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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. samsho5 works in fbax that you have but if you want kawa-hex get it from the pinned topic called get kawa-hex or fbax here ok, this has been over and done with. topic closed and unpinned.
  2. fbax b4 has a bug with neogeo games that it starts in aes mode instead of the default mvs. just reset the game and it should be fine. as for kof2k2nd that one works fine for me, make sure you roms match the names in the readme
  3. if you love jet li, watch hero. awesome movie
  4. one i liked was in umk3 (ultimate mk3) was scorpion's hell
  5. i would suggest next time just edit your post instead of making a new one. i would fix it but i think they forgot to give me the power to do so in the xbox section hehe.
  6. foundmy.com are great. i got my messiah 2 when it first came out within the week. great prices compared to other sites
  7. just to answer your signature's question i hate the matrix sequels, just love the first
  8. yup you're right but the question is how can i change in the emu which bios to use?
  9. the magic discs aren't a good idea to get cuz its not just a simple swap, you have to eject the door by hand using either a chipped off credit card (they sell these as slide cards, big rip-off) or a plastic knife (mcdonalds anyone? ) and then put in the game disc. they also sell a fliptop case for older ps2's which the top filps open for easy access to swap but its a very very ugly case. magic swap discs are also known not to play all games especially dvd-rips (dvds ripped down to cd size). if you got an older ps2 and can or know someone who can solder very small points, definitly get a duo mod. www.foundmy.com sells them for $21 + shipping. there are other mods but like i mentioned in my last post all of them play games except for certian flaws in magic 3/3.1
  10. well i loved playing quake and some of the mods out for quake rock as well well i got simpsons quake and malice to work just by dumping the dats and maps in the quake directory (some overwriting quake files but work dame fine). one i've been trying to get to work was xmen quake mod but it locks up where the demo is suppose to run anyone have any luck running xmen mod? i've tried othe forums but none answer me
  11. i wouldn't recomend magic 3.1, theres a few games it has problems with (all games being better on pc). deus ex, max payne 1 and 2, and splinter cell. the problems with the games is it gives you the rsod (red screen of death) while loading the game or at a certain point of the game. like for splinter cell you'll get the rsod when you finish a mission and try to save. but at least for splinter cell theres a way over it (eject the disc before saving). i can recomend duo for v1-v7 usa (v3-v8 pal) it works just like messiah 2 pro except it only has 17 wires to install and at low cost ($21 +shipping at foundmy.com). also theres the great messiah 2 mod which works on v0-v10 theres a new version of magic (magic v) but its for either v9 or 10 (2 different mods for 2 different versions of ps2). and theres what some ppl call the best (not me) DMS3. theres 2 versions of this mod: DMS3 v2 is for v0-v8 | DMS3 v9 works on v9/v10 only. all the mods do the same but in DMS3 case it has the option to update the mod but this option has been more useless then usefull. DMS3 also features an option to use certain emulator or media player (ps2 reality player) via the memory card but you still waste a cd just to either use the memory card function or just boot from a cd.
  12. look at the other topic for kof2003 and you should find it there cuz this one is for kawaks (it should be kawaks/nebula since they share the same prob )
  13. you should read the posts before yours to find out it doesn't work on nebula or any older version of kawaks (1.45-1.47)
  14. topic move; theres a ps2 section now
  15. glow worm, nuff said
  16. its the same as kawa-x, pressing back (next the start button) adds the coins. also note that theres a bug in b4 that has neogeo games starting out in aes mod instead of the default mvs setting so it may not be coins to insert but for you to press start.
  17. thx for your help but what are the exact files that really needed to be changed? kinda lost at this point
  18. qwix can be used with any dash. its only with avalaunch that you get a slight boost in sending the iso to the xbox.
  19. yeah the game suck especially in controls (xbox version).
  20. seriously lol did you even read the site
  21. both games you mentioned are bad as they can get. i mean serious look at the gfx of bad boy 2, thats for ps2 and xbox and the damn thing looks like it belongs in ps1
  22. first off, we greatly appreciate your work so thank you for the great emu. as for my comment, yes pc versions decrypt encrypted roms but they also play the decrypted rom sets as i was saying. only in fba's case its commentted out the drivers for the nd sets for unknown reasons but all i'm saying is fbax should've added support for nd sets. i mean seriously, does it kill you just to be lil flexable to ppl who wanna switch from kawa-x to fbax and use the same sets? anyway, welcome to the board
  23. man all this anime talk makes me wanna watch ninja scroll again
  24. very nice, how about some donkey kong or mario bros.
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