and disowned (ps1). gc wasn't a bad idea but and they could've added more to it (full dvds instead of the lame mini's, dvd player option (panasonic Q's aren't being made any more), and more online use) the online use still bothers me as to why they don't use it more but this is nintendo after all (always late to catch up on good things) its just a shame that they end up this way but thats just how it is
i found out what i did wrong heh, i used the perl to make the driverlist and it made &BurnDrv to the ones he added works fine now both neopongs still don't work
huh? you lost me there cuz he had said to add he drivers as normal (d_neogeo.cpp and driverlist.h) and to add the driver in place of any of the BurnDrvNull's in burn.cpp which i did but i get this damn pdriver error and as far as i can tell, in driverlist.h i see he added drivers in both sections as you normally do