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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. hehe after hating him for what he did and now you're friends, weird how things turn out well i tried his version and i'm happy he has the crc/size disabled but man your name being all over the damn emu is annoying. also you didn't have a complete bios zip and the region option barely changable. i'd say keep close to the normal but kill the cube. nice mai background btw
  2. yes you can use a cd-rw as most xbox dvd-roms don't read cdr 1.5 is 8gb hdd, you're thinking about the crystal xbox coming out in europe which is rumored to have 20gb (still too small) with lite you can have any 2 bios on either bank. you don't need xbox's bios on the mod cuz if you turn off the mod it goes back to the xbox's default bios chip and its bios. also you can access ms dash with other dashes even with the mod on.
  3. just make sure its named right by using the right dashes and underscores. eg: svc_p1.rom; svc-m1.rom
  4. 1.5 is the tetris worlds/clone wars set lite mod will only have 2 512k banks for 2 bios where pro will have 1mb+ of banks and have a programmer. there are solderless x2.3 mods but they hard to get these days
  5. i meant the roms within the zip
  6. sengoku 3 was added to N3OGH0ST's version but its the fully decrypted set which is the same as kawa-x's set. super sidekicks 4 is listed in fbax as is, check your rom if it matches fba's rom names
  7. again, its about respecting the man's wish. if you give no respect, you ain't gonna get any from him either which why this is happening. yea we know XDK is illegal but so is a modchip and having backups of games that you don't own. the man does this for others enjoyment is his spare time and to stick some bs to his face that he asked others to keep to themselves is gonna make him stop working on it. remember kawa-x being hacked and Mr.K being pissed; whens the last time you seen kawa-x updated?
  8. no such bios i hate to say, xbox scans for hardware changes one of the main changes would be the bios
  9. agreed, lantus already asked ppl to keep it to themselves and they go ahead do some stupid sh*t like this. its just to this point, do you make the emu? No he does there for its up to him to do what he wants with it.
  10. didn't you even read the readme? it clearly states the p and m rom sizes, hell even the geocites site i made has it listed.
  11. just change your bios settings to another and reset. this is the bug where its suppose to be in mvs mode but puts the game in aes mode instead.
  12. are you blind man its been working on fbax the day after it was working on fba for pc
  13. yeah man, had to be the dumb f*ck to ruin it for the rest of us. thanks alot dipsh*t just to note, this verision is dead on the same as N3OGH0ST's except for him removing the cube and having his damn name all over the damn emu and even the roms what lame sh*t
  14. this topic is for links to kawa-hex and fbax b4 only, any other questions dealing with games and what not will be deleted without notice
  15. well the patch is just adding the xbox live tab to the dash but was removed do to recent xbl updates (new one coming out in march). mod is need to be off or else you get banned and get stuck with paying for a new eeprom.
  16. hmm it turns out most fba sets are just n instead of nd but one thing for sure was my c roms in kof99nd didn't work on fbax as kof99n so i'm getting the big daddy rom and see what it can fix. as for kof98nd that one worked fine as kof98n. hdd space for me is small but some of us burn it too and those 70-80mb roms eat up space. well turns out some or most n sets use the encrypted c's man that sucks heh
  17. question to N3OGH0ST and whoever else that compiles: ok i know that fbax doesn't have support for n/nd sets but i've been wondering if its possible to use the same drivers fba pc uses for n/nd sets? i remember N3oghost telling me he tried it for mslug3 and it failed but if its supported on the pc version, the driver should work on the xbox. its not always the case (kof2003 for instance) but i know theres gotta be a way. just wondering if its possible cuz i for one want to use the least amount of space possible. just to note, i ran romcenter with the pc fba dat and did notice that mslug3nd is indeed suoported along with many others like kof99nd and garoun :$$$:
  18. its a bug, just deal with till b5 is out (i hope)
  19. well not just yet, SSV Special will be the last game for it
  20. well the mod has to be off in order for you to use xbox live.
  21. they have one 3D kof game in the works but its for PS2 and based on that hardware. suppose to come out by december in japan
  22. X2 4981 blocks Xbox live (XCrap Delayed as you called it) from connecting, M7 (evox) bios was made before that.
  23. SNK to Atomiswave
  24. well most ppl who are new to xbox hacks/mods normally go to X-S to learn about whatever you can or can't do. anyway, lets stick with the topic for now on :$$$:
  25. hmm why evox bios? it has no igr plus X2 4981 fixes the clock prob many ppl get along with the safety of the xbox live block. Chameleon chip as far as i know has been replaced with Xenium chip but just about any of the new mods are damn good although with pro mods giving you more space for bios and a programer. i'm happy with X2 lite mod, simple soldering and simple to use with the switches under controller port 1 :$$$:
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