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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. yeah try making an iso if thats what the patch needs. i barely touched halo but i think you either patch the iso or the default.xbe
  2. i'm using his driver on my compile of fbax and it resets fine (also added the new unibios in mine and its working perfect with codes). he has done some things to the neo_run.cpp have have caused a few errors with neogeo game (calendar error happens when you want mvs mode in most neogeo games). i was shocked that he got kof99nd to work on that version tho. his latest src doesn't work so well at all unfortunately
  3. get lips, the best ips patcher out http://fusoya.cg-games.net/lips/index.html
  4. i never tried that for the ps1 emu but that way does work for neogenesis when putting sega cd isos on dvdr
  5. xbox can't read the psx cds yet so its image only
  6. it was other guy that found the prob and both of us can't figure out why we can't do it on fbax.
  7. well if it makes you feel any better, capcom is gonna release sf3: third stike for ps2 by the end of this year of course this is only good news to those who don't own a dc
  8. evox isn't needed, xbtool plays with bios options like changing color if "xbox" text and so on
  9. well i was in another forum where a guy mentioned that he couldn't get Dramatic Battle mode in sfa3 (Street Fighter Alpha 3) when using fbax but using the same rom in kawa-x it works for those who don't know, to get Dramatic Battle mode you press and hold all 3 kick buttons while at the title and press start. i also tried this on fba pc emu and it didn't work either, but winkawaks 1.49 did i did set my buttons up by editing the sfa3.ini in the tdata folder but still no go
  10. well thats gonna be hard but theres one way, theres a patch for the xboxdash.xbe file that will allow you to play dvds. i would suggest you keep knocking on his head to mod it tho hehe
  11. after you flash it the first time, you can flash it with xbox apps like flashx or even the evox dash but be warned that evox erases the whole bank before adding the new bios (that means even if you want 2 bios on there, it will erase both and put just one)
  12. xbmc has a lot more uses then just a dvd player man i would use that as a dash but i still perfer ava since you could do other things
  13. 1337 = leet i doubt it gets leaked since the last cps2 rom didn't get released.
  14. only if you bought it would be a collecters item
  15. Razoola said in another forum that its not gonna be released. so i take that as "yeah i got it and you won't have it till 2007 " if i remember right, they did the same thing to ProGear no Arashi that came out in 2001
  16. well the official story of big n and sony was to make a cd drive to beat segacd and 3do but at the end where sony had their part done, big n decided to kill the cd project which pissed off sony. sony decided to go on their own and made the playstation that we all know and love now heres something to think about and this is 100% true: atari almost at its end with the 7800 was offered a deal by nintendo to make a new console, atari turned them down. what do you think would've happend if they accepted?
  17. any x2 lite that has at least 1mb to store, you can use 512KB for 2 bios or 1MB for 1 bios. i highly suggest 512KB so that you can have 2 bios (one for use and one for backup) cuz you never know if one goes bad.
  18. re scared me when i first bought the ps1 (playing it in the dark and at midnight). same for silent hill and fatal frame (may sound cheesy by just taking pictures but don't let that fool you!)
  19. theres already a topic for kof2003 on kawa-x and i would close this topic but i'm not added to this section yet anyway, its not gonna happen due to that fact it doesn't work on older winkawaks (kawa-x is a port of 1.45). so untill a new p1 ever comes out to allow you to play it on older kawaks, live with fbax. i perfer fbax now since i can play all in one emu with nothing cut out or replaced plus a bunch of shooters that aren't in kawa-x (or winkawaks for that matter).
  20. it did, dc was out before ps2 or xbox but it was beaten by ps1 sales
  21. well the case point is sega decided to kill saturn at a time where 3rd parties had games to be released or already being made. some of those games got released only in japan in most cases saturn's version beat ps1's by far with the use of the ram cart. heres a few that was released in japan on saturn that beat ps1's version: Marvel Super Heros Street fighter vs. Xmen all KOF games Marvel Super Heros vs. Street fighter Vampire Savior Street fighter Zero 3
  22. yup thats was divx
  23. wrestlemania is Lesnar's last match as it was announced. the last match in wrestlemaina XX was the best by far as goldberg vs brock put me to sleep.
  24. well some games need patching like the latest 007 also i sugesst try using different media as that might be your prob. media i suggest is either verbatims or riteks as those are the best.
  25. sega screwed themselves with dc since they decided out of the blue to ditch the saturn too early which a bunch of 3rd parties were making games for it. when dc came out, a lot of the 3rd parties didn't join especially ea which is the biggest (and had the most hate toward sega) also sales were falling off badly to the fact that games that came out in usa were 40-50 bucks but in japan they were 10-15 bucks! with ps1 (not ps2) killing them in sales and support in japan (thats where it counts for them to make or break it), sega had no other choice but to quit working on consoles. if they never ditched the saturn the way they did, dc would be still in the game.
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