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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. nevermind i got it to work i forgot theres 2 things to add to driverlist.h hehe well i ran into few probs with drivers that worked on pc fba for the following: neopong: fbax loads it but crashes neopong10: same as neopong pokernight (homebrew): same as neopong
  2. did he get kof99nd and kof2knd working perfectly? gh0st has enabled them in his compile but kof99nd doesn't load and kof2knd works but theres gfx errors. bah, now even adding neogeo drivers its not showing up on the list
  3. sweet i did my first compile and works great now just need to know how to disable the crc (i'll look up the cube from an older topic) and the kof2003 driver. ran into a prob trying to add a game, i was trying to add a cps1 game (sf2uk) that i added to the pc version fba now from what i'm seeing everything is ok and i did have to add it to the driverlist.h but after making a compile it doesn't list it
  4. i use avalaunch. love the options to download saves, play shoutcast, mp3 or ripped music while in the menu and file manager which makes xbox to xbox a lot easier
  5. he's playing the same demo i got, its not compete
  6. kool, i just copied the nasm.exe, perl.exe to system32 and waiting for my download of vs.net 2003 to finish now if we only knew what were the exact files needed to be changed the neogeo folder to allow nd sets to play perfectly on fbax tmaul or lantus could you plz help on this prob? cuz i'm looking at both files form the pc's latest to fbax's b4 and i noticed a few changes but not sure on what i should change.
  7. quick question, does nasm.exe and perl.exe have to be in the same directory of fbax or different location?
  8. hmm scph101.bin gotta find that one
  9. sweet thx i'll be looking for the MS Visual Studio.Net tonight. i got the other files already for pc fba compiling thx to force x
  10. kinda been wondering, what exactly is needed for compiling fbax? i got the sdk but don't know what else is needed
  11. i personaly hated the resident evil movie. romero would've done this movie a lot better hell his resident evil commercials he did for capcom were better then that movie yeah mk movie rocked, i still remember the fans in the theater going ape sh*t when reptile came out
  12. thats gonna be tough cuz the software used to make fbax is illegal and most sites wouldn't dare to post it in a site, thats where xbins comes in handy
  13. modded in what way tho? if your mod has an off switch, you can use xbl.
  14. yeah i hope it goes well since the last 2 alien movies sucked
  15. there was a rumor or 2 of van damme trying to help make a sequel to sf the movie. also some of you should know that soul calibur got picked up (i believe souledge was picked up before as well but didn't get made). another one someone forgot to mention is silent hill and spy hunter konami is also open minded on a mgs movie but are waiting on a good script. oh one more that was anounced a few months back: devil may cry
  16. oh sorry, best thing to do is use romcenter with the dat that came with kawa-x v11 to check your roms. must be sure you have an older set since kawa-x is based off kawaks 1.45.
  17. well atari is making another terminator game and god knows why cuz the last 2 flopped badly. as for movie i highly doubt it. maybe in 20 years or so when they decide to remake terminator 1
  18. driver isn't in anyway close to a gta style game those gta took notes from driver in some ways
  19. you can use any ps1 memory card for any ps1 game, same thing for ps2.
  20. swap magic doesn't work on ps1 games, just ps2. also if you got a 30001 (it can be v1-v4) get either duo or messiah 2. believe me you're better off getting a mod tho it takes a pro to do it if you never soldered anything with small points.
  21. no, memory cards we got in usa are the same as japans (made from there too ). also someone said that you need a dvd+r drive to burn game and thats 100% wrong. i burn my games with pioneer's 105/A05 4x dvd-r burner and the games work perfectly. its dvd+r that doesn't read well in most ps2's but now the newset ps2 has +r support. so if you're gonna burn a dvd ps2 game, i highly suggest -r. all new burners in the market have support for both +r and -r now so theres less worry on which format you perfer (i highly suggest pioneers latest burner the A07/107 in which using a modified firmware you can burn 4x media at 8x ).
  22. theres a readme in v2 but i guess force x didn't add it but anyway all the games you listed are supported in fbaxgh0st but make sure you're using the same sets as kawa-hex or pc emus
  23. same goes for fbagh0st
  24. man, i can't wait till the megaman bor is done
  25. if you've read the readme, both kof2knd and kof99nd have problems with fbaxgh0st. use the encrypted versions (kof2000 and kof99) untill the problem is fixed for the nd sets.
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