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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. no, shouldn't be that much missing i'm making the par2's for the romset to be at v1.12, should be going up in 3 hours or so.
  2. hmm, time for a walmart swap while i got a chance heh
  3. while i don't disagree that mame does neogeo best but for xbox sake, hes better off with fba-xxx pro unless he has the extra memory installed in his xbox to make mameox load/play the games better. kawa-x is too old to bother with now at days since the romsets keep changing until if and when Mr.K aka Mhz can release a new kawa-x seeing how the theres no longer a worry about hacking it since the 2003 roms are over and done with.
  4. thought i'd mention that the v1.12 update has been posted to the usual groups now, this has all but the following due to them not being availible: ms5pcb pr1 and p2r jgokushi i'll be posting par2s later for those you that need to fix their complete romset to the latest. and big thx to thraxen for help finding the ones needed for this update
  5. personaly, you're better off using the latest FBA-XXX PRO as that uses the latest romsets since kawa-x hasn't been updated for 2 years now since Mr.K aka Mhz (orginal kawaks author) doesn't wanna publically release his latest kawa-x due to ppl hacking the old one. but to answer your question anyway, theres an old topic here from a year ago that Mr.X released a patch so you can play some of the new neogeo games on kawa-x by killing off a few games in their place but you gotta search for the topic.
  6. arcade: ms.pac-man, bubble bobble, mk1-3, ki1, simpsons, and both tmnt games 2600: combat, asteroids, adventure, warlords, berzerk, pitfall, keystone kapers, cops and robbers, maze craze and human cannonball for the hell of it colecovision: frontline, frogger, smurfs, donkey kong, omega race, q-bert, venture, pepper 2, and ladybug. nes: super mario bros 1-3, contra, super c, mega man, metal gear, bionic commando, castlevania, elevator action, duck hunt, gyromite, rad racer, topgun, battletoads, rc pro-am, tmnt 2 and 3, metroid, mike tyson's punchout, and ice climber. sms: rocky, outrun, zillion, fantasy zone, and shinobi genesis: sonic 1-3, golden axe 1-3, streets of rage 1-3, contra hard corps, gunstar heros, vectorman, x-men 1 and 2, earthworm jim, aladin, toejam and earl, and both mutant league games. segacd: final fight, sewer shark, night trap, lethal enforcers 1 and 2, enternal champions, slipheed, and panic. snes: super mario allstar+world, super metroid, super punchout, chrono trigger, contra 3, tmnt 4, top gear, donkey kong country 1-3, lion king, zombies ate my neighbors, street fighter 2 turbo, and super smash tv. n64: goldeneye64, super smash bros., and both rush games dc: soul calibur, marvel vs capcom 1 and 2, sonic adv. 1 and 2, and all shooters out for it as they rock on dc thats it for now, heh
  7. i'm working on an update to v1.12 but still need that m1p for svcplus to finish it out since the rest is pretty much out of reach. got no speed problems with giganews here
  8. the file names are right but i think its just the iso that bad cuz it doesn't even load in magic engine on my pc.
  9. its at xbins called mednafenx_pce_v1 thraxen, did dracula x give you any problems? for some reason even after renaming the files to match xport's cue the emu freezes after choosing the correct cue listed.
  10. yeah its definitely better then hugox and odd enough i too tried it with fighting street heh
  11. ahh good to know, thx for that but now to find the svcplus one
  12. nice update + T + and nice to see you back around the forum djohng just wanted to note a minor error with the dat, for some reason the ssf2tb and ssf2tbr1 show ssfex.5t and ssfex.7t missing yet the rom zips has them both and their correct crc under the games database. also has anyone been able to get a patches for svcplus svc-m1p.bin CRC 5AAA6764, ms5pcb 268-p1r.bin CRC FC4E18B6, and 268-p2r.bin CRC 216b559a?
  13. source from xboxhacker.net TheSpecialist has done it and made a video as proof.
  14. http://www.surpluscomputers.com/
  15. king kong 1933 king kong 1976 king kong 2005 and not to be left out but was a sequel, king kong lives 1986
  16. yea it is from there (you can tell by the abc thingy on the corner)
  17. best mods out are dms4pro, matrix infinity and crystal mod. each have their own thing like dms4 has its own hd loader (great for older ps2's) and crystal mod can play backups online without needing to patch the game. swap magic is something not worth it unless you wanna wait for patches or get other loaders for it and doing a double swap. in the end after its chipped, being able to play 2 backups or so pretty much pays off the mod oh and for those of you wondering about online sake, dnas (online thing) doesn't detect mods, just looks for the its id except for the socom 2/3 sake which detects the file size which make it think you're cheating and kicks you out of their server (meaning you can forget about playing socom 2/3 backup online). all thats needed is a dnas patch adding the id and you're good to go
  18. problem fixed, found the new "dll" that fixes that problem
  19. tried that cinder, no luck on that
  20. i got legit keys but they aren't compatible with the corp version of xp and right now i'm just trying to clean out what i can so i can unraid the 2 hdds and use my sata hdd for a fresh copy of xp with the legit key
  21. sonny chiba is nice but hes no bruce, if anyone is second to him in my eyes its jackie chan. some would say jet li but he hasn't drawn me in as of much lately tho the last 2 flicks were good (hero and unleashed aka danny the dog)
  22. ok so the other day i was gonna check for any updates and it made me d/l that genuine crap which i already had and disable since the old thread but now this one won't allow me to disable it and detecting the not legit key googled around but just leads me to the disabling trick which is useless now so anyone found a way around this?
  23. we don't run xbins so try asking at x-s as they do
  24. its most likely due to that server, get something better and you'll be able to get it no problem.
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