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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. hey i just tried to test his latest and it not seeing my roms !?! EDIT: i didn't notice that he has an ini folder now in the emu's dir but i made the changes to the first line and it see them now
  2. well thing is i got mine to go to kawax's rom folder but i'm thinking its not using the same type of ini
  3. mame ox replaces mame x so you're stuck waiting til they get mame ox with vmm
  4. source link isn't working
  5. i told you my sets already work and are the same sets used in other emu's try getting the roms from a different site
  6. hey, well i heard theres overclock codes to help with older games like double dragon but i can't seem to find any codes for overclocking so i'm asking if anyone has links to overclock codes for the cheat.dat?
  7. he didn't add the s1 to those (garou as well). funny enough tho he did add it to mslug3. i do wish he could fix the neogeo coding in fbax and make it like 4.1 but i guess you get what you get
  8. lantus is still working on it (hes adding cheats and marcos for b5 so far) we just gotta wait till the pc version is out first gogo does have great ideas but i still would perfer to get b5 over his
  9. well matrix is one of those mods to avoid, the lateast solderless mods perfom a lot better (and no need to keep the case open either)
  10. nice, can't wait till the source is posted
  11. i made a post of the latest fbaxghost (4.1) + ghostlop rom i'm gonna try working on using gogo's for furture releases but as i'm seeing in that french forum he has made a final version so i'll guess thats that till b5 comes out few things to note: theres a few extra png's in the previews folder and thats due to my own compiles so not every game in ghozt's goes by png's (sengoku 3 png might need a rename and possibly a few others) i also added game config info for anyone who missed out on how to edit the ini's for roms in the tdata of fbax cps1/2 fix was added (notice 4.1 hehe) thx to gogo for finding that now pochi and nyaa driver was added but the game doesn't work properly (needs a redump) and as you know, ghostlop with the small fart sounds
  12. not sure cuz both of those work for me fine tho they do take a while to load
  13. kawa-xxx he used ciccor's trick to put rotd in a smaller rom but the rom he chose doesn't work well (slow loading). as for rotd on his fbax, i haven't tested it out as of yet but i was playing the game on my own and ghozt compile fine
  14. gogo posts his work in a french forum heres the link that forum also has artik there
  15. i suggest if you got the encrypted rom to just decrypt it and merge the 2 into 1 (except the encrypted c's of course) zip called sngoku3n
  16. bios change that. the latest bios has lba48 enabled so you can use a hdd up to 2tb! i would suggest that if you're going over 250gb to use the.67 (f and g) bio's since its been known that anything over 250gb in f will be corrupt
  17. i had the overclock lockup on me during mslug2 does anyone know how to turn off the damn fps counter!?!
  18. running the cheat file on xbox isn't a good idea since it also uses memory. best to wait till mame ox gets vmm enabled
  19. mslug3.zip works fine, mslug3nd works fine so long you got a s1 rom in the zip. kof2000.zip works fine, kof2knd is unplayable in fbax at the moment. garou.zip works fine, garoun needs a 512kb s1 (comes with fbaxghozt v3) mslug5n (nd if you had it in kawa-hex) works so long you have the p1 for kawaks. kof98 works but for fbax you'll need to change some files kof99.zip works fine, kof99nd isn't working properly yet in fbax
  20. no no, its not a roms prob but the normal buggy bios prob with fbax b4. just change the dipswitch settings and reset and it should work fine.
  21. ok now i'm running the latest version of his and one thing is driving me nutz, how the hell do you get rid of the fps counter?
  22. as i said before, he didn't add the final cps1/2 fix yet, it should be added soon when he's up to it. gogo's isn't bad but certain roms don't work so well
  23. hmm odd but it works fine for me, make sure you're using the same set as kawa-x (fully decrypted)
  24. yeah i know which one you're talking about but he hasn't updated that since v2 and were now at v4
  25. the final fix fixes what he already did plus add sound to games that didn't have sound in fbax b4 (like forgotten worlds)
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