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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. bloody roar is far from virtua fighter's league. i'll agree to the tekken comment but thats for master combos like king's combo is deadly as ever if anyone can perfect it (i got close but no luck)
  2. its already been tested and it doesn't work, same goes for nebula
  3. i gotta say those arcade sticks you posted look lame, the one i liked and had was ps1/2 namco stick which was damn near arcade quality except for the ball joystick which is the only thing i hated about it but did remind me of playing the arcade when i started up pac-man/ms.pac-man
  4. gh0st is working on kof2knd and kof99nd as those have prob and untill those are fixed the other games are on hold.
  5. just note, most sony online games don't support dial-up as much now as when the adapter first came out. games like socom 2 and the up coming rainbow six are broadband only. the ea games allow dial-up in most of their games but again one of the worst to play against. again, not everyone shares on your theory due to their experiences with dial-up. so don't start with all this hate just cuz someone doesn't agree, its their opinion and they're intitled to it.
  6. yes but you can't play the disc's on gc yet so you're better off making use of a 4.7gb dvdr and fill it with as many iso's it can fit and play from your pc.
  7. ok lets calm down. not everyone will agree with your theory so you should expect that. many of us have different experiences with dial-up use and its not by far perfect as you claim it to be. as i stated before, i played socom online a few times and it allowed dial-up users to play and they were the worst to play with due to lag and that is the very same reason why sony has damn near dumped support for dial-up users in the latest online games. either way you put it theres no denying the fact that dial-up isn't perfect for everyone as it is to you.
  8. well this user still uses the retail and a 20gb hdd which is not big as for kawa-x cheating comment thats bullsh*t, fba supports n/nd sets as kawa-x does he just wanted to show off saying fbax can decrypt roms so he ditched most of the n/nd sets just to showoff that feature. i mean for him to do it on the first version i understand showing off but not to add support to n/nd set in later versions is lame and i hope he'll add support for them in b5 or whatever that might be next.
  9. yeah since the news is fake anyway, dc controller has the most sharpest d-pad i ever had in any of my controllers. that sucker gave me blisters like n64's analog did and believe that wasn't pretty. ps1/2 controller is nice but the d-pad isn't great for fighting games. i say the best console controller was sega saturns (second/japan version). that one had six-button layout dead-on and a full d-pad and a great grip. of course the best controller for any fighting game is an arcade stick
  10. Irez or whatever the hell his name is spellled runs the xbins sever and he and lantus made it clear, keep it to yourself if you're gonna add banned games and such.
  11. you can only edit the first line, the others aren't enabled for use
  12. i haven't seen anything that can covert it to iso or any other format so you might be have to use isobuster and try to build a new iso.
  13. check your rom with romcenter and use a dat for the latest fba for pc emu
  14. very nice although blurry to read the text
  15. links are in the pinned topic called get kawa-hex and fbax here. the readme in both fbaxgh0st and kawa-hex have the proper names so if your mslug5 doesn't match the names just rename it to what is said in the readme minor note for fbax readme: mslug5 for fbaxgh0st should be called mslug5n and not nd.
  16. theres a few missing from kawa-x to fbax but just to note nitd encrypted and bangbead encrypted both work on fbax. also the readme was done on my be half so sorry for the mslug5 name mix up. heres a few others missing from kawa-x: zupapa\zupapan diggerma neopong
  17. umm didn't say he wouldn't but as he said before he is still working on b5 but it won't be released for a while. one thing that did shock me tho is the author of final burn was interested. now if he starts making fb/fba ports that means he doesn't have to release the source! i hope he leaves the work to lantus and tmual
  18. just rename them to what the emu wants
  19. why bother with kawa-x now? fbaxgh0st v3.0 has alot more support so i suggest you move on. make sure you got the p1 for kawaks use or else you get blocks and make sure your names are right but using the right dash and under scores. EG: ms5_c1.rom | 268-m1d.bin
  20. the neo cd of Zintrick is posted in neogeo newsgroup for anyone to grab
  21. what racing is the question lol cuz the other drivers didn't have any racing
  22. theres a catch tho, it runs on a special nrx so theres still no real change.
  23. well if you got a modchip in your ps2, you can download the game and play it can't wait to get my hands on that new gungrave
  24. nice, thx again for posting it ForceX
  25. you flashed the bios to the modchip not the xbox so if when the mod is on you'll get the bios you flashed.
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