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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. cool. now i just need find the drivers for the banned games so i can get the proper info
  2. well thx to forceX for sending me the needed file i can compile fba now the only prob now is to make sure how everyone can get the same files required before posting the tutorial.
  3. yeah theres a few out but none play games
  4. you could've used google or altavista but oh well heh
  5. yeah so i hear but i never did any compiling so i may start looking it up now. james, forceX and to anyone else that makes compiles of mame and fba should try to make an easy to learn "how to" on compiling and pin it or if possible a good link with info on how to do it. i'm sure theres plenty of ppl like me who want to learn but have no idea where to start other then doing a google search (which i'm about to do hehe)
  6. well i noticed that the fba posted isn't up to date like james's mame as it still uses older version of roms eg:old svc p1 and m1, samsho5 v roms aren't merged and doesn't use fixed c roms, etc.
  7. again, use romcenter. its the best tool when nothing works and using the kawa-x dat will tell you if you roms are good or not and tell you which rom set it shouldbe.
  8. use romcenter and load up the dat that came with kawa-x v11
  9. kof2003 doesn't work on kawa-x so if you want that look into fbax compiles floating around. as for the rest of the kof's: kof95 is kof95.zip as are the others but 98-2k2 have encrypted sets in which you need to decrypt them for kawa-x use. for more info on encrypted/decrypted check the pinned topic
  10. well as far as i read lantus is taking a break from it due to all the spamming of compiled fbax's with kof2003 drivers. i wouldn't expect proly till next year but who knows.
  11. yeah the readme was done on my part so sorry about the 8mb v rom for kof 2003 hehe i too did notice that if it was called bin or rom it would load. i noticed this with kof2k3 when i added my s1 which was bin Edit: i found out why it would accept the rom being either.rom or.bin; if you changed or have the right crc, it will load it by crc but if both are wrong it doesn't load at all.
  12. you guys are getting better and better
  13. one thing i'll like to know if tmual can possibly share is how to fix the neogeo bios bug. lantus said in the x-s forum that it was fixed in 4.1 but since that source was never released (will never be now) i'm just wondering if it can be fixed on b4 source. those of you that don't know what bug i'm talking about; everytime you load a neogeo game it load into AES mode instead of MVS thats default.
  14. good to know, keep up the great work
  15. i could agree about the crc checks but many of us have different sets or use hacked roms (hacked p roms for bosses/planes and such) in which the crc check disabled helps since most ppl here can't hex to change the crc's. thankyou for sharing info as we do appreciate your work and help.
  16. i have none of those any more i would love to get my hands on g1 optimus prime some day
  17. ok i can confirm that both artik's and gh0st's size checks disabled don't work so that will have to be something you wanna hex if you run into that prob. (crc disabled is fine on both) Vagabond why can't you play it? i know some ppl had probs with it but was easily fixed by either bios update or fixing the clock. someone i ran into had to change directories and it worked. odd but it worked
  18. welcome tmual, great work on fbax man lantus planning to join here too?
  19. the bios is included with fbaxgh0st releases
  20. i did a minor error on my first post of the emu (no default.xbe) but i already made a repost of it also those of you that send pm's for the emu i'm only gonna send the default.xbe since some of you have smaller limits ok just ran into a prob, the crc part is fine but when it comes to different sizes it doesn't go through (and locked my box up but it sometime does that). i have tried mslug5 with a 64k m1d where the emu is set for 128k also tried my kof2k1 with a 128k m1d where the emu is set for 256k kof2k1 m1d 128k is normal if you download the game now as the 256k is what kawa-x is set for which is wrong.
  21. i did like this one as a background sorry but it just cameout a bit to big in size for posting it in here (320kb), pm me with an email or aim/msn msg me if you want it
  22. big news, fbaxgh0st v2 is gonna be released soon in newsgroups and to anyone who aim/msn me. you can pm as well with your email. crc/size disabled no more stinking cube new background made by glitch and nib by ghost
  23. well i careless what most of those moron think, lantus simply said hes taking a break from it all so will just have to wait for it. btw, has anyone been able to get in the fbax topic at X-S? its says its moved yet i get an error when trying to view it. not that i really care but just wanna know if anyone else gets an error
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